
Bartolinectomy consists of removing the Bartholin glands, when they are often obstructed, causing cysts and abscesses. See how surgery and recovery is done
Basophils may be increased in the case of asthma, rhinitis, arthritis and hematological diseases, for example, it is important to identify the cause and treat according to the doctor's recommendation. Learn about other causes of tall basophils and what to do
Normal basophil values ​​range from 0 - 2% in both men and women, and may increase in cases of allergy or prolonged inflammation.
Noises in the belly are normal, being mainly a sign of hunger or that digestion is happening. However, when other symptoms appear, such as pain, swelling or vomiting, it is important to go to the doctor, as it can be a sign of more serious problems. Know the main causes of noise ...
Seasoned olive oil is made from mixtures with olive oil, aromatic herbs and spices such as garlic, pepper and balsamic oil, bringing new flavors to the dish and increasing its health properties
What it is: Distilled water is the result of a process called distillation, which consists of boiling water to separate and remove all impurities and other substances, leaving it in its purest form. Although it seems like a healthier option, by removing toxic substances, by ...
The main benefits of hippotherapy, which consists of treating disabled people with horses, are: It improves balance and posture; Development of motor coordination; Stimulation of tactile, visual and auditory sensitivity; Improves muscle tone: Increases muscle strength; Facilitates ...
Eating prunes can be a great strategy to help relieve constipation by regulating the functioning of the trapped intestine because it is very high in fiber. Other benefits of eating prunes involve: Improving blood circulation because it has antioxidants; Fight the ...
Atemoia is produced by crossing the fruit of the earl and the cherimoia, bringing benefits such as giving energy and improving circulation. see more
Centella asiatica is a medicinal plant that brings benefits such as strengthening wound healing, smoothing out wrinkles and improving sleep. See more.
Cherry is a fruit rich in nutrients that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, preventing cancer and atherosclerosis. See all the benefits.


Guabiroba is a fruit with a sweet and mild flavor known for its effects in reducing cholesterol. This effect is because it is a fruit rich in fiber and water, which also helps to lose weight and improve intestinal transit. In addition, guabiroba tea
The benefits of quinoa or real quinoa are regulating the intestine, helping to lower cholesterol and controlling blood sugar, as well as decreasing appetite because it is a high fiber food. Other health benefits of the real quinoa can be: improving the proper functioning of the ...
To make curds at home, you only need 1 liter of milk and 1 plain yogurt. See how to prepare know the health benefits of this food
The parsnip potato, also known as mandioquinha or parsley potato, is an excellent source of carbohydrates and fiber and can be included both in diets to gain muscle mass and in diets to lose weight. Know the benefits of baroa potato and how to use it
Chickpea flour is rich in fiber and helps you lose weight, control diabetes and cholesterol. See other benefits and learn how to do at home.
Berberine is a natural herbal medicine that helps control diabetes, high cholesterol and stimulates fat burning. See your benefits.
Guar gum is a type of soluble fiber that is widely used in recipes as a thickener, to give creamy consistency and volume to the dough of breads, cakes and cookies. In addition, by helping with bowel function, it also works as a supplement to combat constipation and ...
Breadfruit is a great substitute for rice, potatoes and pasta because it is rich in carbohydrates. See recipes and how to prepare healthy dishes.
African mango is a natural supplement used to lose weight and promises to control hunger and increase the feeling of satiety, being an ally in weight loss. See how to take and what its side effects
Cauliflower is great for weight loss, as it is low in calories, and for preventing cancer, due to its anti-oxidant content. Learn more and see recipes
Chia flour is obtained from the milling of chia seeds, bringing practically the same benefits as these seeds. It can be used in dishes such as breaded, functional cake dough or added to yogurts and vitamins, making it a great option for those who want to lose weight
Taking genistein is an alternative treatment to prevent and treat degenerative diseases in addition to improving cholesterol and relieving menopause
Sweet potato flour is a great source of energy to gain muscle mass, as it has a low glycemic index. See how to do at home and how to use
In addition to promoting muscle mass gain, weight training promotes fat loss, improves posture and promotes a feeling of well-being. See what are the main benefits of bodybuilding.