What it is: Virtual colonoscopy is an exam that allows you to visualize the intestine, without having to insert a tube probe to the colon and, being useful to identify intestinal polyps smaller than 0.5 mm, diverticula or cancer, for example. Virtual colonoscopy is performed with ...
Children and adolescents react to the diagnosis of cancer differently, according to their age, development and personality. However, there are some feelings that are common in children of the same age and, therefore, there are also some strategies that parents can ...
Learn how to help your child overcome any fear such as the dark, insects, being alone or a doctor, ensuring a healthy self-esteem.
The cashew nut is the fruit of the cashew tree and is an excellent ally of health because it is rich in fats good for the heart and in minerals such as magnesium, iron and zinc, which prevent anemia and improve the health of the skin, nails and of the hair.
In chicken pox, liquid-filled blisters cause severe itching. Check out the best strategies to stop the itch caused by chicken pox
What it is: The communication difficulty is scientifically called aphasia, which is usually the result of a change in the brain, which can be due to a stroke, most of the time, or happen due to a brain tumor or as a result of ...
Menstrual cramps are quite uncomfortable, but the pain can be relieved by using medications, teas or a compress of warm water on the belly, for example. Learn how to stop menstrual cramps.
To avoid feeling sick when flying, you should eat light meals and avoid foods such as beans, cabbage, eggs and watermelons. Know what to eat.
The biological age reveals how the organism is, whether aged or preserved, and it often differs from the chronological age, which is the age that the individual counts since he was born. Biological age test To calculate biological age do the following test: Balance: Close your eyes and ...
After hip arthroplasty, one should not sit or rotate the leg so as not to displace the prosthesis. Learn how to sit, get out of bed, drive and other care to recover faster
To add calories to your diet and get healthy without fat, and increase weight or improve performance in training, the healthiest strategy is to use more caloric foods and physical activity. Some foods that can increase weight without harming your ...
Learn how to have more energy and willingness to enjoy the party, overcoming fatigue.
Combining foods correctly can help reinforce therapies and treatments for osteoporosis, gout, anemia, ear infections and allergies of various types, in addition to some chronic diseases such as asthma or crohn's disease. The right combination of foods is the key to improving the absorption of ...
Generally, the amount of liquid that can be ingested by patients with chronic renal failure is between 2 to 3 glasses of 200 ml each, added to the volume of urine eliminated in one day. That is, if the patient with kidney failure takes 700 ml of pee in one day, he can drink that ...
Testosterone is also found naturally in women, but in less concentration than in men. Know when it is very low and how to increase it.
Enter the child's age and weight in our calculator and find out if he is over or under the most appropriate weight and what to do to get him there.
The seeds help to lose weight because they are rich in fibers and proteins, nutrients that increase satiety and reduce appetite, in good fats that help prevent heart disease and in vitamins and minerals that improve the functioning of the body and strengthen the immune system. At...
Check out natural solutions that can be useful to combat itchy skin, eye pain and fever caused by dengue, increasing comfort and facilitating treatment
Itchy feet can be caused by factors such as dry skin, dehydrosis, psoriasis or ringworm. Find out more causes, what each one means and how to stop itching.
To open your child's appetite you can use some strategies such as taking the child to the supermarket and letting him help you in the kitchen. In addition, making dishes more attractive and fun can help. However, you must be calm and patient, as all the tips will have ...
To improve your health it is recommended to eat colorful foods at every meal, because they are sources of vitamins, minerals and fibers that guarantee the proper functioning of the body. The colors in the food represent different nutrients and each color brings benefits such as ...
It is normal for the metabolism to decrease with age, but other factors also contribute to slowing down the metabolism and making weight loss more difficult, such as lack of physical activity, excess body fat and poor diet. However, some strategies can be used to ...
The fight against bullying must be done in the school itself with measures that promote students' awareness of bullying and its consequences with the aim of making students able to better respect differences and be more supportive of each other. Bullying can be ...
Foods rich in antioxidants, such as citrus fruits, broccoli and whole grains, for example, are excellent foods to prevent cancer because these substances help to protect the body's cells from degeneration, also reducing the speed of cellular aging and ...
Menstrual migraine is common in the period of PMS, and to combat it there are analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs and natural options. Learn how to treat.
Usually, the bladder probe is inserted into the urethra to treat urinary retention, in cases of benign prostatic hypertrophy, or in the postoperative period of urological surgery, for example. See what care should be taken to keep the probe working and prevent possible infection
Skinless chicken, white bread and yogurt help control vomiting and diarrhea in the child undergoing cancer treatment. See other foods and what to avoid.
High fever can be treated naturally with warm water baths, home remedies or antipyretics sold at the pharmacy. See the options.
Otoplasty, surgery that reduces the size of the ears' can be performed from 5 years of age, achieving great results. Recovery is quick and the person can return to normal activities in 3 days
The correct technique for feeding a person with a tube helps to facilitate the caregiver's task and avoid complications, such as excess gas in the stomach or aspiration of food into the lungs. See step-by-step instructions and how to care for the probe
A good way to correct body posture is to put your shoulders and head back, keeping your abdomen contracted, check out how to keep your body in that position
In order to care for a child with high blood pressure, it is important to assess blood pressure at least once a month at the pharmacy, during consultations with the pediatrician or at home, using a pressure device with the infant cuff. Generally, children most likely to develop high blood pressure have ...
It is considered an epidemic when there is a disease that is spreading in a certain region and the number of infected people is higher than what would be expected. Understand better when it happens, how to fight it and what the difference is with a pandemic or endemic
Having someone bedridden at home can be a very complicated and difficult task to manage, especially if that person is unable to help much. However, there are some simple tips that can simplify the day, in addition to ensuring that everything is done and that the person is comfortable. Check out this guide ...