
Exercises to strengthen weak legs are especially indicated for the elderly, when the person shows signs of muscle weakness, such as legs shaking when standing, difficulty walking and poor balance. See what they are and how to do each exercise
Typhoid fever is a disease transmitted by contaminated water and food that causes high fever and abdominal pain
Staying without eating is fattening because the body, when fasting for a long time or spending more than 3 hours without eating constantly, tends to slow down the metabolism, thus spending less energy to compensate for reduced regular calorie intake. In addition, it is difficult to control the hunger...
What it is: Phenylalanine is a natural amino acid that is not produced by the body and, therefore, can only be obtained through food, especially through cheese and meat. This amino acid is very important for the formation of neurotransmitters and is therefore capable of improving ...
Normal blood ferritin values ​​are 23 to 336 ng / mL in men and 11 to 306 ng / mL in women. Know in what situations they may be altered.
The sore in the vagina due to an STD, such as herpes or syphilis, or also due to allergies or blows in the region. Know how to identify and what to do.
The causes of mouth sores include thrush, herpes infections or gingivitis, for example. Learn more and what to do to treat.
Physiotherapy is an important form of treatment to combat the pain and discomfort caused by arthritis. It should be performed preferably 5 times a week, with a minimum duration of 45 minutes per session. The goals of physiotherapy for arthritis are: to reduce pain and discomfort; ...
Insoluble fibers have the main benefit of fighting constipation, being found in foods such as wheat bran or beans.
What it is: The serum iron test aims to check the concentration of iron in the person's blood, being possible to identify if there is deficiency or overload of this mineral, which can indicate nutritional deficiencies, anemia or liver problems, for example, depending on the ...
Natural yeast, or mother dough, is a living crop composed of yeasts and bacteria that is formed from the fermentation of cereals. Find out how to prepare natural yeast and its health benefits and why it is more easily digestible and produces less gas
Sores on the nose can appear due to various factors such as allergies, injuries, pimples or rhinitis, and are generally easy to treat. But if it is a wound that does not heal it is important to go to the doctor, in order to prevent more serious diseases
Physiotherapy for Parkinson's disease plays an important role in the treatment of the disease as it provides an improvement in the patient's general physical state, with the main objective of restoring or maintaining function and encouraging the performance of activities of daily living ...
Find out what can be done in physiotherapy to treat and cure back pain.
Physical therapy should start on the 1st day after hip arthroplasty and should continue for 6-12 months. Check out some exercises that can be performed from the 1st day to the 6th month
Foods rich in soluble fiber, such as oats, chia seeds and green beans, dilute in water and stay longer in the stomach, and in addition bind to fat and help lower blood cholesterol.
Physiotherapy is very important in the treatment for osteoarthritis and should be performed preferably every day, with rest on weekends, but when this is not possible, it is recommended to do physical therapy at least 3 times a week. The resources used by ...
Physiotherapy is indicated in the postoperative period of breast cancer because it helps to improve the swelling of the arm, and it also combats shoulder pain and increases its degree of movement, restores normal sensitivity and fights fibrosis
TENS therapy, also known as transcutaneous electrical neurostimulation, is an effective, safe and non-invasive method of treating chronic and acute pain, without the need for medication
Placing a hot compress on the site of the contracture and leaving it on for 15-20 minutes is a good way to relieve contracture pain. Stretching the affected muscle also usually brings symptom relief gradually, but in certain cases, when these forms of home treatment are not ...
Ultrasound physiotherapy is a type of treatment that can be used to treat chronic pain, for example, and to reduce the signs of inflammation of the joints. Find out what ultrasound physiotherapy is for and how it is done.
Physiotherapy can be started after the orthopedist is released, which usually happens about 3 weeks after surgery. At this stage, the person must still be immobilized but techniques can be used to accelerate healing, such as ultrasound and massage to reorganize the ...
Physiotherapy is a great treatment option in case of rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee. See how this treatment can be done, how long it takes to recover and when you can go back to the gym or get back to sports.


What it is: Flavonoids, also called bioflavonoids, are bioactive compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can be found in large quantities in some foods, such as black tea, orange juice, red wine, strawberry and dark chocolate, for example. example. The...
Bronchopleural fistula is characterized by abnormal communication between the bronchial tree and the pleura, resulting in complications, especially when it occurs in children. Understand what is bronchopleural fistula, main causes and how is the diagnosis and treatment
Find out how to do the exercises and other treatment options to be able to control your urine effectively.
Physiotherapy is a very effective treatment for herniated discs, as it helps to relieve pain and reduces the need to take medication. See how herniated disc physiotherapy can be done and what day-to-day care
Hidden hunger is a condition in which the individual is hungry, eats, but lacks nutrients because he does not eat a varied and nutrient-rich diet. Thus, the person eats, but does not eat well, even if he eats in large quantities, because he selects foods a lot ...
Phlebotomy refers to the incision of a blood vessel by a needle for the purpose of treatment, monitoring or diagnosis. Understand what phlebotomy is and what it is for.
What it is: The salt flower is the name given to the first salt crystals that form and remain on the surface of the salt pans, which can be collected in large shallow clay tanks. This manual operation removes only a very thin film of salt crystals that forms on the ...
Flunitrazepam is a remedy known commercially by Rohypnol and Rohydorm and is used to treat severe insomnia. see more
Phosphoethanolamine is a substance naturally produced in some tissues of the body, such as the liver and muscles, and which increases in cases of cancer, such as breast, prostate, leukemia and lymphoma. It started to be produced in the laboratory, in a synthetic way, in order to imitate the ...
Comminuted fracture is one in which the bone is broken in more than two parts, being more frequent as a result of car accidents and serious falls, for example. Understand what the comminuted fracture is and how it is treated and recovered
Physical therapy after a stroke improves quality of life and recovers lost movements. The main objective is to restore the motor capacity and make the patient able to perform their daily activities on their own, without needing a caregiver. See exercises.
Phosphatidylserine is a compound that is found in high concentrations in the brain and neural tissue, contributing to cognitive function and improving memory and attention. Learn more about phosphatidylserine, what it is for and how to consume
The main function of vitamin B3 in the body is to assist in the metabolic process, which transforms food nutrients into physical energy. It is part of the constitution of enzymes and influences energy production. Vitamin B3 also helps to lower the cholesterol present in ...