
Breast milk has important benefits for the baby, such as strengthening its immune system and promoting its growth and development, as it is rich in proteins and nutrients made especially for each phase of the newborn's life. Breast milk is the only food that the baby ...
What it is: Berylliosis is a lung disease caused by the inhalation of dust or gases containing beryllium, a chemical that causes inflammation of the lung and generates symptoms such as dry cough, difficulty breathing and chest pain, which can lead to death if the treatment is not started ...
Besomed is a homeopathic remedy used as an aid in the treatment of obesity, and should be used in combination with a balanced diet and regular exercise. This medicine is produced by the Almeida Prado laboratory and can be purchased in pharmacies for a price of around ...


Celestone is a Betamethasone remedy that can be indicated to treat several health problems that affect the glands, bones, muscles, skin, respiratory system, eyes or mucous membranes. This remedy is a corticoid that has anti-inflammatory action and can be found in ...
Biotônico Fontoura is an appetite stimulant remedy used in the treatment of appetite states, whose active ingredients are ferrous sulfate, phosphoric acid and tonic plant extracts. Biotônico Fontoura is a remedy for adult and pediatric use, marketed by ...


Biovicerin is a remedy for diarrhea that contains bacteria that will compete for nutrients with the microbes that cause diarrhea, leading to its death. The Biovicerin bacteria will also produce B vitamins and enzymes that favor reconstitution ...


Bisalax is a medication with a stimulating laxative effect that has Bisacodil as its active ingredient. It is used to facilitate evacuation. Bisalax is a medicine for oral or rectal use, which when in contact with the intestine promotes an increase in its functioning. Indications of ...


Bisacodyl is a laxative medication that stimulates defecation because it promotes bowel movements and softens stools, facilitating their expulsion. The medicine can be sold commercially under the names Bisalax, Dulcolax or Lactate Perga and is produced by the laboratories DM Dorsay and ...


Bisoprolol is an antihypertensive medication known commercially as Concor. This medication for oral use is indicated for individuals who suffer from high blood pressure, since its action decreases the resistance of blood vessels and improves circulation. Indications of Bisoprolol ...
Bepantol Derma is a great option to moisturize your hair due to its ability to reduce water loss by the strands. Learn more about how to use Bepantol to moisturize your hair.
Bexsero is a vaccine indicated for protection against meningococcus B - MenB, responsible for causing bacterial meningitis. Know when to get this vaccine.
Bicalutamide is a substance that inhibits the androgenic stimulus responsible for the evolution of tumors in the prostate. Thus, this substance helps to slow the progression of prostate cancer and can be used together with other forms of treatment to completely eliminate some ...
CC Cream 12 in 1, by Viscaya, has 12 functions in just 1 cream, such as hydration, restoration and protection of hair strands, as it is made with ojon oil, jojoba oil, panthenol and creatine, which help to restructure the hair, moisturizing it, protecting it and giving it shine and ...
Bimatoprost eye drops are used to treat glaucoma but have the side effect of eyelash growth but can only be used under medical advice.
Biofor c

Biofor c

Biofor C is a supplement indicated for recovery after surgery, difficult healing and for diets low in vitamin C, which should be taken once a day.
Bioflex is indicated for the treatment of muscular contractures and tension headaches and it is recommended to take 1 to 2 tablets, 3 to 4 times a day.
This injection is used in cases of dwarfism to stimulate bone growth, especially in cases of lack of growth hormone.
Bio-oil is a hydrating oil or gel rich in plant extracts and vitamins, effective against aging and dehydration of the skin, helping to disguise the marks of burns and other scars, stretch marks and blemishes on the skin. See how to use
Penile bioplasty is an aesthetic procedure that aims to thicken the penis, making it necessary to apply substances directly to the organ. Learn more about penile bioplasty and how it is done
It serves to treat skin problems, inflammation of the joints, soft tissues and allergies and is used in tablets, drops, ointment and injectable.
Biotin is a supplement for skin, hair and nails and can be taken in doses of 5mg daily.


Akineton is a drug indicated for the treatment of Parkinson's, which promotes the relief of some symptoms such as sprains, tremors, contortions or stiffness.


Borututu is a natural product obtained from an African plant with the same name that has preventive and healing properties. The root of the Borututu plant is the part used to make the remedies, as it has many substances that act as detoxifying and purifying agents, helping in ...
Bisoltussin is an antitussive and expectorant indicated for the relief of dry and irritating cough, and the recommended doses depend on the patient's age.
Bisinosis is a disease that can arise in people who work with cotton, linen or hemp. See better what is bisinosis, what are the possible symptoms and how the treatment is done
What it is: Blastomycosis, also known as South American blastomycosis, is an infectious disease caused by inhaling the spores of the fungus Blastomyces dermatitidis, which can affect the lungs or spread through the bloodstream, giving rise to the disseminated or extrapulmonary form of ...
Blepharospasm is a condition that occurs when one or both eyelids, the membrane above the eyes, are trembling and is caused mainly by excessive tiredness, stress and eating caffeinated foods. See other causes, symptoms and what to do to improve
Breo Ellipta is a bronchodilator used to treat lung diseases in the form of inhalation. The active ingredients in this medication are fluticasone, a corticosteroid, and vilanterol, a bronchodilator. These substances act to reduce inflammation and relax ...