It is important to take some precautions to ensure correct healing of the stump, such as keeping the place always clean and dry, in addition to massaging it to improve blood circulation. See all the care that should be taken after amputation surgery
To maintain weight without starving and avoid the accordion effect, especially after losing weight, it is important to remove the sauces from meals, save calories in drinks, preferring water whenever possible.
Bathing a bedridden person can be a very difficult task, but a very important one. It improves the person's comfort in addition to avoiding serious problems such as wounds and infections. See a simple step-by-step to bathe in bed
One way to differentiate between high blood pressure and low blood pressure symptoms is that, at low blood pressure, it is more common to feel weak and faint, while at high blood pressure it is more common to experience palpitations or a persistent headache. .
To control the urge to eat at dawn, one should try to eat regularly during the day to avoid hunger at night, have fixed times to wake up and lie down for the body to have an adequate rhythm, and use techniques to prevent insomnia, such as take teas that help you sleep.
Hypoglycemia and low blood pressure can hardly be differentiated only by the symptoms experienced, since both situations are accompanied by similar symptoms, such as headache, dizziness and cold sweat. Furthermore, this differentiation can be even more difficult in people who have so much ...
Compression in the ear usually arises due to changes in pressure, such as when traveling by plane or climbing a hill, for example. However, it can also arise when the ear becomes clogged with water or wax, or during an allergy attack. Here are some simple decompression techniques ...
A tracheostomy is a small hole that is made in the throat to facilitate breathing. It is usually reserved for more serious cases and is therefore more common in the hospital. However, there are situations when you need to go home with a tracheostomy. Here's how to properly care ...
Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is done through a tube that enters through the mouth and allows the observation of the organs up to the intestine. Here's how to prepare.
Digital mammography is more suitable for women who have large or very firm breasts because it allows a better view of the breast tissue.
The pregnancy of the obese woman has to be more controlled because being overweight increases the risk of developing complications in pregnancy, such as hypertension and diabetes in the mother, and also problems with malformations in the baby, such as heart defects. Although, during pregnancy it is not advised ...
After the amputation of a limb, the patient goes through a recovery phase that includes stump treatments, physiotherapy sessions and psychological counseling, to adapt as best as possible to the new condition and find effective ways to overcome the changes and limitations that a. ..
See how to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy through food to reduce discomfort such as diarrhea, dry mouth or vomiting
Pap smears are done in the doctor's office quickly, simply and without pain, but can cause minor discomfort in women. Understand better how it is done, what it is for and how to prepare.
The diuretic diet menu includes foods that quickly fight fluid retention and detoxify the body. See 3-day menu.
To gain weight without gaining a belly, the secret is to do daily strength training and adjust your diet to stimulate hypertrophy. Here's how to do it.
Prostate biopsy is done when the PSA value is high to detect or confirm prostate cancer. This exam is done with sedation and local anesthesia because it is uncomfortable and has risks
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that aims to place the person's own hair in an area where there is no hair, usually on the scalp. Find out how hair transplant is done and when it is indicated.
Recovery after breast removal includes the use of medicines to relieve pain, dressing and exercises to keep the arm on the operated side mobile and strong, as it is common to remove the breast and the armpit waters. . Generally, most women who ...
To decrease the craving for sweets, it is necessary to improve the health of the intestinal flora, as it commands much of this desire. Know what to do.
To buy meat that is both good for consumption and of good quality, it should be checked, still on the market, if the meat follows some principles or standards that are easy to observe, but that guarantee that the meat can be purchased and is safe to eat: 1. Check the Color The meat must be red ...
Contamination by heavy metals can lead to the emergence of serious diseases such as kidney failure or cancer and, for this reason, it is very important to reduce contact with all types of dangerous heavy metals. See the simplest ways to avoid contact with the main metals of the ...
Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the ear that affects the labyrinth, leading to dizziness, vertigo, lack of balance, hearing loss, nausea and general malaise. Learn how to avoid these symptoms and what to do if they arise
Learn everything you can do to prevent mosquito bites
To avoid contamination of the superbug Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase, popularly known as KPC, which is a bacterium resistant to most existing antibiotics, it is essential to wash your hands well and avoid using antibiotics that were not prescribed by the doctor, once ...
Attitudes like reading or sleeping 8 hours a day are essential to keep the brain active and prevent memory loss. Check out the others.
The sound of the letter "R" is one of the most difficult to make and, therefore, many children find it difficult to speak correctly words containing that letter. See the main causes and what exercises can help
Blood tests are ordered by the doctor to assess the person's general health. See what are the main exams requested and how to interpret.
The dissociated diet was created based on the principle that protein-rich foods should not be combined with carbohydrate foods in the same meal. Know all the rules of this diet and how to do it correctly
The Japanese diet was created to stimulate rapid weight loss, promising up to 7 kg in 1 week of diet. See how it works, for how long it is indicated and check out an example menu for 7 days