
The geriatrician is the doctor who treats diseases that affect the elderly, and can also help prevent problems and lead a more active and independent life. Some diseases that the geriatrician treats are Alzheimer's, depression, difficulty walking, urinary incontinence, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.
Royal jelly hydrates the skin, invigorates, tones the brain and improves circulation. Learn other benefits and how to consume.
The tingling sensation on the scalp can be caused by several factors, such as exposure to irritating substances, infections or diseases of the scalp. See the most common causes and what to do in each case
The shape of the poop and the frequency of going to the bathroom can indicate problems such as hemorrhoids, fissures, dehydration or irritable bowel syndrome. See the 7 types of stools and what they say about your health
The pituitary gland, also called the pituitary gland, is responsible for the production of several hormones, thus regulating various functions of the body. Understand what the pituitary gland is and what it is for.
Trans fat is a type of food fat that is present in greater quantities in industrialized products, such as cakes, packaged snacks or ice cream. Understand the health risks of consuming this type of fat and which foods have the greatest amount
Glyphosate is a type of herbicide that is widely used by farmers around the world to prevent the growth of weeds in plantations. Because it is a chemical and has a strong effect, glyphosate has raised several questions about its safety. See the risks and how ...
Glucomannan is a vegetable fiber derived from Konjac root, which is a natural appetite suppressant, which helps to lower cholesterol and triglycerides, being excellent for fighting hunger and emptying the intestine. Learn more benefits, how to take and possible side effects
Treatment for knee arthrosis can be done with medications, physiotherapy and surgery. See the most suitable treatments depending on the degree and common doubts
The fasting glucose test is performed to investigate diabetes, and normal values ​​are below 99 mg / dL. To prepare for the exam it is necessary to fast for 8 hours. Find out more details about this exam
What it is: Renal glycosuria is the excretion of glucose into the urine in people who do not have diabetes or changes in blood sugar levels. Renal glycosuria is generally more common in patients with renal disorders, such as Wilson's disease or Cystinosis, but it can also ...
Glycemia is the term that refers to the amount of glucose in the blood and can change through the ingestion of sweets and carbohydrates. It can be measured through blood tests, blood glucose devices and arm sensors. Learn more other options for measuring blood glucose and reference values
Usually, it is recommended to take 1 to 2 capsules of goji berry a day to take advantage of its slimming effect. Check out the effects of this fruit in capsules
In order to reach the ideal fat percentage and have a defined body, in addition to reducing the amount of high-fat foods that you eat, it is advisable to practice high intensity exercise for at least 90 minutes every day, such as running or jumping, for example. Know the foods that ...
The glioma corresponds to a brain tumor in which there is the involvement of cells that constitute the Central Nervous System. Know the degrees and types of glioma and how the treatment should be done
The presence of fat in the urine is not considered normal, and should be investigated through other tests to assess kidney function, especially, and then treatment should be started if necessary. Fat in the urine can be perceived through the cloudy aspect or medium ...
Consuming goji berry helps you lose weight, protect your eyesight, strengthen your immune system and improve your mood. See more benefits and how to use this fruit
The fattening fruits are those that have more fat and sugar, such as coconut, avocado and banana. See others and learn how to consume them without getting fat
Granola can be an ally in weight loss diets, but it must have the right ingredients to help with weight loss. Here's how to choose.
Urinary incontinence in pregnancy is a common situation that usually regresses spontaneously after the baby is born and can be caused by: Baby weight that makes the urinary sphincter more relaxed; Hormones that serve to prevent contractions that also ...
Good fats for the heart are unsaturated fats, found in salmon, avocado or flaxseed, for example. These fats are divided into two types, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, and are generally liquid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats ...


What it is: The hebiatra is a pediatric doctor specialized in adolescent medicine who accompanies young people between 10 and 20 years of age. This doctor is responsible for monitoring the adolescent's physical and psychosocial development, checking his growth, behavior and life ...
Spanish flu was a disease that appeared between the years 1917 and 1918 because of a mutation in the flu virus that caused thousands of deaths. Find out more about what the Spanish flu was, its main symptoms and how it was treated
The H3N2 virus is one of the subtypes of the Influenza A virus, responsible for the common flu, also known as influenza A, in which there are symptoms such as headache, drowsiness and nasal congestion. Learn more about the H3N2 flu, symptoms and treatment
The H1N1 influenza increases the risk of pneumonia and respiratory failure, which can cause premature birth or death in pregnancy, so pregnant women should take extra care with the virus prevention measures and get the vaccine after the 3rd month of pregnancy. The vaccine decreases the risk of ...
Meningitis can be caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria, so one of the biggest risk factors for getting the disease is having a weakened immune system. See the full list of who is most at risk of getting the disease and how to protect themselves
Avian influenza is a disease caused by influenza A virus, type H5N1, which rarely affects humans, but when contamination occurs it can cause symptoms similar to those of the common flu, such as fever, malaise, dry cough and runny nose. Find out more how the treatment is done and how it occurs ...
Hantavirus is a type of virus that causes Hantavirus, a serious infection that causes fever, body aches, bleeding and kidney and lung complications. This virus is usually transmitted by rodents. Know who is most at risk and how to avoid it.
Average Corpuscular Hemoglobin (HCM) is a blood test that measures the size and color of hemoglobin and is useful for diagnosing the type of anemia that a person has. Know what it means when values ​​are high or low
Hematocrit is a blood test that can identify cases of anemia, dehydration and even heart disease. See what the values ​​mean
High red blood cells in the urine represent a condition known as hematuria and is usually related to kidney problems. Find out what are the main causes of red blood cells in the urine and how to treat
Fibular hemimelia is a rare condition that causes a leg to become very short, making it difficult for the child to walk. See how to identify and treat.