
Magnesium improves brain function because it participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, increasing memory and learning capacity. Some foods with magnesium are pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts and Brazil nuts, for example. The magnesium supplement is a ...
Magnesium helps to regulate the functioning of nerves and muscles and helps in controlling blood sugar. See other benefits, the recommended dose and what are their sources in the diet.
Women with breast implants may have more difficulty in having a mammogram, so it is advisable to inform the clinic when scheduling the exam. See other common questions
Infrared light in physiotherapy is great for pain relief and repair of muscles and skin, being indicated in cases of contusion, joint stiffness, and psoriasis. See more details, how to use and contraindications
Mammography is an X-ray examination that can be performed on different types of equipment and therefore it can be a conventional or digital mammography. Both types are effective in detecting nodules or breast cysts, and are therefore used for early detection of breast cancer.
Check out the answers from the gynecologist and mastologist Sheila Sedícias about the most common doubts regarding mammography.
Hyperlordosis is a marked curvature of the spine, so that the butt is very "upturned". Check out the exercises that help correct posture and fight back pain
There are some factors that can cause tingling and numbness in the tongue and mouth, which are generally not serious, but you must be aware of some symptoms in order to prevent the development of diseases. See what are the most common causes and what to do with each one
Koplik stains are small white spots that may appear inside the mouth and are indicative of measles virus infection. See more about what Koplik spots are and what they mean
The spot on the lung is usually a term used by the doctor to describe the presence of a white spot on the lung X-ray, so the spot can have several causes, including lung cancer. See what are the most common causes and what to do after discovering a spot on the lung
Bioenergetic massage is a therapeutic technique, used in bioenergetic therapy that consists of manipulating muscles and other tissues through massages with slips, pressures and vibrations, providing the individual's physical and mental well-being. The benefits of massage ...
Understand the cycle of Malaria infection. See what symptoms may indicate this infection, how it is transmitted, what is the recommended treatment and what to do to prevent it.
The spots on the uterus can have several meanings, but they are usually not serious or cancer, but treatment must be started to prevent the spot from progressing to a more serious condition. See what are the 6 main causes of spotting in the uterus.
The red spots can signify birthmarks. But if they itch and start to spread throughout the body, it may be a sign of some disease, and the search for guidance from the dermatologist is indicated. See what are the 6 main causes of spots on the leg.
The Valsalva maneuver is a technique in which you hold your breath, holding your nose with your fingers and forcing the air out, being used to unclog the ear or to reverse heart problems. Learn more about other indications for performing this maneuver and what the risks are
Marasmus is a type of child malnutrition characterized by widespread loss of fat, muscle and weight. Find out what marasmus means and how the treatment is done.
A retinal scan, or fundus examination, is the examination that the doctor looks at the back of the eye to diagnose and treat disease. Find out how it's done
Anxiolytic drugs are indicated to treat depression, insomnia, anxiety attacks and stress. Popularly they are called tranquilizers. Anxiolytics are remedies that help you sleep better and provide a sense of calm and tranquility. But you must have ...
The cardiac pacemaker is a small device placed near the heart that regulates the heartbeat. This device can be indicated by the cardiologist in case of sinus node disease, atrioventricular block, hypersensitivity of the carotid sinus or others that affect regularity ...
Some drugs can alter the production of saliva, causing dry mouth and increasing the occurrence of cavities, stomatitis or glossitis, as is the case with tricyclic antidepressants that cause a metallic or bitter taste. Other drugs, after ingestion, can be secreted in saliva, ...
Thai massage promotes physical and emotional well-being and brings health benefits such as stress reduction and pain relief. This type of massage is done through various stretching movements on the body. Check out more about how it is made, what it is for and who should not do it
Mastitis corresponds to inflammation of the breast tissue that may or may not be followed by infection, being more frequent in women during breastfeeding, which generates pain, discomfort and swelling of the breast. Despite being more common during breastfeeding, mastitis can also ...
Mastoiditis is a common childhood infection that usually develops before the age of 2 and can cause symptoms such as severe pain in the ear, redness of the ear and fever. Check out what other symptoms may appear, what the causes are and how the treatment is done
Compression stockings are indicated for cases where there are venous diseases or blood circulation problems, as they improve blood circulation. Understand where other situations are indicated and how to use correctly
Surgery to treat breast cancer is called mastectomy, which can be done partially or totally, and can be followed by breast reconstruction. In addition to surgery, it is necessary to continue treatment with radiotherapy, chemotherapy or immunotherapy to increase the chances of cure.
Eating 1 medium slice of approximately 200 g of watermelon for 6 consecutive weeks is a good way to normalize blood pressure, being a great addition to the use of the medicines indicated by the cardiologist, but it is not suitable for diabetics because watermelon is very sweet. The main...
Motefobia is an exaggerated and irrational fear of butterflies that can cause symptoms such as panic, anxiety, tremors or nausea. See more symptoms, what are the causes and how to lose this fear
There are several exercises that can be done for those who have diction problems or simply for those who want to improve the articulation and pronunciation of words. See how to have a good diction with these 5 exercises
Mastitis is a very common inflammation of the breast during breastfeeding and can be avoided by varying the position in which you breastfeed.
Some medicines are made available free of charge by the Unified Health System and to have access it is necessary to go to a popular pharmacy with identification documents, the national health system card and a prescription. Find out which medications ...
What it is: Malignant mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that causes the growth of a tumor in the membranes that cover the organs of the chest or in the membranes that protect the organs in the abdomen. Thus, depending on the affected site, there are 2 main types of malignant mesothelioma: Mesothelioma ...
Melena is a change in the color and smell of the stool that is usually associated with bleeding from the esophagus or stomach. Check out the 5 most common causes for the appearance of this type of poop and what to do in each situation
Working memory is characterized by the brain's ability to assimilate information and store it as actions are taken. Understand more about working memory, main features and how to improve.
Early menarche is when the first menstruation comes before the age of 8, which has implications such as increased risk of psychological changes and short stature
Bacterial meningitis is the infection that causes inflammation of the tissue surrounding the brain and spinal cord, caused by bacteria such as Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Haemophilus influenzae, for example. Generally, bacterial meningitis is a ...
Eosinophilic meningitis is caused especially by the snail through the consumption of its meat or contact with its secretions. See the main symptoms and treatment.