
Allergy to dust occurs because of the allergic reaction caused by dust mites, which are small animals that accumulate on carpets, curtains and bedding, causing symptoms are sneezing, itchy nose, dry cough, difficulty breathing. See other symptoms and what to do to improve
Calcium alginate is a pill or syrup sold as Naviscon that provides relief from heartburn and burning sensation, which can be consumed by pregnant and lactating women. Indications Poor digestion, heartburn, burning in the stomach, gastroesophageal reflux. Contraindication Allergy to ...
Alginac is a medication used, in most cases, to treat pain caused by inflammation in the back, such as low back pain, and should only be used on medical advice. This medicine, which is produced by the Merck laboratory, is in the form of tablets and contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12 and ...
The baby may be allergic to breast milk, and may experience symptoms such as colic, vomiting and diarrhea. Know when this can happen and how to treat it.
Allergy to the egg happens when the immune system identifies the egg white proteins as a foreign body, triggering an allergic reaction with symptoms such as redness and itchy skin. Understand better when you suspect egg allergy and what to do to avoid
Alfacalcidol is a synthetic vitamin D administered orally, which is converted into the liver into calcitriol, which is vitamin D3, thus regulating the absorption and utilization of calcium by the body. Alfacacidol can be found in pharmacies under the names of Sigmacalcidol or Innosfen. No...


Alfuzozosin is the substance used to treat the symptoms of urinary obstruction in cases of benign enlargements of the prostate. Alfuzosin also acts as an antihypertensive agent. Xatral is a medicine that uses alfuzosin as an active substance. It works by reducing ...
Water allergy is a very rare skin disease that causes red spots to appear right after contact with water. See which symptoms help to identify this allergy and how treatment can be done to relieve symptoms
Allergy to perfume can cause headache, itchy nose and sneezing, and treatment can be done by avoiding its use. Find out more details
Allergy to sunscreen can cause redness, irritation and itching of the skin and treatment is done with antihistamines and corticosteroids. See more about sunscreen allergy and what to do


Albinism is caused by a genetic mutation, which causes a lack of color in the skin, eyes or hair. See what causes this disease and what precautions to take
The baby with a milk protein allergy should be fed special infant formulas, such as Nan Soy and Pregomin, but must not consume ordinary milk or its derivatives. Check the necessary feed adjustments
Alfentanila is a pain relieving drug, indicated for use in anesthesia or surgical procedures, which must be administered by the doctor.
Research points out that the medicines used against allergy can have as a side effect the increased risk of anxiety and depression. Know how to protect yourself.
Semen allergy is more common in women, but it can also happen in men and even cause allergy to the semen itself. See how to treat
Symptoms of cold allergy can arise when a person is exposed to cold in autumn or winter, but it can also occur during the summer when a person enters a waterfall or icy sea. Learn how to identify and what treatment
A mosquito or ant bite can make your skin red, swollen and painful. See photos, know how to recognize the signs of severe allergy, and the ointments you can use to fight itching and discomfort.
What it is: Respiratory allergy corresponds to an exaggerated response of the immune system to substances such as dust, pollen, animal hair or fungi, for example, causing diseases such as rhinitis, asthma or sinusitis. Respiratory allergy is generally more common in people with a predisposition ...
Latex allergy causes symptoms in the region of the body that came into contact with the material, with redness and itching. Check out what other symptoms may appear, what are the main products that can cause this type of allergy and what to do
Enamel allergy is caused by the chemicals present in the enamel, which can be treated with drugs and using alternatives that prevent allergy
Allergy in the eyes leaves the eyes red, swollen, watery and with a burning sensation. See how to relieve this discomfort and which doctor to consult
Gelatin can be present in sweets, desserts and also in some medicines and even vaccines. Signs of allergy can include pallor and itching.
Baby skin allergy is common and is characterized by the presence of spots or small red spots on the skin. See what are the main causes of baby skin allergy and what to do.
Emotional allergy is a condition that appears when the body's defense cells react to stress and anxiety, leading to the appearance of hives, itching and even shortness of breath. See more other symptoms and how to treat
From the age of nine months, the baby starts to eat less crushed and more pieces of food to train the muscles of the face, which also improves the process of learning to speak and massage the gums which also makes the moment of feeding more pleasant
The allergy on the face can appear because of several situations, such as contact dermatitis, reaction to certain cosmetics, use of medications or food intake, such as shrimp and spicy foods, for example. See more other causes of allergy on the face and what to do
Allergy to deodorant is a skin allergy reaction that causes blisters, itching, redness or burning sensation in the armpits. See what to do and which treatment is indicated by the doctor
When feeding a 7-month-old baby, it is recommended: Give baby food with ground or shredded meat, mashed cereals and vegetables instead of soups whipped in a blender; The dessert must be fruit or fruit compote; Offer solid foods for the baby to train chewing and let him take ...
Garlic and onion help to lower cholesterol thanks to allicin and aliin which has a hypotensive, antioxidant and lipid-lowering effect. Here's how to use it.
Symptoms of allergy on the hands include swelling, redness and peeling. See what to do and what you can take for treatment.
It is common for cramps to appear in the first months of a baby's life, as their intestines are still forming and do not digest breast milk very well. The mother's diet, before and after delivery, can influence the baby's intestinal health
Yogurt and egg yolk can be added to the baby's diet at the age of 8 months, in addition to the other foods already added. However, these new foods cannot be given all at the same time. It is necessary that the new foods are given to the baby one at a time so that ...
Until 6 months of age, the baby should only breastfeed or take infant formulas appropriate for his age, and should start new foods between 4 and 6 months of life.
At 6 months, the introduction of new foods to the baby's menu should start, alternating with feedings or the use of milk formulas.