
What it is: Viral meningitis is a contagious disease caused by viruses of the enterovirus family and that can affect people who have closer contact with the infected person, such as those who live in the same house, study or work in the same room. However, when a person is infected ...
Metformin slims because it reduces the appetite for controlling and keeping blood sugar levels constant, but this is not a weight loss medication. Metformin is a medication used to control type 2 diabetes and can sometimes be indicated in the treatment of some cases of ...
Meningitis C is a type of bacterial meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis and which, if not identified and treated quickly, can leave sequelae. Learn more about this type of meningitis, symptoms and how treatment is done.
Meralgia paresthetica is characterized by numbness, tingling and pain in the thigh caused by compression of the lateral nerve of the thigh. Learn more about this disease and how it is treated.
The cracking jaw can result from a dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints, which make the connection between the jaw and the skeleton. Know the most common causes and how to treat
The main symptom is pain in the front and side of the knee, which makes it difficult to climb or descend stairs. Treatment can be done with physical therapy.
Pneumococcal meningitis is a type of severe meningitis that is caused by the same bacteria as pneumonia. This type of meningitis should be treated as soon as possible to avoid sequelae such as cerebral palsy or hearing loss. Check out the main symptoms and how the treatment is done
Metatarsalgia is pain in the sole of the foot, in the most anterior part, which occurs in people who wear heels, do physical activities or have deformities in their feet, for example. Find out how the treatment with physiotherapy is done, use of medicines, orthopedic insoles and tips for massages and scalds
Herpetic viral meningitis is the most serious form of meningitis, being caused by the herpes virus and can lead to death when left untreated. See the symptoms, how to protect yourself and how the treatment is done
The massage can be performed by the person and lasts about 3 minutes and achieves great results bringing pain relief in a few minutes. Check out the steps and what else you can do to fight pain and discomfort
Squamous metaplasia is a benign alteration of the tissue that lines the uterus, which can happen due to infections, inflammation, vaginal acidity, chronic cervicitis or HPV infection
Thigh pain can be caused by excessive physical activity and putting ice on initially is great for pain relief. Find out more details
The term microcytosis refers to the smaller size of red blood cells, which can happen as a result of nutritional deficiencies, changes in the membrane of red blood cells or defects in the process of hemoglobin synthesis. Learn about microcytosis and its main causes
The myoglobin test helps to confirm suspicions of muscle damage and may even be used in cases of infarction. Understand what myoglobin is and what the test is for
The Myelogram exam is indicated to assess bone marrow diseases, which can cause changes in the blood. Understand how it is done and results.
The mini mental state exam, originally known as Mini Mental State Examination, or just Mini Mental, is a type of test that allows you to quickly assess a person's cognitive function.
The mineralogram is an exam that aims to verify the amount of minerals present in the body, helping the diagnosis and treatment plan of some diseases. Understand what it is for and how the mineralogram is made
Subserous fibroids are tumors that develop on the outer surface of the uterus and are generally asymptomatic. However, if they increase in size, they can cause problems that need treatment. See what causes, symptoms and how to treat
Myelodysplastic syndrome is a type of cancer that affects the bone marrow, and can cause serious complications such as bleeding, infections and severe anemia. It can be cured, but it is not always achieved, however, it has treatment, which can be done with chemotherapy.
Myositis is an inflammation of the muscles that causes constant pain, weakness and even fever. Depending on its cause, treatment may vary.
Human myiasis is the presence of fly larvae on the skin, which causes vermin or berne. Know how to identify symptoms and how treatment should be done
Myxedema is characterized by swelling of the face, eyelids or lips due to decreased production of hormones by the thyroid gland. Learn more about myxedema, main symptoms and how treatment is done.
Myoclonus consists of a brief, rapid, involuntary and sudden and shock-like movement, consisting of single or repetitive muscle discharges. See the causes, symptoms and how the treatment is done. Also know what night myoclonus is
Molybdenum is a mineral found in the soil and present in vegetables and in the liver or kidney of a cow, for example. This mineral is essential for metabolism and has antioxidant action


What it is: Monocytes are a group of cells of the immune system that have the function of defending the organism from foreign bodies, such as viruses and bacteria. They can be counted through blood tests called leukogram or complete blood count, which shows the amount of cells ...
Myringitis is an ear infection, more common in babies and children. See the causes and treatment.
The mosquito responsible for the transmission of yellow fever in cities is the one belonging to the genus Aedes, which can happen both for Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti, which is also responsible for the transmission of dengue, Zika, Chikungunya and Mayaro fever. In forest regions, the ...
Sudden death is one where death occurs abruptly in healthy or sick people, in the first 24 hours since the onset of symptoms, the most common cause being previously undiagnosed heart problems
See here if the HIV virus passes through oral sex, the use of sex toys, if the man or woman with HIV can have children and more common doubts.
Brain death and coma are two very different but clinically important conditions that can usually arise after serious brain trauma, such as after a serious accident or a fall from a great height. See the chances of recovery in each case
White meats, in general, have less fat and cholesterol than red meats, but for all, the ideal is to prefer low fat cuts. See more.