It is popularly believed that India nut is good for weight loss because it is a potent diuretic and laxative, which reduces measures in a few days. However, India Nut is the fruit of an exotic tree that should not be consumed because it is toxic, putting a person's life at risk. This fruit is ...
The obstetrician is the doctor who specializes in monitoring pregnancy and delivering babies. During pregnancy the presence of the obstetrician is important because it is he who makes the prenatal care requesting the necessary tests to assess the health of the woman and the baby, such as blood tests and ...
Morbid obesity is characterized by a BMI greater than 40, which indicates excess fat and an increased risk of disease. Know how to fight.
Ebola treatment aims to relieve symptoms, prevent disease progression and prevent the virus from being transmitted to other people. Understand how the Ebola virus treatment is done and how to prevent infection
Enteral nutrition is a type of food that allows the administration of all nutrients, or part of them, through the gastrointestinal system. Know when it is indicated and everything about this type of food
Pumpkin seed oil is a good health oil because it is rich in vitamin E and healthy fats, helping to prevent cancer and improve cardiovascular disease. However, pumpkin seed oil should not be heated, as if it is heated it loses good nutrients ...
Macadamia oil is the oil taken from macadamia, which is a very tasty type of nut and rich in healthy fats. Find out how to use this fantastic oil.
Soy oil is a vegetable oil rich in polyunsaturated fats, omega 3 and 6 and vitamin E. Know if using vegetable oil is good or bad for your health and how to use it
During scarlet fever you should eat liquid or pasty foods, such as yogurt, natural juices or porridges, for example, and soft fruits, such as papaya or avocado, because in addition to being easier to swallow, they facilitate the recovery of the patient who needs to eat to recover more ...
Omegas 3,6 and 9 are important for good brain, muscle and heart function and can be obtained from food. See more benefits.
Onchocerciasis is an infectious disease caused by the parasite Onchocerca volvulus whose most characteristic symptom is the progressive loss of vision. Understand what is onchocerciasis, the biological cycle and how the disease is treated
The diet of the child who practices activities such as football, ballet, swimming and other sports must be adequate to meet his energy and protein needs. See the example of a menu
After removing the gallbladder, one should avoid the consumption of fat to facilitate digestion. See which foods should be removed from the diet.
To get smarter, your diet should regularly include foods like salmon, citrus fruits or pumpkin seeds because they have nutrients that improve brain capacities, such as memory and concentration, facilitating the learning process. Also, avoid eating ...
To lose belly it's important to eat foods that help burn fat, like ginger, and fight constipation, like flaxseed, for example. In addition to following a low calorie diet, rich in fiber and low in foods that cause gas, exercise is essential ...
Appendicitis is the inflammation of a portion of the large intestine called the appendix, and its treatment is done mainly through its removal through surgery and that, because it is at the abdominal level, demands that the person have certain nutritional care during the first days after...
Food poisoning causes stomach ache, vomiting and / or diarrhea, in which case only foods that are easy to digest and rich in water should be eaten so as not to become dehydrated
Acrocyanosis is a permanent vascular disease that gives the skin a bluish tinge, usually affecting the hands, feet and sometimes the face in a symmetrical way, being more frequent in winter and in women. It can also occur in newborns. See what causes, symptoms and how ...
What it is: Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation, which can be primary, when menstruation is not enough for adolescents aged 14 to 16, or secondary, when menstruation stops coming, in women who have already menstruated before. Amenorrhea can happen for several causes, some ...
The best foods to eat in case of stomach pain are cooked vegetables, such as carrots or chayote, fruit juices, boiled or roasted fruit, soup or warm soups, because they are easier to digest. Foods that should be avoided are raw vegetables, milk or fat derivatives ...
Bullying is a common psychological torture in childhood and adolescence and its consequences can be immediate or long-term. Understand what bullying is and what the main consequences are
What it is: Ketosis is a natural process in the body that aims to produce energy from fat when there is not enough glucose available. Thus, ketosis can happen due to periods of fasting or as a consequence of a restricted diet and low in ...
The induced coma is done with medication, so the person can wake up after hours or days, depending on the doctor's indication. Head trauma, stroke and epileptic seizures are some of the situations in which induced coma may be necessary. Find out more when it's indicated and how it's done
Circumcision is a medical procedure in which the genitals are changed to remove a part. Circumcision usually refers to the procedure in boys, but it is also done in girls in some countries. See what circumcision is for, what its benefits are and how it is done ...
Asthma is a disease that causes inflammation of the airways and bronchial hyperreactivity, so it is important that people with asthma consume foods that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, such as foods rich in omega-3, for example. Beyond...
It is common that during the walking period weight loss and fainting occur due to tiredness and dehydration, and it is important to pay attention to the adequate consumption of carbohydrates and proteins during the entire journey.
To cure pneumonia, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foods such as tuna, sardines, chestnuts and avocado should be consumed. See tips and menu
When you cannot chew, you should eat creamy, pasty or liquid foods, such as vitamins, porridges, puddings and purees. See example menu.