
Deep vein thrombosis is usually more common in adults who stand for a long time, smoke, take the birth control pill or who are overweight, for example. However, thrombosis can be prevented by simple measures, such as avoiding sitting for a long time, drinking ...
5-HTP, also known as 5-hydroxytryptophan, is a type of amino acid that is naturally produced by the body, but that can also be taken as a supplement. Its use can help in the treatment of depression, anxiety and even sleep problems. Better understand what it is, so that ...
5 examples of medicinal plants that help you lose weight are garcinia, white beans, guarana, green tea and yerba mate. See how to use them to lose weight
To live well with diverticulitis it is important to ensure the proper functioning of the intestine, keeping it regulated, in order to prevent the diverticula, which are bags that form in the intestine, from igniting, giving rise to an acute diverticulitis, which in addition to being painful can have serious complications, ...
Find out everything you need to do to end 'beer belly' once and for all.
Alzheimer's is a genetic disease that passes from parents to children, but that may not develop in all patients when some care, such as lifestyle and eating habits, is adopted. In this way, it is possible to combat genetic factors with external factors. Like this,...
Running on the treadmill improves physical conditioning and promotes muscle endurance, in addition to decreasing the risk of injury, as there are no gaps like there are on the street. Check out the benefits of running on the treadmill
Applying moisturizing cream, having control over weight and eating foods rich in vitamin C and E are tips that help to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.
With these 7 simple steps, the skin is smooth after epilation and there is no less of having ingrown hairs. See what they are.
These 5 exercises help to maintain or increase muscle mass, maintain bone density, improve balance, coordination and mobility, in addition to reducing the risk of falling. See how to make each one at home


Abelcet is an antifungal medication that has Amphotericin B as its active substance. This injectable lipid complex medication is indicated for aspergillosis, disseminated candidiasis and cryptococcosis, its action alters the fungal cell membrane permeability. Indications of Abelcet ...


Abilify, is a medication used in bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. It is produced by the Bristol-MyersSquibb laboratory and can be found in tablet form in dosages of 10 mg in packs of 10 units, 15 mg in packs of 10 or 30 units, 20 mg in packs of ...
Gingivitis is a disease that causes inflammation, pain and bleeding gums. Here are some simple tips you can do to avoid the problem.
Some care for diabetic children can be done to help parents and the child to deal with this condition, such as offering an adapted diet, avoiding sweets at home and informing the school. Learn other tips for caring for children with diabetes
The most common causes of bad breath include dirt on the tongue, tooth decay and dental problems, however there are many other reasons for the bad smell in the mouth. See the main causes and what to do in each case


Abacavir is a drug indicated for the treatment of AIDS in adults and adolescents that must be taken under medical advice.
Depression can be classified according to its cause and duration. There is postpartum depression, major and bipolar depression. Learn all types.
It serves to treat alcoholism and is used in tablets.
The appearance of wrinkles is normal, especially with advancing age, and can cause a lot of discomfort and discomfort in some people. There are some measures that can delay their appearance or make them less marked. The following tips, combined with the use of care ...
Repetitive abortion is defined as the occurrence of three or more consecutive involuntary terminations of pregnancy before the 22nd week of pregnancy. Find out what are the most common causes and what tests you can do.