Medicinal Plants

Neem is a medicinal plant, also known as Neem, Tree-of-life or Sacred Tree, widely used to treat skin problems, such as acne, for example. This plant is rich in vitamins and antioxidants, in addition to having antimicrobial and antiparasitic effects, for example. Your...
Onager is a medicinal plant from the Onagraceae family, also known as Círio-do-norte, Erva-dos-burros, Enotera or Boa-tarde, widely used as a home remedy for female disorders, such as premenstrual tension or cyst in the ovary. This is a plant native to America that can ...
Rosehip Oil helps to smooth out stretch marks, scars and wrinkles on the skin, deeply nourishing the skin. Learn what it is for and how to prepare homemade oil
Pariri is a climbing plant, with green leaves and pink or purple flowers, which has medicinal properties and can be used in case of anemia, conjunctivitis and vaginal infections. Find out more
Medicinal plants can help in the treatment of various diseases and even help improve health and quality of life. See the plants that can be used to treat the most common health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or sore throat, for example
Patchouli is a medicinal herb from the mint family that can be used to improve the appearance of the skin, reduce nausea or relieve pain.
The Pau Tenente plant has several benefits, acting in improving digestion and intestinal action, in addition to antibacterial, vermifugal effect. know how
Pata-de-vaca is a medicinal plant, popularly known as a natural remedy for diabetes. Know its properties and how to use it.
Ipê-Amarelo is a medicinal plant with antitumor action, which seems to be indicated against cancer, however, it has high toxicity. Know what it is for, when to use, side effects and contraindications.
The Lion's Foot is a medicinal plant, also known as Alquemila, widely used in the treatment of gynecological problems, such as unregulated menstruation or intense flow. Its scientific name is Alchemilla xanthochlora and can be purchased at health food stores, drugstores ...
Picão-preto is a medicinal plant with numerous properties. Find out what this plant is for and how to prepare tea
Perpetual purple tea is good for throat infection and loosening phlegm. Learn how to prepare and other benefits.
Pinus maritima or Pinus pinaster is a species of pine that can be used to treat venous or circulatory diseases. Here's how to use it.
Hawthorn is a medicinal plant known to help improve sleep, strengthen the heart and improve blood circulation. Here's how to use it.
Petasites hybridus is a medicinal plant used to treat migraine and reduce allergy symptoms. See more properties of this plant.
Lean Pholia is a Brazilian medicinal plant used to lose weight. It is used as a food supplement to assist in weight loss diets because it has active ingredients that reduce appetite while contributing to burn fats, in addition to strengthening the system ...
The wild pine is a tree found in regions with a colder climate and the products extracted from this plant and the essential oil can be used to help the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and respiratory diseases. Learn more what it's for and how to use it
Plantago ovata is a medicinal plant, also known as Psyllium, that can be used for several health problems, such as high cholesterol and constipation. Plantago ovata, whose scientific name is P syllium, can be purchased at health food stores and some pharmacies in ...
Some teas prepared with medicinal plants are not recommended for consumption during pregnancy because they can harm the baby's development. See a list of plants you should avoid during this phase


Pimpinela is a medicinal plant, also known as Pimpinela-hortense or Pimpinela-menor, widely used to fight hemorrhages. Its scientific name is Sanguisorba officinalis and can be purchased in health food stores and in some handling pharmacies. What is the ...
Peruvian maca is stimulating, improves circulation and hormonal balance. In addition, it can also be indicated during weight loss processes and even to help fight depression. See other benefits and how to take
Nopal, also known as tuna, chumbera or fig-tuna, is a species of plant that is part of the cactus family and brings health benefits because of its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hypoglycemic properties. Learn more about using nopal
The pennyroyal (Mentha Pulegium) is a great natural digestive, see other properties, how and when to use.


The evening primrose is a medicinal plant, also known as the afternoon star, zécora, onográcea and onagre, widely used in medicine to promote hormonal balance. Its scientific name is Oenothera biennis and can be purchased in some markets, health food stores and pharmacies ...
Mangosteen is an exotic fruit, known as the Queen of Fruits. Scientifically known as Garcinia mangostana L., it is a round fruit, with thick, purple skin that has anti-inflammatory power, being rich in a nutrient known as xanthone, which acts on the human body as a ...


The pulmonary is a medicinal plant that appears in the spring and needs shade to develop and produces flowers of different colors, from red to blue. It is also popularly known as Lung Herb, Jerusalem Parsley and Bofes Herbs, widely used in the treatment of ...
Stone breaker tea has benefits such as combating kidney and gallbladder stones, relieving heartburn symptoms and controlling blood glucose. Here's how to take it.
Quinine is an active ingredient extracted from the quina plant, and has febrifugal, antioxidant, digestive, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, being very useful in combating infections such as malaria. Learn the benefits and how to drink quina tea.


Quitoco is a medicinal plant, also known as Madre clove and Lucera, used to treat gastrointestinal problems, such as poor digestion. Its scientific name is Pluchea Sagittalis and can be purchased in health food stores and in some pharmacies. For what...
The quixabeira bark can be used to make tea with medicinal properties, being very suitable for ovarian cyst, vaginal discharge and back pain. See more directions and how to prepare.


Radish is a root, also known as horseradish, which can be used as a medicinal plant to make remedies to treat digestive problems or bloating, for example. Its scientific name is Raphanus sativus and can be purchased at health food stores, fairs and markets.
Rhodiola rosea, also known as Golden Root, is a medicinal plant with numerous benefits for memory, heart, immune system and also to reduce stress and anxiety. Learn more and see how to use
Horseradish also known as horseradish, horseradish, horseradish and horseradish is a medicinal plant with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can be used as a home remedy for treating respiratory tract and urinary tract infection. This plant can ...
The Reishi mushroom has medicinal properties such as strengthening the immune system and fighting diseases in the liver, such as hepatitis B. See how to take it.
Rícino is a substance extracted from the castor bean plant that can be used to moisturize hair and skin and help treat infections and arthritis, for example. Learn how to use and what other benefits of Castor oil