Learn how to use herbs and medicinal plants to clean your nose and fight sinus symptoms, alleviating malaise naturally.
To help treat diverticulitis, teas such as chamomile, pau d'arco and cat's claw can be used, in addition to fiber supplements. See more.
Head massage, teas, foods with soothing properties and scalding feet are some natural treatment options that can be used to relieve headaches. Learn more about this type of treatment.
See how to relieve symptoms and prevent the onset of frequent attacks of allergic rhinitis with 5 all-natural forms of treatment that can help complete medical treatment.
Natural ingredients such as burdock, fenugreek and nettle fight hair loss because they help increase blood circulation, soothe sensitivity, tone and improve the resistance of the hair. Learn the best ingredients to rub on the scalp or add to shampoo or ...
Symptoms of urinary tract infection may appear suddenly and include urgency, pain and burning when urinating, and pain during intimate contact. Its treatment can be done at home, naturally, through greater consumption of water and teas. Here are some tea options and how to ...
The treatment for low blood pressure should be done by placing the individual lying down with their legs raised in an airy place, as shown in the image, especially when a sudden drop in pressure occurs. Offering a glass of orange juice is a way to complement the treatment ...
An excellent home remedy for respiratory problems is apple syrup. To prepare this syrup you need 2 apples, half a liter of water and 3 dessert spoons of sugar. Apples already washed must be removed from the peel, cut into small pieces and placed in a ...
Beet syrup is a great home remedy to soothe coughs due to the anti-inflammatory properties that beets have. However, this syrup is contraindicated for diabetics because it is very sweet and can increase blood glucose. Consumption of boiled beets, raw or in ...
Learn how to prepare a great homemade syrup with ginger, honey and other ingredients effective against flu and cold.
Watercress syrup with honey and fennel are great home remedies to fight cough, since they have expectorant properties that help to eliminate secretions present in the airways, solving the cough in a few days. However, if there are other symptoms besides the cough, ...
Dry cough can be relieved by using homemade syrups prepared with natural products, such as carrot syrup with honey. See other options of homemade syrups for dry cough and how to prepare
A good flu syrup should have onion, honey, thyme, anise, licorice or elderberry in its composition because these plants have properties that naturally reduce the reflex of cough, sputum and fever, which are very common symptoms in people with flu. See how to prepare