HPV has a cure? Does it cause diseases in man? Is it a sexually transmitted disease? Is the vaccine effective? Know the myths and truths about this virus
Monocytosis corresponds to an increase in the number of monocytes circulating in the blood, which are cells produced by the bone marrow responsible for the defense of the organism. Know the main causes of monocytosis and what to do
Adolescence is marked by several bodily and emotional changes. Know what they are and when they usually happen.
What it is: Music therapy is a treatment technique that uses music associated with various activities to treat various health changes, as it improves mood, increases self-esteem, stimulates the brain and even improves body expression. Know all the benefits of this technique.
The mustard plant and seeds are indicated to cleanse the liver, fight headache, flu and cold. Check out other benefits, like using it medicinally and preparing your own healthy mustard sauce
The presence of mucus in the urine is usually normal, but when the release of mucus increases and is accompanied by symptoms such as pain or burning when urinating, abdominal pain or the presence of discharge in women, it may be a sign of something more serious. Find out what are the 7 main causes of the presence of ...
The consumption of salad can become more tasty and varied with the addition of healthy and nutritious sauces, which give more flavor and bring even more health benefits.
Mucormycosis corresponds to a group of infections caused by fungi of the order Mucorales, which can cause various symptoms such as fever, severe headache and swelling in the face. See what is mucormycosis, main symptoms, causes and treatment
Nasofibroscopy is a diagnostic test that allows you to assess the nasal cavity, up to the larynx, using a device called a nasofibroscope. Find out how the exam is done and what it is used for
Malignant neoplasm is characterized by uncontrolled and abnormal cell proliferation due to changes in DNA or lifestyle habits. Despite the malignant cells proliferating in an autonomous and uncontrolled way, the early diagnosis of malignant neoplasia and rapid onset of ...
The ulnar nerve is one of the nerves responsible for the movement of the arm and is located between the shoulder and the tips of the fingers, passing through the elbow. As with any part of the body, this nerve can undergo changes such as injury and compression. Understand better what the ulnar nerve is, where it is and ...
Generally, mucus is produced in a small amount and is not easy to observe in the stool. Thus, when it is eliminated in excess, it can be a sign of some intestinal problem, such as gastroenteritis, irritable bowel or more serious situations. See some of the most common causes and what to do
Post-herpetic neuralgia is a complication of herpes zoster, which causes a constant burning sensation in the body. See other symptoms that help identify this complication and what treatment options are available to relieve pain
Neurotherapy is a technique that can make the brain rejuvenate for more than 10 years. The technique consists of performing a type of gymnastics for the brain, such as making a word search game. This type of exercise allows new brain connections to be established and causes ...
The vagus nerve is the X pair of cranial nerves, responsible for sending nerve fibers from regions from the brain to the abdomen, and has several important functions such as regulating blood pressure and heart rate. See their anatomy, functions and related diseases
Lupus nephritis appears as a complication of lupus advancement and can cause symptoms such as blood in the urine and pain in the joints. See how to treat
Autonomic neuropathy occurs when the nerves that control the involuntary functions of the body become damaged, which can affect blood pressure, temperature regulation, digestion and bladder and sexual function. Learn to recognize the symptoms of the disease and see how it is done ...
What it is: Neurofeedback, also known as biofeedback or neurotherapy, is a technique that allows you to directly train the brain, balancing its functioning and improving the capacity for concentration, attention, memory and confidence, making it more efficient. Thus, it is possible ...
Morton's Neuroma is a small lump in the sole of the foot that causes discomfort when walking. This little bit forms around the plantar nerve at the point where it divides causing pain located between the 3rd and 4th toes when the person walks, squats, climbs stairs or runs
Neutrophils are defense cells and are increased in case of infection or inflammation and may be reduced in babies, anemia or leukemia. Understand more about neutrophils and what high and low neutrophils mean
What it is: Vestibular neuritis is inflammation of the vestibular nerve, a nerve that transmits information about the movement and balance of the body from the ear to the brain. Generally, this type of neuritis is caused by a virus, decreased blood flow in the inner ear, exposure to ...
What it is: Neutropenia corresponds to the decrease in the amount of neutrophils, which are the blood cells responsible for fighting infections. Ideally, the amount of neutrophils should be between 1500 and 8000 / mm³, however, due to changes in the bone marrow or the process of ...
What it is: Febrile neutropenia can be defined as a decrease in the amount of neutrophils, being detected in the blood test less than 500 / µL, associated with fever above or equal to 38ºC for 1 hour. This situation is more frequent in cancer patients after completion ...
Neutrophilia represents an increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood, which may be due to the practice of strenuous physical activity, stress or infections. Know the main causes of neutrophilia and what to do
The Nicotiana Glauca plant is a toxic plant that when ingested causes nausea, vomiting or difficulty walking that can be mistaken for common cabbage.
Segmented neutrophils are the body's defense cells and may be increased in the event of infection or decreased in a stressful situation or due to autoimmune diseases, for example. Understand what the high or low segmented neutrophil may be
Nymphoplasty or labiaplasty is a surgery that is performed on the woman's intimate region and consists of a reduction of the small vaginal lips. See how the surgery is done, for whom it is indicated, who should not do it and what the effects are
A positive nitrite result in the urine may indicate a urinary tract infection and should be treated according to medical advice. Find out more about what positive nitrite is, how the test is done and how the treatment is.
The hypoechoic nodule is a type of nodule seen on ultrasound, and does not always indicate cancer. Learn to identify in the breast, thyroid or liver, and what to do when detected.
The Schmorl nodule is a herniated disc that occurs inside the vertebra. It can arise in an accident causing pain, or have no symptoms. Learn more about the Schmorl nodule and how the treatment is done
The calluses on the vocal cords appear most of the time due to the improper use of the voice, due to lack of heating or due to excessive use of the vocal cords. See what care should be taken to prevent them from arising
Nutrition for the athlete must be adapted to the weight, height and sport practiced because maintaining an adequate diet before, during and after training is one of the keys to success in competitions. Furthermore, it is already clearly demonstrated that nutrition affects performance ...
The main types of nodule in the liver are hemangioma, adenoma and focal nodular hyperplasia. They are usually benign and have little risk of becoming cancer. See what other types exist and when they may be a sign of cancer
Norovirus is a virus capable of causing inflammation in the stomach and intestine leading to the occurrence of severe diarrhea followed by vomiting. Learn more about norovirus and how it is treated
Parenteral nutrition is a type of food that is generally used on critically ill patients in the hospital. See the main cases in which it is used, what the composition is and how it is administered
To avoid a lack of nutrients, vegetarians should vary their diet as much as possible and use dietary supplements when necessary. See more tips.