
The insulin pump, or insulin infusion pump, as it may also be called, is a small, portable electronic device that releases insulin for 24 hours. Insulin is released and goes through a small tube to a cannula, which is connected to the body of the diabetic individual through ...
Bronchiolitis is a very common disease up to 2 years old, which can be avoided with simple care, such as washing your baby's hands often
To stimulate the baby's vision, colorful toys should be used, with different patterns and shapes. Learn how to make some toys at home.
Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi that causes symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath and its treatment can be done with the use of medicines. Understand what types exist and what is the best treatment.
What it is: Chronic bronchitis is an inflammation of the pulmonary bronchi, a place where air passes inside the lung, which persists for more than 3 months, even with apparently adequate treatment. This type of bronchitis is more common in smokers and increases the risk of diseases such as emphysema ...
Digesan is a medicine that contains bromopride in its composition, which serves to reduce nausea and vomiting and is used in tablets, syrup or drops.
The foot bug enters the skin and forms a lesion similar to a wart, with a black speck in the middle and a white layer around it. See photos.
The main symptoms that may indicate bronchitis in a baby are constant coughing, difficulty breathing and malaise, for example. Learn how to identify bronchitis in a baby and what to do
Fever, difficulty breathing, tiredness, muscle weakness, chills and cough are some of the symptoms of Bronchopneumonia. Know the other symptoms, how the diagnosis is made and what the treatment is
Eyelid surgery removes excess skin around the eyes, has few risks and recovery lasts an average of 2 weeks.
Bulimia is a behavioral disorder characterized by binge eating followed by compensatory behavior, most of the time, vomiting, in an attempt to prevent weight gain. Understand what bulimia is, causes, main symptoms and how treatment should be
The main symptom of rash is the appearance of small red spots on the skin, which appear on the neck, back, trunk and skin folds.
Know the habits and diseases that can cause hair breakage and what to do to fight this disease in the bud.
The macular hole is a disease that causes gradual loss of vision, so it needs a quick treatment, through Vitrectomy. Know how.
Women who drink more than 4 cups of coffee a day may find it more difficult to conceive. This can happen because the consumption of more than 300 mg of caffeine per day can lead to the absence of movement of the muscles that take the egg to the uterus, making pregnancy difficult. Beyond...
Calcipotriol is the active substance in an anti-psoriasis ointment known commercially as Daivonex. This topical medication is indicated for the treatment of individuals with psoriasis, since the action of this medication inhibits the proliferation of cells that cause the disease and induces ...
Cactus is a potent slimming product that has a diuretic effect and burns fat. Here's how to take to improve your results.


Calciferol is the active substance in a medicine derived from vitamin D2. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of individuals with deficiency of this vitamin in the body and for the treatment of hypoparathyroidism and rickets. Calciferol acts by regulating blood ...
Gastric bypass is a type of bariatric surgery that can lead to a loss of up to 70% of the initial weight and consists of reducing the stomach and altering the intestine. See when and how it's done


Calcitriol is an oral medicine known commercially as Rocaltrol. Calcitriol is an active form of vitamin D, used in the treatment of patients with difficulties in maintaining stable levels of this vitamin in the body, as in the case of kidney disorders and problems ...
Caldê mag

Caldê mag

Caldê Mag is a vitamin-mineral supplement that contains Calcium-Citrate-Malate, Vitamin D3 and Magnesium. Calcium is an essential mineral for mineralization and bone formation. Vitamin D participates in calcium metabolism by stimulating calcium absorption and incorporation of calcium ...
Caffeine is an excellent supplement to improve training performance and muscle strength. Find out other benefits, what is the best time and how to use it.
Daivonex is an ointment for the treatment of psoriasis, acting on the skin and inhibiting the proliferation of skin cells called keratinocytes. This remedy contains in its composition Calcipotriol and is produced by the Roche laboratory. In addition, this medicine should only be applied on ...


Calmapax is a calming medication produced from medicinal plants such as chamomile and lemon balm. This oral medicine is indicated for the treatment of anxiety and agitation, since the calming and sedative properties of these medicinal plants alter the ...
Postpartum panties are used to help absorb the blood that is released in the days following delivery and can also exert a slight compression. Know what panties to buy


Calmoten is a dietary supplement that helps in the treatment of high blood pressure and improves blood circulation and should be taken 3 times a day.
The recommended daily dose is 2 capsules a day or as directed by the doctor or nutritionist. Learn why it loses weight and how it works on the body.
Oily hair can be caused by excessive stress and worries, hormones, poor diet or the use of inappropriate products.
Abdominal cancer can affect any organ in the abdominal cavity and is the result of abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in this region. Depending on the organ affected, the cancer can be more or less severe. The most common types of abdominal cancer include: Colorectal cancer; ...
Bile duct cancer is rare and results from the growth of a tumor in the channels that lead to bile produced in the liver to the gallbladder. Bile is an important liquid in digestion, as it helps to dissolve the fats ingested in meals. The causes of bile duct cancer ...
The treatment of aortic calcification is done through the use of medicines and changes in the diet in order to lower cholesterol. Here's what to do.
To recover damaged, brittle and porous hair, it is important to do hydrations, cauterizations or a capillary schedule. Learn more tips.
Calcitonin is a hormone produced in the thyroid that contributes to the maintenance of bones. There are calcitonin medications that can be used in diseases such as osteoporosis, Paget's disease or hypercalcemia. see more
What it is: Calcitran MDK is a vitamin and mineral supplement indicated to maintain bone health, since it contains calcium, magnesium and vitamins D3 and K2, which is a combination of substances that act synergistically to benefit bone health. , mainly in ...
Caldê is a supplement consisting of calcium carbonate and vitamin D, which is indicated for the prevention of rickets and osteoporosis. Here's how to take it.