Medicinal Plants

The white rose is a type of rose, also known as rose, shrub rose or cut rose, widely used as a calming medicinal plant. Its scientific name is Rosa Alba L. and can be purchased at florists, markets or health food stores. What is the white rose for?
Elderberry is a shrub with white flowers and black berries, whose flowers can be used to prepare a tea, which can be used as an aid in the treatment of flu or cold. See more properties
Saião is a medicinal plant widely used due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertensive, antimicrobial and healing effects. Know how.
Rhubarb is a medicinal plant with a powerful stimulating and digestive effect, used mainly in the treatment of constipation, for having a laxative effect. It can be consumed raw, cooked, in the form of tea or added to recipes such as pies and jams
Sage, also known as sage, is a medicinal plant indicated for the treatment of intense sweating, gastrointestinal problems and lesions or inflammations of the skin, mouth and throat. Check out its properties and how to take
White Skirt is a medicinal plant also known as Trumpet or Trumpet, which can be used to help treat heart problems. Its scientific name is Brugmansia suaveolens and can be purchased in health food stores, handling pharmacies and in ...
Sarsaparilla is a medicinal plant widely used to help treat gout, arthritis and some infections. See what sarsaparilla is for and how to make your tea


Sandalwood is a medicinal plant, also known as white sandalwood or sandalwood, widely used to help treat diseases of the urinary system, skin problems and bronchitis. Its scientific name is Santalum album and can be purchased at some product stores ...
Willow is a tree, also known as white willow, which can be used as a medicinal plant to treat fever and rheumatism. Its scientific name is Salix alba and can be purchased at health food stores, drugstores and some open markets. For what...
Senna is a medicinal plant widely used for its laxative properties, which can be used to treat constipation and eliminate gases. Better understand what this plant is for, how to prepare and drink tea, as well as possible side effects
Saw Palmetto is a plant with numerous benefits for the prostate, bladder and to improve sexual life. See more directions and how to take.
Shatavari is a medicinal plant that helps to treat problems related to the reproductive system, improving fertility and vitality.


The savory is a medicinal plant, also known as the winter savory, widely used in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems. Its scientific name is Satureja montana and can be purchased in health food stores and in some handling pharmacies. What is the ...


The Ever-bride is a medicinal plant, also known as Centonodia, Health-herb, Sanguinary or Sanguinha, widely used in the treatment of respiratory diseases and hypertension. Its scientific name is Polygonum aviculare and can be purchased in health food stores and in some ...


Serpão is a medicinal plant, also known as Serpil, Serpilho and Serpol, widely used to treat menstruation problems and diarrhea. Its scientific name is Thymus serpyllum and can be purchased at health food stores, handling pharmacies and at some fairs ...


Milkweed is a medicinal plant, also known as weed, cerraia, chicory, jealousy, widely used in gastric problems. Its scientific name is Sonchus Oleraceus and can be purchased in health food stores and in some open markets. What is milkweed A for ...
The siriguela is a fruit rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fibers, bringing several benefits to the body. Know which and how to consume.
Sucupira fights arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism because its seeds are excellent at fighting joint inflammation. Check out more indications, its medicinal properties and how to use it safely.
Plantain is a medicinal plant of the Plantaginaceae family widely used to make home remedies to treat colds, flu and inflammation of the throat, uterus and intestine. Learn how to prepare plantain tea
Linden is a medicinal plant, also known as Teja, Tejo, Texa or Tilha, widely used to treat anxiety and stress. Its scientific name is Tilia cordata Mill and can be purchased at health food stores, drugstores, open markets and markets. What is it for ...
Tormentilla, also known as Potentilla, is a medicinal plant used to treat stomatitis, gingivitis, diarrhea and intestinal colic.
Thyme is an aromatic herb that can also be used to treat cough and bronchitis. See how to plant at home and how to use in cooking.
Tribulus terrestris is a medicinal plant, also known as natural Viagra, responsible for increasing testosterone levels in the body and toning muscles. This plant can be consumed in its natural form or in the form of capsules, such as those marketed by Gold Nutrition, ...
Tuia is a medicinal plant that helps in the treatment of colds and flu, besides being also used in the elimination of warts. Know more.
Nettle, also known as nettle, nettle or nettle, is a medicinal plant rich in vitamins and iron and that can be used to help treat arthritis and rheumatism, for example, due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The scientific name of the nettle is Urtica ...
Ulmaria, also known as meadowshell, queen of meadows or bee weed, is a medicinal plant used for colds, fever, rheumatic diseases, kidney and bladder diseases, cramps, gout and migraine relief. The elm tree is a plant of the rosaceae family with a ...
The bearberry medicinal plant has a diuretic action, being excellent against urinary infection. See more benefits, how to use and its effects on the body.
Cat's Claw also known as Herinha is a medicinal plant that grows in the form of vines forming climbing shrubs. It has light green leaves with slightly curved spines, its reddish-brown and cream-colored stem can store water inside to supply its own ...
Valerian is a plant that has tranquilizing, anxiolytic and relaxing properties. See what it is for and how to take this natural remedy
Yellow Uxi is a medicinal plant that has benefits such as reducing inflammation, treating uterine problems and infertility. Learn to take and effects.
The Golden Stick is a medicinal plant widely used to help in the treatment of wounds and respiratory problems, such as phlegm. Its scientific name is Solidago Virga Aurea and can be purchased at health food stores and some drugstores. What is the ...
What it is: Verbena is a medicinal plant with colorful flowers, also known as Urgão or iron grass which, besides being great for decoration, can also be used as a medicinal plant to treat anxiety and stress, for example . Its scientific name is Verbena ...
Mullein is a medicinal plant, also known as Verbasco-flomoid, widely used to facilitate the treatment of respiratory problems, such as asthma and bronchitis, for example, since it has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. Its scientific name is Verbascum ...
What it is: The sweet broom is a medicinal plant, also known as white coana, win-here-win-there, tupiçaba, broom-scented, purple current, widely used in the treatment of respiratory problems, such as asthma and bronchitis. Its scientific name is Scoparia dulcis and can be ...


Veronica is a medicinal plant, scientifically called Veronica officinalis L, grown in cold places, which has small flowers of light blue color and bitter taste. It can be used in the form of tea or compresses and can be purchased at health food stores and some pharmacies ...


Vinagreira is a medicinal plant, also known as guinea cress, sorrel, guinea cururu, student grease, gooseberry, hibiscus or poppy, widely used to treat fever and spasms. Its scientific name is Hibiscus sabdariffa and can be purchased at food stores ...