
Steaming or microwave cooking and chopping vegetables into large pieces are techniques that help preserve nutrients. See other examples and tips.
The super flour for weight loss is a mixture of several different flours and can be made at home. Inserting this mixture in the diet helps to decrease appetite, so the recommendation is to add 1 tablespoon of the flour mixed in juice or water before main meals, ...
Thrombosis is the formation of thrombi or clots within the bloodstream. Your risk increases after surgery, and to avoid it, follow these tips.
Getting your child to eat fruits and vegetables can be a complicated task for parents, but there are some strategies that can help to get your child to eat fruits and vegetables, such as: Storytelling and playing games with fruits and vegetables to encourage child to eat them; Vary on ...
The milk diet should be used mainly for those who want to lose weight fast. See full menu and list of allowed foods.
To avoid ingesting bisphenol A, care should be taken not to heat food stored in plastic containers in the microwave and to buy plastic products that do not contain this substance. Bisphenol A is a compound present in polycarbonate plastics and resins ...
Using intimate products to wash, wearing cotton underwear and not shaving every day are some rules for good intimate hygiene. See others.
Rice milk is a great substitute for cow's milk that can be made at home, bringing several health benefits.
The difference between teas and infusions is in the type of plant that will be used, and the method of preparation and can be with infusion or decoction. The difference is subtle and has to do with the preparation time, shape and type of plants that mix with hot water
Tube feeding serves to ensure that the patient's nutritional status does not worsen and so the treatment of the treated disease should have better results, but quickly. The nasogastric tube diet can be made at home or purchased ready to guarantee the supply of nutrients ...
The flexible diet is based on knowledge of foods, which are divided into carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Knowing which group each food belongs to helps to make choices and balance calories throughout the day, making it possible to make changes such as stop eating bread to eat chocolate,
Vegan chocolate is made with ingredients exclusively of vegetable origin, and cannot include products of animal origin that are normally used in chocolates, such as milk and butter. See 3 simple recipes to make at home while spending little
The Macrobiotic Diet is based mainly on cereals such as brown rice, quinoa, beans, lentils, vegetables and seeds. It prohibits the consumption of foods such as red meat, sugar and alcohol, and brings benefits beyond weight control, also helping to have a better balance of ...
The gluten-free diet is necessary mainly for those who have gluten intolerance and cannot digest this protein, getting diarrhea, pain and abdominal bloating when they eat this protein, as is the case of those who have Celiac disease or sensitivity to gluten. The gluten-free diet, ...
The soup diet is based on consuming light, low-calorie foods throughout the day, including vegetable soup and lean meats like chicken and fish for lunch and dinner, and fruits, yogurts and teas throughout the day. This diet is also known as the Hospital do Coração diet, being ...
To make blackberry flour just dry the blackberries and turn into flour in a blender. However, it is possible to buy blackberry flour in health food stores or on the internet, with a 200 g package having an approximate price of 20 reais. Cranberry flour is good for ...
Immunotherapy is a type of treatment that strengthens the patient's own immune system so that he can fight serious diseases such as cancer or autoimmune diseases, for example. Understand how it works and what its possible side effects
The secret to ensuring a healthy pregnancy lies in a balanced diet, which in addition to ensuring adequate weight gain for the mother and baby, prevents problems that frequently occur in pregnancy, such as anemia or cramps, for example, which can impair quality of life of ...
See the characteristics and know when the child can be dyslexic.
Know how to identify the symptoms of cold sores, even before the first vesicles appear, to start treatment as soon as possible
Thalassotherapy to lose belly and fight cellulite can be done through an immersion bath in warm sea water prepared with marine elements such as seaweed and sea salts or through bandages moistened in a thalasso-cosmetic diluted in hot water. In the first technique, the ...
Absence seizures are a type of epileptic seizure that can be identified when there is a sudden loss of consciousness and a vague look, staying still and looking like you are looking into space for about 10 to 30 seconds. Absence seizures are more common in children than ...
To make a healthy diet to lose weight definitively, it is necessary to learn small tips on how to reduce the size of bread and always use fillings like egg, cheese or chicken to increase the protein content and give more satiety. See 5 steps to set up meals
To improve concentration using colors, you should invest in a strong yellow color because this color is able to stimulate the central nervous system, serving as an intellectual stimulant. A good tip is to paint a wall in the office or study room with a strong yellow because this ...
To hydrate dry skin and extra dry skin, it is recommended to consume foods such as horse chestnuts, witch hazel, Asian spark or grape seeds daily, as these foods have properties that deeply moisturize the skin and hair. These can be consumed in their form ...
Follow the steps to identify when food cannot be consumed to protect yourself from food poisoning.
To maintain breastfeeding after returning to work it is necessary to breastfeed the baby at least twice a day, which can be in the morning and at night. In addition, breast milk should be removed with a breast pump twice more a day to maintain milk production. By law, women also ...
When cheese is already out of the packaging, the color, aroma and texture help to know if it is still possible to eat it. Check which characteristics indicate that the cheese may be spoiled and should not be consumed
Usually people who are addicted to alcohol feel frustrated when they are in an environment where there is no alcohol, try to drink hidden and find it difficult to get through a day without drinking alcohol. In such cases, it is important that this person recognizes the addiction ...