
Hirudoid in ointment or gel is indicated for the treatment of bruises, varicose veins and boils. See more indications and learn how to use
Retinoic acid is an excellent treatment for stretch marks, as it stimulates the formation of collagen and skin firmness, in addition to rejuvenating. Know how.
Mandelic acid is good for removing dark spots on the skin, fighting blackheads and pimples and fighting wrinkles and expression lines, renewing the skin. It can be used in concentrations between 1 and 10%, for daily use at night
Cosmegen is an injectable antineoplastic antibiotic that has actinomycin D as its active ingredient. It acts by inhibiting the multiplication of damaged cells. Indications Endometrial cancer; testicular cancer; rhabdomyosarcoma; botryoid sarcoma; Ewing's sarcoma; sarcoma;...
It serves to treat rheumatic pain, menstrual pain, ear and head and is used in tablets.
Retinoic acid is a medicine used for aesthetic skin treatment, smoothing acne, blemishes and pimples. Know the advantages and disadvantages.
What it is: Renal Tubular Acidosis, or RTA, is an alteration related to the process of renal tubular reabsorption of bicarbonate or excretion of hydrogen in the urine, resulting in an increase in the pH of the body known as acidosis, which can result in growth retardation of children, ...
Tranexamic acid can be used to treat or prevent bleeding. But in some cases it also helps to lighten skin spots. Here's how to use it.
In a recent study it was found that the uric acid present in saliva can be used to indicate the percentage of fat, especially among adolescents. Understand how the study was done and what is the relationship between salivary uric acid and fat percentage
Actemra is a medication indicated for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis, relieving the symptoms of pain, swelling and pressure and inflammation in the joints.
Differin is a topical medicine that has adapalene as its active ingredient. This medication is a retinoid that acts on acne on the face, chest or back, reducing blackheads and acne development. Indications Acne vulgaris. Side effects Redness; dry skin; itching; ...
Adenosine is a cardiac antiarrhythmic drug used to treat tachycardia in patients with heart problems with irregular heartbeat. Adenosine cannot be purchased in conventional pharmacies, and can only be administered by healthcare professionals in hospitals.
Achromatopsia is an alteration of the retina of the eye that prevents seeing the colors, causing the person to see only black, white and gray tones and usually appears during childhood. know more
Adult acne

Adult acne

Adult acne consists of the appearance of internal pimples or blackheads after adolescence, which can happen in patients who have never had acne or who have persistent acne since adolescence. Generally, adult acne is more common in women between 25 and 40 years of age due to ...
Achondroplasia is caused by a genetic alteration, which causes short stature and small limbs. See what problems cause and how your diagnosis is made.
Fulminant acne is a very rare type of aggressive and severe acne that can cause pain and change the face. See how the treatment is done.
Aderall d3

Aderall d3

Aderall D3 is a vitamin D-based medication that helps in the treatment of bone diseases such as rickets and osteoporosis, and can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription, in the form of pills or drops. This medicine has cholecalciferol as its active ingredient, which is vitamin D, ...
Duofilm is used for the treatment and removal of warts on the skin and can be found in the form of liquid or gel. See how to use this medicine.
Acidosis can be metabolic or respiratory, and it happens when the blood becomes more acidic. Know why it happens, its symptoms and how the treatment is done
It is scientifically proven that excess sugar in the diet ages. This is because, among other things, sugar causes collagen, an important substance that keeps the skin firm, to bind incorrectly, resulting in wrinkles. The recommendation for consumption ...
Acupuncture to quit smoking is a good technique, as it helps to combat anxiety and deal with cigarette withdrawal symptoms. This is a Chinese technique that promotes relaxation, detoxification and reduction of cigarette withdrawal symptoms, as it causes ...
A patch was recently developed capable of monitoring glucose levels and releasing insulin when blood glucose is high, being an important tool in the control and treatment of diabetes. Understand how the diabetes patch works and what the next steps are
'Smart' patch can detect rising blood sugar and release insulin in the right dose, excluding the need for daily injections.
Affinato is a natural medicine based on chitosan that helps in the weight loss process. Chitosan is an ingredient prepared from the skeleton of crustaceans, which prevents the absorption of fat present in food. Indications of the obesity affinato, lose weight. Against Indications of ...
Agarol is an oral medicine that has Phenophthalein as an active ingredient. This medication belongs to the group of laxatives, being indicated for problems related to constipation. Agarol acts by stimulating the functioning of the intestine, thus increasing bowel movements and ...
Adrenoleukositrophy is a genetic disease of the X chromosome that affects the nervous system and adrenals, being potentially fatal in a few years of life
The contraceptive patch prevents pregnancy, is easy to use and highly effective. Know what to do if it takes off, possible side effects, how your period is, and what to do if you forget to change on the right day


Aftine is a medication indicated to treat mouth problems, such as thrush or sores, which should be applied in the mouth 3 to 6 times a day.
Adenocarcinoma is the type of cancer that affects glandular tissues and, therefore, can affect several organs of the body, such as prostate, lungs, stomach, intestine, pancreas or breast, for example. Learn to identify the symptoms, what are the main types and how to treat


Agrastat is a medication that inhibits platelet action and has Tirofibana as its active substance. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of thrombosis that is related to acute coronary syndrome. Indications for Agrastat Thrombosis (Related to ...