


Accuvit is a supplement for unbalanced diets or cases in which there are nutritional deficiencies, it is recommended to take 1 tablet a day.
Acarsan is an antibacterial soap that has benzyl benzoate as its active substance. This topical drug is indicated for the treatment of skin infections such as scabies and pediculosis. The action of this medicine weakens the bacteria and fungi that end up eliminated from the ...
Aceflofenac is the active ingredient of the drug sold commercially under the name Proflam, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, analgesic for oral and topical use, which acts on inflamed tissues. This medicine can also be found in pharmacies under the name of Cecoflan.
Acebrophylline is a syrup used in adults and children over 1 year of age to relieve cough and release sputum in case of breathing problems such as bronchitis or bronchial asthma, for example. Acebrophylline can be purchased at pharmacies and can also be found under the name ...
Abrilar is a natural expectorant syrup produced from the Hera plant, which can be used on children and adults. See how to take
Abscess is a small elevation of the skin characterized by the presence of pus, redness and increased local temperature. Find out what the main types are and how the treatment is done.
Lung abscess is a collection of pus within the lung that arises from an infection. The doctor will be able to identify you by exams like chest X-ray, and the treatment is done with antibiotics for several weeks and physical therapy. Find out how this serious complication arises and what to do to ...
Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery on the belly that completely eliminates all fat, leaving the abdomen firm and the waist thin. Understand how it is done
Acetylsalicylic acid is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory remedy, known commercially as Aspirin, which can also be used as an antipyretic and antiplatelet agent. The drug is produced by several laboratories such as EMS or Bayer, for example, and can be marketed with ...
Abdominoplasty with lipo of the abdomen helps to get rid of all the excess fat, improve the body contour, getting a flat stomach, thinning the waist. See how it is done and how it looks after the operation
Abraxane is a drug that contains paclitaxel in its composition, a substance that is able to promote the union of microtubules of some types of cancer cells, thus preventing their multiplication and growth. This medicine cannot be bought in pharmacies, it can only ...
Sexual abstinence is when the person decides not to have any sexual contact for any reason. It can last a few days or years. See when it is an option, when it is indicated and what happens in the body if you do not have intimate contact.
Boric acid

Boric acid

Boric Acid is an antiseptic and astringent substance, which acts as a disinfectant in situations of infections by bacteria or fungi. This remedy can be used for infections in the eyes, skin or ear. Boric acid, in combination with other substances, can be ...
Pilates exercises bring benefits such as improving body awareness, strengthening muscles and helping to prevent and fight urinary incontinence, which is common in late pregnancy. In addition, these exercises increase the amount of oxygen that reaches the baby ...


Used in the treatment of megaloblastic anemia and macrocytic anemia in the form of tablets, drops or oral solution.
Achalasia is a disease of the esophagus that can appear between the ages of 20 and 40 and that causes symptoms such as difficulty swallowing, night cough and weight loss. Better understand what achalasia is, why it happens, what the symptoms are and what treatment options exist
It serves to lubricate the eye during surgery or during a coma.
Some diets may not work because of easy mistakes to correct, which are made without realizing it, such as going too long without eating or sleeping little, making it more difficult to lose weight. Therefore, to lose weight quickly on a diet you must avoid certain as much as possible ...
Getting pregnant after a plastic surgery on the belly like abdominoplasty, there are differences and care is needed, so that the results of the flat belly are not completely lost
It serves to treat urinary tract infection and is used by adults and children through tablets.
A dental abscess or periapical abscess is a kind of pus-filled pouch caused by a bacterial infection, which can occur in different regions of the tooth. See the causes and how the treatment is done
Salicylic acid, commercially known as Ionil, is a topical drug with anti-seborrheic and atiacne characteristics. It works by producing a peeling of the areas of the skin that are hyperkeratosis. Indications Seborrheic dermatitis; dandruff; psoriasis; keratosis; vulgar acne.
Diamox is an enzyme inhibitor drug indicated for the control of fluid secretion in certain types of glaucoma, treatment of epilepsy and diuresis in cases of cardiac edema. know more
What it is: Acetylcysteine ​​is an expectorant medication that helps to fluidize the secretions produced in the lungs, facilitating their elimination from the airways, improving breathing and treating cough more quickly. It also works as an antidote to the liver of ...
Azelan, cream or gel, serves to fight inflamed pimples and lighten the spots on the face, improving the appearance of the skin. See how to use this remedy, what are the possible side effects and who should not use
Acyclovir, sold commercially as Zovirax, is a herpes remedy that fights the virus by eliminating symptoms in a few days.
Deoxycholic acid is an injectable indicated to reduce the jowl, and can be performed in clinics or at the dentist. See how the application is made, what the contraindications and side effects are


Acipimox is a medication that lowers cholesterol and triglycerides. It works by preventing fat from reaching the liver and being transformed into cholesterol. This oral medication should be taken after meals. Indications Hypercholesterolemia; hypertriglyceridemia.
To improve iron absorption in the intestine, strategies such as eating citrus fruits such as orange, pineapple and acerola should be used, along with foods rich in iron and avoiding frequent use of antacid medications, such as Omeprazole and Pepsamar. Iron absorption is easier ...


Acnase is an ointment used to fight blackheads and pimples typical of adolescence and hormonal changes. Indications Acne vulgaris. Contraindications Acnase is contraindicated for individuals allergic to benzoyl perioxide, the main component of the formula. Effects...
Glycolic acid is a product widely used by dermatologists to moisturize, brighten, exfoliate, remove wrinkles and treat acne on the skin. Know how.
Kojic acid is good for treating melasma because it eliminates dark spots on the skin, promotes skin rejuvenation and can be used to fight acne. It can be found in the form of a cream, lotion or gel and the results can be seen from the 2nd week of use
Neotigason is an anti psoriasis and antidiceratosis medication, which uses acitretin as an active ingredient. It is an oral medicine presented in capsules that should not be chewed but always eaten with food. Indications Severe psoriasis; severe keratinization disorders.
Folicil, Enfol, Folacin, Acfol or Endofolin are trade names of folic acid, which can be found in tablets, solution or drops. Folic acid, which is vitamin B9, is an antianemic and a fundamental nutrient during the preconceptional period, to prevent malformation of the ...