
Adalgur N is a drug indicated for the treatment of mild and moderate pain, which can be used to treat muscle contractures.
Aero-OM is a remedy indicated to reduce the excess of gases that accumulate in the stomach and intestine and cause swelling, pain and discomfort.


Agreal is an anti-psychotic medication that has Veralipride as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for psychofunctional manifestations during menopause, such as hot flushes. It acts by stimulating the production of prolactin and decreasing the symptoms of menopause. Indications ...
Agoraphobia is a psychological disorder characterized by the fear of frequenting unfamiliar or very crowded environments, for example, which can make the person unable to leave the house. Find out what agoraphobia means and main symptoms.
Adoless is a contraceptive in the form of pills that contains 2 hormones, gestodene and ethinyl estradiol that inhibit ovulation, and so the woman has no fertile period and therefore cannot become pregnant. In addition, this contraceptive makes the vaginal secretion thicker making it difficult to ...
What they are: Compulsive accumulators are people who have great difficulty in discarding or leaving their belongings, even if they are no longer useful. For this reason, it is common for the home and even the workplace of these people to have many accumulated objects, preventing the ...
Afatinib is a substance capable of blocking the action of a set of proteins, known as the ErbB family, which help tumor cells to multiply. Thus, using this substance it is possible to reduce the growth rate of cell lung cancer ...
A cold sore in the throat can be a sign of low immune system, such as after the flu or due to the onset of herpes. See what other causes and best remedies


Airclin is an anti-inflammatory medication that has Triamcinolone as its active substance. This nasal medication is indicated for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, its action inhibits the first stages of the allergic reaction, reducing the patient's discomfort. Airclin indications ...
Baby canker sores are a very common change in the mouth, which can take up to 2 weeks to disappear. See what the treatment options are.
Adenomyosis is the growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, which can cause symptoms such as swelling of the belly, intense menstrual cramps and pain during intercourse. See better why this condition can happen and what are the possible causes that may be at the origin
Coal tar is the active substance in Polytar, an anti-dandruff shampoo used to treat scalp problems such as psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis, for example. Polytar can be purchased from conventional pharmacies without a prescription in the form of a 200 ml shampoo. Price...
Sea water is great for skin, airways, heavy legs, rheumatic diseases or for relieving everyday stress. know more
Água Inglesa is a herbal medicine indicated to facilitate digestion and increase appetite. This tonic should be taken before meals.
Alendronate sodium is a medication used to treat osteoporosis after menopause, helping to avoid the risk of fractures of the spine and hip vertebrae. This medicine can be purchased in pharmacies named Fosamax, Bonalen, Endronax, Osteoform or Osteoral in the form of ...
Know exactly how much water is needed to keep babies and children properly hydrated
The flu vaccine is indicated for the elderly and people with asthma or bronchitis. Find out who else can take it and why they should protect themselves
Thermal Water refreshes, hydrates, soothes and purifies the skin, relieving irritation, discomfort and burning. Learn more about this miracle water for the skin.
Micellar Water or facial cleansing solution is a water that cleanses the skin, removes makeup, purifies and softens the skin. Learn more about this product.
Albocresil is a drug that has polycresulene in its composition, which has an antimicrobial, healing, tissue regenerating and hemostatic action, and is formulated in gel, eggs and solution. Know what they are for and how to use them
AIDS can affect vision due to changes in immunity and increased infections. Learn how to identify and what to do in each case.
Albendazole is a remedy for worms indicated to combat the most common intestinal parasites. See in what situations it is indicated, how to take it correctly and what effects it can cause
Human albumin is a protein that helps maintain fluids in the blood, absorbing excess water from tissues and maintaining blood volume. Thus, this protein can be used in serious situations, when it is necessary to increase the volume of blood or decrease the swelling, as it happens in ...
Watercress has health benefits such as preventing anemia, lowering blood pressure and maintaining eye and skin health. See how to plant at home.
Respiratory alkalosis is the lack of carbon dioxide in the blood, which becomes less acidic. Know the causes, symptoms and how to treat
Alcaptonuria is a rare disease that leads to the appearance of dark spots on the skin, cartilage stiffness and dark urine. Find out what the symptoms of alkaptonuria are and how the treatment is done.


Aldazide is a medication indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure and swelling caused by diseases or problems in the heart, liver or kidneys.
Listening to music contributes to the development of babies and children because the harmony of sounds stimulates hearing and speech and also their intellectual, sensory and motor development. In addition the benefits of musical stimulation for child development include: Greater ease ...
The contraceptive Aixa is produced by the company Medley and has in its composition Chlormadinone 2 mg + Ethinylestradiol 0.03 mg. See how to use and effects.
Absorbent allergy is a relatively common type of dermatitis that causes symptoms such as itching and irritation in the woman's intimate area. Understand what other signs and symptoms may appear and what to do to solve the problem
Allergy to condoms occurs due to an allergic reaction caused by a substance present in the condom, which may be latex or lubricant components, mainly causing swelling, redness and itching in the private parts. Learn more other symptoms and what to do
Artichokes have diuretic, laxative and anti-toxic properties and can be considered a food that favors weight loss. Here's how to use the artichoke to lose weight.
Peanut allergy can cause a severe allergic reaction that prevents breathing, but consuming small amounts daily can be the treatment. Check out what to do in case of allergy to this food and how to live with this allergy
Allergy is an immune reaction of the organism that occurs whenever the individual inhales, ingests or touches an allergen (substance that causes allergy). Children are more likely to develop any type of allergy than adults, especially food allergies, but in this case, ...
It serves for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and is made in tablets morning and night.