Medicinal Plants

Ipecacuanha is a medicinal plant that causes vomiting and is useful for releasing respiratory secretions, but it should only be used under medical advice.
Janauba is a medicinal plant also known as janaguba, tiborna, jasmine-mango, pau santo and rabiva. It has broad green leaves, white flowers and produces latex with healing and germicidal properties. Janaúba can be used to treat boils and gastric ulcers due to ...


Jasmine is a medicinal plant, also known as Yellow Jasmine, White Jasmine, Chinese Jasmine or Jasmine, widely used to reduce stress, due to its relaxing effect. Its scientific name is Jasminum officinalis and can be purchased at health food stores, fairs ...
Konjac is a medicinal plant originating in Japan and Indonesia, whose roots are widely used as a home remedy for weight loss, however, it can also be used to treat problems such as high cholesterol or constipation. These uses are due to the ...
The jucá, also known as ironwood, is a medicinal plant that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action and is used to assist in the treatment of diseases such as diabetes, hemorrhoids and gastric ulcers. Learn more what it is for and how to take it
Kava-kava is a medicinal plant, also known as Cava-cava, Kawa-kawa widely used in traditional medicine to treat cases of anxiety, agitation or tension. See how it works and how to take


Jambú is a medicinal plant, also known as Abecedária, Agrião-bravo, Agrião-do-brasil, Jabuaçú or Jamaburana, widely used in cooking to make tacacá, a typical dish from Pará. However, Jambú can also be used to treat candidiasis, herpes or sore ...
Bitter orange is a medicinal plant, also known as sour orange, horse orange and china orange, widely used as a dietary supplement in the treatment of obese individuals for having an appetite-suppressing action. Its scientific name is Citrus aurantium L. and it can be ...


Jatobá is a tree that can be used as a medicinal plant in the treatment of gastrointestinal or respiratory problems. Its scientific name is Hymenaea courbaril and its seeds, barks and leaves can be purchased at health food stores. What is the jatoba used for?


Jurubeba, medicinal plant also known as jubebe, jurubeba-real, jupeba, juribeba, jurupeba, has a bitter taste and can reach 3 meters in height, has smooth leaves and curved spines on the trunk, small yellow fruits and flowers of lilac or white. Jurubeba can be used in ...
Losna is a medicinal plant, also known as Wormwood, Weed, Alenjo, Santa-daisy-daisy, Sintro or Worm-Weed, widely used to help lower fever or to complement treatment against worms. The medicinal plant is a type of Artemisia that tastes ...
Louro is a medicinal plant well known in gastronomy for its characteristic flavor and aroma, however, it can also be used in the treatment of digestive problems, infections, stress and anxiety, for example, due to its properties. Its scientific name is Laurus nobilis and ...
Lúcia-lima, also known as limonete, bela-Luísa, herb-Luísa or doce-Lima, for example, is a medicinal plant that has tranquilizing and anti-spasmodic properties, and can be used to treat mainly gastrointestinal problems, for example. The scientific name of ...
White mallow can be used against urinary tract infection and to improve sexual performance, and calm anxiety. Here's how to prepare tea.
Macela tea is great for soothing, but in addition it fights headache, and improves digestion. See more benefits of this powerful tea and how to prepare to enjoy all its benefits.
Mallow tea is indicated to treat flu, cold, gastritis, and poultice can be used on skin wounds. See the benefits and how to use


Hops are a medicinal plant, also known as Engatadeira, Pé-de-cock or Northern Vine, widely used to make beer, but which can also be used in the preparation of home remedies to treat sleep disorders, for example . Its scientific name is Humulus Lupulus and ...
Mama-bitch is a cerrado tree that can be used as a natural remedy against skin diseases, such as vitiligo. Learn more indications, their properties, and how to use them safely.
Mangaba has health benefits such as being anti-inflammatory and reducing pressure, especially when your tea is consumed. Here's how to do it.


Marapuama has properties that improve blood circulation, treat anemia and sexual dysfunctions such as sexual impotence.
What it is: Marjoram is a medicinal plant, also known as English Marjoram, widely used in the treatment of digestive problems due to its anti-inflammatory and digestive action, such as diarrhea and poor digestion, for example, but it can also be used to relieve the symptoms of ...
Basil is an aromatic plant widely used in cooking with incredible health benefits combating colic, anxiety and digestive problems. See how to make basil pesto sauce, your tea and also when not to use it.


Mangosteen is a fruit, also known as Mangosta, Mangostim, Mangusta or Garcínia, which can be used as a medicinal plant in the treatment of health problems or to lose weight. Its scientific name is Garcinia mangostana and can be purchased in some markets, grocery stores ...
The daisy is a common flower that can be used as a medicinal plant to fight respiratory problems and assist in wound healing. Its scientific name is Bellis perennis and can be purchased at street markets, markets, health food stores and pharmacies ...


Marroio is a medicinal plant, also known as spearmint or thick leaf spearmint, widely used to treat respiratory problems, such as cough or phlegm. The hound's scientific name is Marrubium vulgare and can be purchased at health food stores and some ...
Melaleuca alternifolia, also known as tea tree, is a tree with thin bark and elongated green leaves, native to Australia, which belongs to the Myrtaceae family. See its incredible benefits
Melon-de-são-caetano is a medicinal plant widely used in the treatment of problems related to diabetes and skin problems.
The mastruz plant has many properties, such as antifungal, expectorant and digestive, but requires attention because it is potentially abortive. Know more.


Meliloto is a medicinal plant that helps to stimulate the lymphatic circulation, reducing swelling. Its scientific name is Melilotus officinalis and can be purchased at health food stores and handling pharmacies. What the meliloto is for The meliloto is to help ...
Menthol is a medicinal plant that can be used to treat osteoarthritis due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. Learn more about the stepfather and how to prepare your tea.
Raw mil is a medicinal plant used to treat problems in blood circulation and fever. See where to find it, what it is for, how to use it and what side effects.
Myrrh is a medicinal plant, also known as myrrh and frankincense, which has antimicrobial and astringent properties, which act effectively to treat infections of the skin and mouth. Its scientific name is Commiphora myrrha and can be purchased at pharmacies in ...
Moringa is a medicinal plant that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that have several health benefits, including control of blood cholesterol and glucose levels, for example. Discover the main health benefits of moringa
Mutamba is a very common medicinal plant in Brazil and Mexico that is popularly used to treat abdominal cramps, diabetes, gastrointestinal pain and hair loss. See all its proven uses and how to use
Mulungu is a medicinal plant widely used due to its calming and sedative properties. See what are the properties of the mulungu and how to use it.
The wild strawberry is a medicinal plant with the scientific name of Fragaria vesca, also known as strawberry or fragaria. The wild strawberry is a type of strawberry different from the type that gives the common strawberry, mainly by the leaves, which are more toothed and small than the ...
Irish Moss

Irish Moss

Irish moss is a kelp, also known as Irish moss or carrageenan, widely used for the treatment of intestinal problems, inflammation and wrinkles. Its scientific name is Chondrus crispus and can be purchased at some health food stores with the average price of 10 ...