
To have a defined belly, it is necessary to have a low body fat percentage, close to 20% for women and 18% for men. These values ​​are still within health standards. Both exercises and diet oriented, for fat loss and to have a defined belly, ...
To find out if your cholesterol is high, you need to do a blood test in the laboratory, and if the result is high, greater than 200 mg / dl, it is important to see a doctor to see if you need to take medicine, make changes to your diet and / or increase the practice of exercise ...
The first cases of death recorded by the Ebola virus appeared in Central Africa in 1976. Understand what are the main types of this infection and how to protect yourself, if you travel to a place with active cases
A good way to replace French bread, made with white flour, is to eat tapioca, crepioca, couscous or oat bread, which are good options, but it is also possible to replace ordinary bread with foods rich in protein, such as an omelet with cheese , or a boiled egg, for example.
To treat mild kyphosis it may be necessary to maintain good posture on a daily basis and exercise that strengthens the back and abdomen, but in the most severe cases, when there is moderate or severe hyperkyphosis physiotherapy or surgery sessions are recommended to correct the column
There are medications that should not be taken together, to avoid side effects or just to make sure they work properly. See the top 5 precautions you should take when you need to use a new medication
Mental confusion is the inability to think clearly making an elderly person, for example, use a fork to eat soup, wear winter clothes in summer or even demonstrate difficulty in understanding simple orders. This type of confusion can arise slowly with the development of ...
Esophageal varices appear when the blood vessels of the esophagus become very dilated and can cause bleeding and can happen due to liver problems, such as liver cirrhosis or hepatitis B. Understand what esophageal varices are, what the symptoms are and how the treatment should be
Aloe vera lotion, Caladryl and Bepantol are among the options. Check out more examples.
To find out if you are in good health, it is important to consult your doctor regularly so that tests can be requested and performed to indicate how well you are doing, such as measuring blood pressure, blood sugar concentration and carrying out a blood test. urine.
Knowing how to change the diaper of a bedridden person is very important to increase comfort and prevent the appearance of diaper rash. See the simple step-by-step guide to change your diaper correctly and effortlessly
Treatment for removing the Baker's cyst can be done with drugs, ointments, physical therapy sessions or even surgery. Understand the best option.
To treat rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, which are the most common types of arthritis, it is necessary to go to the rheumatologist to start the use of anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic remedies to reduce pain and inflammation, which hinder movement and do not allow you to sleep ...
Biotin is a vitamin of the B complex, which helps in the metabolism of nutrients and in the formation of keratin, making the hair more resistant, shiny and healthy, also preventing hair loss and white hair. Know how to take it, where to find it and the ideal dose of this vitamin.
See how to use your phone and tablet without getting a neck pain.
The correct way to use crutches is always on the side opposite to the injured leg, and the first step is always with the injured leg and the crutch at the same time. Check out more details to feel safe and not fall
Vomiting should only be induced when there is an indication from the doctor or when eating something that is causing a very bad feeling, which has not improved otherwise. See how to do it correctly and understand the risks of doing it frequently.
Dengue, Zika and Chikungunya are infections that have a short duration but can cause quite uncomfortable symptoms, such as softness, tiredness and severe joint pain. Check the care you can take to speed recovery
The flu is a common disease that lasts about 10 days, however, when not treated properly, complications can arise. Know the main complications of the flu.
To walk with the cane correctly, it must be positioned on the opposite side of the injured leg, because when placing the cane on the same side of the injured leg the individual will place the body weight on top of the cane, which is incorrect. The cane is an extra support that improves balance ...
What it is: Cerebral concussion is an injury that affects all areas of the brain and temporarily changes its normal functions, such as memory, concentration or balance, for example. Generally, cerebral concussion is more frequent after more serious traumas, such as traffic accidents ...
Chondropathy in the knee is a wear on the joint that causes pain and discomfort in front of the knee, being very common in runners. Here's how to treat.
Chondrosarcoma is a rare type of cancer in which there is a proliferation of cancerous cartilage cells, causing pain and local swelling. Understand what chondrosarcoma is, main symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Late identification and lack of adequate treatment for malaria can result in several complications, such as kidney failure, enlarged liver and spleen and even brain impairment. Know the main complications of malaria.
To walk again, after amputation of the leg or foot, it may be necessary to use prostheses, crutches or a wheelchair. See which forms of mobilization are most used and how to get around with them
Find out what to do to live much longer and healthier, delaying the effect of aging, reaching a death by natural causes.
Acting quickly after a sports injury is not only important for relieving pain and suffering, it also helps to prevent long-term complications from arising, as well as speeding up the athlete's recovery. See what to do in the face of the 5 most common sports injuries
To properly treat the pain, it is necessary to go to the doctor and describe the pain accurately, referring to the region of the body where the pain is strongest, saying if it is of the coin or pinch type, for example, informing about its frequency and, if there is something that leads to its aggravation, like raising the ...
Cervical conization is a minor surgery in which a cone-shaped piece of the cervix is ​​removed to be evaluated in the laboratory. Thus, this procedure serves to perform a biopsy of the cervix when there is any change identified through the preventive, ...
Putting a bucket in the room, having plants inside the house or showering with the bathroom door open are some strategies to help humidify the air in the house. See how to use these strategies and check out more tips
After a head injury, the person may fall into a coma, have seizures, lose memory or have other serious sequelae. Find out what they are.
Acetylsalicylic acid, popularly called aspirin, is a very common analgesic, anti-inflammatory, but it should only be taken with a medical indication because it has many contraindications. Know the dangers of self-medication and never take aspirin in the following situations: if it is ...