Medicinal Plants

Espinheira-santa tea and capsules can be used in cases of gastritis, acne or cancer. See more benefits of this plant for your health.
Tarragon is a medicinal plant, also known as French Tarragon or Dragon Herb, which can be used as an aromatic herb because it tastes as delicate as anise, and is useful for making home remedies to treat menstrual cramps. This plant can reach 1 meter in height and ...
Euphrasia is a medicinal plant, also known as Solace-of-sight, widely used to treat respiratory problems, such as rhinitis or sinusitis. Its scientific name is Euphrasia officinalis and can be purchased at health food stores, handling pharmacies and some fairs ...
Eucalyptus is a plant popularly known for helping to fight various respiratory infections due to its expectorant and antimicrobial properties, for example. Find out more what it is for and how to prepare eucalyptus tea
What it is: Fel-da-terra is a medicinal plant, also known as Cornflower, widely used in the treatment of stomach problems, for stimulating the production of gastric juice, besides helping to treat liver diseases and stimulate the appetite. Its scientific name is Centaurium ...
Fedegoso, also known as black coffee or shaman's leaf, is a medicinal plant that has a laxative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory action, and can be used to help treat gastrointestinal problems and menstrual complications, for example. The scientific name of ...
Fenugreek is a medicinal plant that has several applications and can be used to reduce and control blood cholesterol levels and treat gastritis, for example. Learn what fenugreek is for and how to use it.
Noni fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and various nutrients, which are supposed to be beneficial for health. However, it is prohibited by Anvisa and its use is discouraged. Understand why
What it is: Fumaria is a medicinal plant with the scientific name Fumaria officinalis, which grows on small shrubs, and has gray-green leaves and white or pink flowers with a red tip. The smokehouse is also known as molerinha, pombinha and terra-fuma.


The fangula is a medicinal plant, also known as black alder, hominy and fusaro, which is used for its laxative effect, being indicated for the treatment of constipation and other digestive disorders. Its scientific name is Frangula alnus Mill. and can be purchased in ...


The ash tree is a medicinal plant, also known as common ash, widely used as a diuretic in rheumatic problems and to reduce fever. Its scientific name is Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl and can be purchased at some health food stores or pharmacies. For...
What it is: Garcinia cambogia is a medicinal plant, also known as citrus, malabar tamarind, Goraka and oil tree, whose fruit, similar to a small pumpkin, can be used to assist in the weight loss process, regulate cholesterol levels and improve the ...
Fennel seeds are fennel, which can be used for teas, but fennel leaves and stem can be used in cooking, to prepare meat or fish dishes, and also salads. See its benefits, properties and how to use it.
Gentian, also known as gentian, yellow gentian and greater gentian, is a medicinal plant widely used in the treatment of digestive problems and can be found in health food stores and in handling pharmacies. The scientific name of gentian is Gentiana lutea and ...
Ginkgo biloba is a medicinal plant that improves blood circulation, being indicated to combat tired legs, increase sexual appetite, and improve memory. It can be used in tea form or in capsules
What it is: Gilbardeira is a medicinal plant widely used to treat hemorrhoids, varicose veins, reduce the swelling of blood vessels and improve blood circulation. Usually, Gilbardeira grows spontaneously on the sunny slopes of Mediterranean countries, like Portugal for ...


Geranium is a medicinal plant, also known as Malva-Cheirosa, Malva-Rosa or Geranium Cheiroso, used in aromatherapy to reduce stress and relieve PMS. Its scientific name is Pelargonium hybridum and can be purchased at some health food stores. What is geranium for?


Sesame is a medicinal plant, also known as sesame, widely used as a home remedy for constipation or to combat hemorrhoids. Its scientific name is Sesamum indicum and can be purchased in some markets, health food stores, fairs and in ...
Wheat grass is a plant rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, with several health benefits. Know the main benefits of wheat grass and how to consume it.
Ginger is an incredible natural anti-inflammatory, but it is also good for boosting immunity and has many other health benefits. But does ginger thin the blood? or does it increase blood pressure? Check the answer to the most common questions about the use of this food
Griffonia simplicifolia is a shrub, also known as Griffonia, originating in Central Africa, which contains large amounts of 5-hydroxytryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin. Know what it is for and what the dosage is


Guava is a tree that produces guavas, whose leaves can be used as a medicinal plant. It is a small tree with smooth trunks that have large oval leaves of bright green color. Its flowers are white and its fruit is rounded with a yellow color ...
Guaco is a medicinal plant widely used in respiratory problems due to its bronchodilator and expectorant effect. know more
Soursop is a fruit that can be used for various purposes, as it has numerous benefits. See what are the benefits of soursop and how to make juice and tea
Guarana is a medicinal plant widely used in the manufacture of soft drinks, juices and energy drinks, but it is also widely used as a home remedy for lack of energy, excessive tiredness and lack of appetite. Learn more what it is for and how to use guarana
What it is: Guaçatonga is a medicinal plant, also known as buggy herb, and is widely used in the preparation of homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies to be used in the treatment of cold sores and thrush, for example. The scientific name of the guaçatonga is Casearia ...
What it is: Guinea is a medicinal plant popularly known as Rabo-de-possum and Amansa Senhor, which is used for therapeutic purposes due to its anti-inflammatory and nervous system action. Its scientific name is Petiveria alliacea and can be purchased at some health ...
Witch hazel is a medicinal plant that can be used as a home remedy for problems such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins and even constipation.
Devil's Claw is a medicinal plant, also known as harpago, widely used to assist in the treatment of rheumatism
Gymnema Sylvestre is a medicinal plant, also known as Gurmar, widely used to control blood sugar, increasing insulin production and thus facilitating sugar metabolism. Gymnema Sylvestre can be purchased at some health food stores and pharmacies in ...
Ivy is a medicinal plant with green, fleshy and shiny leaves, which can be used as a home remedy for cough, and is also found in the composition of some beauty products, such as creams against cellulite and wrinkles. The scientific name of the ivy is Hedera helix and can be purchased ...
Hibiscus has diuretic properties that help you lose weight, but in some cases, it can cause infertility. See other benefits and side effects.
Hydraste is a medicinal plant, also known as yellow root, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, being effective in helping to treat conjunctivitis and fungal infections, for example, in addition to strengthening the immune system and leaving the person more. ..
St. John's wort, also known as St. John's wort, is a medicinal plant that has calming, antimicrobial and sedative properties, and can be used to treat various conditions. See what St. John's is for and how to prepare your tea.
Common mint is an aromatic plant with medicinal powers, great for fighting nausea, vomiting and other digestive changes. See other benefits
Find out what are the effects of Ibogaine on the body, a hallucinogenic drug that can be used to treat addiction.
The Empress is a medicinal plant, native to Europe with tiny white flowers, widely used to treat intestinal gases. Its scientific name is Peucedanum ostruthium and can be purchased at health food stores and some drugstores.
Vegetable insulin is a medicinal plant that is believed to be useful in helping to control diabetes.