
Blinatumomab, or Blincyto, is a drug used to treat cancer, especially in cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
What it is: Left bundle branch block is characterized by a delay or block in the conduction of electrical impulses in the intraventricular region on the left side of the heart, leading to a prolongation of the QRS interval on the electrocardiogram, which may be partial or total. Generally, this condition ...
Blenorrhagia is an STD caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, also known as gonorrhea, which is highly contagious and must be treated with antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. Know your symptoms and forms of treatment.


Brisdelle is a hormone-free remedy for menopause used to control hot flashes during menopause. The active ingredient of this medicine is Paroxetine, an antidepressant medicine that belongs to the class of serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which helps to control blood flow in ...
There is scientific evidence to prove that oral health is related to heart health. Better understand the relationship and how to take care of the health of your heart through your mouth
The blocked tear duct, known as dacryostenosis, is usually not severe and, in the case of babies, unblocking happens spontaneously. Learn more about dacryostenosis and how it is treated
Brimonidine is a medicine known commercially as Alphagan. This medication for ophthalmic use, is indicated for the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension. Brimonidine decreases the production of tears and increases uveoscleral flow, thereby decreasing eye pressure. Your action is ...
Right bundle branch block consists of a change in the normal pattern of the electrocardiogram, which may not cause symptoms and is usually benign. Better understand what this cardiac change is, what its causes are and when treatment is needed
A great game for babies from 9 months is to hide an object that he likes and then help the baby find it. Game: Take an opaque paper bag, a purse or a backpack and put the toy the baby likes inside and help him find it by taking the toy out ...
The gum blister can be mucocele, which usually clears up on its own, but it can also be an infection. Know what can be and what to do in each situation
Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids characterized by the presence of crusts, itching and redness, in addition to loss of eyelashes. Learn how to treat.
Blisters on the penis can happen due to less serious and easily resolvable factors, such as allergies, for example, but they can also be indicative of sexually transmitted infection, such as herpes. Know the main causes of blisters on the penis and what to do
Parlodel is an adult oral medicine used to treat Parkinson's disease, female infertility and the absence of menstruation, the active substance of which is bromocriptine. Parlodel is produced by the Novartis laboratory and can be found in pharmacies in the form of ...
Bonecal D is indicated for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, to treat calcium deficiencies such as osteomalacia and as a vitamin and mineral supplement
Bronchitis in pregnancy should be treated in the same way as before becoming pregnant to relieve symptoms such as coughing with or without sputum and difficulty breathing, which can decrease the amount of oxygen that reaches the baby, which can impair its development and delay your...
Borax, also known as sodium borate, is a mineral that has several properties that can be used in the treatment of mycoses, skin lesions, treatment of otitis or as an oral antiseptic. See more benefits
Buclizine is an appetite stimulant remedy that helps prevent the onset of motion sickness, and is therefore widely used to prevent the onset of motion sickness, for example. Buclizine can be purchased at conventional pharmacies under the trade name Buclina, Postafen, Profol or ...


Budesonide is an anti-inflammatory drug, known commercially as Budecort. This medicine for nasal use, or by inhalation, is used to treat respiratory diseases, such as asthma and allergic rhinitis. Budesonide is effective mainly because of its effect on ...
Sinus bradycardia is when the heart beats less than 50 times a minute. This condition can be normal in several situations, but it can be severe when there is chest pain and some heart disease present. Know the symptoms, causes, treatment and when it is severe


Goiter arises when there is an increase in the size of the thyroid gland, forming a lump in the neck. Know your symptoms and their causes.
It serves to decrease the swelling in hypertension and heart failure in the form of pills or injectables.


Bravelle is a remedy that serves to treat female infertility, which must be taken exclusively under medical guidance.
Bupivacaine is the active substance in an anesthetic medication known commercially as Neocaine. This injectable drug is indicated for local anesthesia, especially before simple surgery. Its action consists in inhibiting the conduction of nerve impulses to the ...


Buscopan is an antispasmodic remedy that reduces spasms of the gastrointestinal muscles, in addition to inhibiting the production of gastric secretion, being a great remedy for colic. Buscopan is produced by the pharmaceutical laboratory Boehringer and can be purchased at pharmacies ...


Busonid is a medicine that has Budesonide as an active ingredient. It is also known commercially as Budecort Aqua or Pulmicort. Busonid is an anti-inflammatory administered through oral or nasal inhalation, widely used in the treatment of inflammation in the bronchi.


Buspar is a sedative medication that has Buspirone as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of anxiety and agitation, since its action alters the functioning of neurotransmitters reducing these behaviors and making the individual more ...
Brentuximab is a drug indicated to treat cancer, being indicated for Hodgkin's lymphoma, anaplastic lymphoma and white blood cell cancer.
The bags under the eyes can be treated with aesthetic treatments, such as laser, carboxitherapy, peeling or plastic surgery. See the best forms of treatment.
It serves to control anxiety and mood changes in diseases such as depression or schizophrenia and is used in tablets or oral solution.
It serves for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer and is applied through an injection into the skin every 2 months.
Buspirone is an anxiolytic remedy for the treatment of anxiety and is used in the form of pills. See what it is for, what is the mechanism of action and what are the side effects of this medication


Bridion is a medicine that serves to accelerate the recovery of muscles, in special cases where muscle relaxants were used to perform surgery on some muscle. This medicine has in its composition Sugammadex, a compound that has properties that eliminate the effects ...


Blade is a food supplement used by athletes to increase endurance and muscle mass and each box is scheduled for 27 days of training. This supplement has 3 objectives and, therefore, each package comes separately in 3 compartments for: Detoxification - Ornithine, BCAA's, ...
This is a very rare condition, but it can happen in any pregnancy, leading to the lack of limbs and other malformations in the baby.
Bronchiolitis obliterans happens when the lung cells cannot recover after inflammation or infection, as in cases of flu or pneumonia, for example. In these cases, the inflamed cells of the lung, instead of being replaced by new cells, die and ...
Pulmonary bronchiectasis corresponds to permanent dilation of the bronchi, which can cause coughing up mucus and sometimes blood, and breathing difficulties. Learn how to identify pulmonary bronchiectasis and how treatment is performed.
Playing with the baby stimulates his motor, social, emotional, physical and cognitive development, being very important for him to grow up in a healthy way. However, each baby develops in a different way and each has its own rhythm and this needs to be respected. See some ...