
Bach flower remedies are essences of flowers and plants that can be used as a complementary treatment against diseases and emotional imbalances. Just drink 2 drops a day to feel better. Understand.
What it is: The fleet enema is a micro-enema that contains monosodium phosphate dihydrate and disodium phosphate, substances that stimulate intestinal functioning and eliminate their contents, which is why it is very suitable for cleaning intestines or trying to solve cases of prison belly.


Floratil is a medicine used to restore the intestinal flora and to treat diarrhea caused by the microorganism Clostridium difficile and, it should only be taken by medical indication, for about 3 days. The drug is produced by the Merck laboratory with dosage 100, 200 and 250 mg ...
Formoline L112 is a medication that helps in the weight loss process, as it helps to capture fats, preventing them from being absorbed. In addition, it helps to maintain body weight and control cholesterol, but it is also important to reduce calorie absorption and exercise ...
Formoterol is the substance found in the inhalation medicine called Foradil, a bronchodilator and antiasthma that works by unblocking the airways, improving breathing. Indications Bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, bronchospasm. Directions for use Aerosol Adults and children above ...
Formaldehyde is harmful to hair, nails and all health, and it can even cause cancer and that is why its use in cosmetic products has been banned since 2009 after intense scientific research that proved that the substance was harmful to health, even when used in small ...


Fluimucil is an expectorant medication indicated to help eliminate phlegm, which can be taken by adults and children under medical advice.
The anal fistula, or perianal, is a wound that forms between the end of the intestine and the skin of the anus, creating a small tunnel that causes symptoms such as pain, redness and bleeding through the anus. Better understand how to identify the problem and how the treatment is done
Flumazenil is an injectable medication widely used in the hospital to reverse the effect of benzodiazepines, which are a group of drugs with sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant effects. Thus, flumazenil is widely used after anesthesia to wake up ...
Respiratory physiotherapy consists of techniques and exercises that release secretions and increase lung capacity, bringing more oxygen to the entire body. Check out some exercises to do at home and their benefits
Flibanserin is a drug indicated to increase sexual desire in women who are not yet in menopause, diagnosed with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Although it is popularly known as the female viagra, flibanserin bears no resemblance to this ...


Fluoxetine is a remedy for depression that can also be indicated to treat bulimia, OCD and menstrual problems, but only under medical guidance.
The application of fluoride is done by the dentist, using varnish, gel or solution and used to prevent tooth decay and tooth wear. Learn how to do it.
Fluoxetine is a medicine that, although not indicated for weight loss, has the side effect of altering the loss of appetite, which favors weight loss. know more
Fluvoxamine, known as Luvox, is an antidepressant indicated for people with depression or OCD. Understand how to use and side effects.
Fluconazole is an antifungal medication indicated for the treatment of candidiasis and prevention of recurrent candidiasis, treatment of balanitis in men caused by Candida and for the treatment of dermatomycosis. Learn how to use
Social phobia, also called social anxiety disorder, is a psychological disorder that causes fear of participating in normal social activities. See the symptoms that help identify and what treatment options
Aerobic and strengthening exercises are indicated for Alzheimer's because they even improve brain function and memory, slowing the progression of the disease. Find out which exercises are best for each phase
Folie à deux, also known as "delusion for two", induced delusional disorder or shared delusional disorder, is a syndrome characterized by the transfer of psychotic delusions from a person with a psychological disorder to an apparently healthy person. Know ...
The intestinal flora, also known as intestinal microbiota, is a set of bacteria that lives and develops in the intestine, bringing several benefits to the body. See how the intestinal flora appears, how it can be affected and what to do to replace
Formaldehyde is a very strong-smelling substance that can cause irritation of the eyes and nose, for example. However, prolonged exposure to formaldehyde can increase the chances of developing cancer. See what are the symptoms related to formaldehyde exposure.


Frontal is an anxiolytic that has alprazolan as its active ingredient. This medicine works by depressing the central nervous system and therefore produces a tranquilizing effect. The frontal XR is the extended-release tablet version. During frontal treatment, you should not drink ...


Forteo is a bone-forming medication that has Teriparatide as its active substance. This injectable medicine is indicated for the treatment of osteoporosis, since its action regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphate in the bones, promoting a new and stronger bone structure.
Beard folliculitis or pseudofolliculitis is a problem that arises after cutting the beard, as it is a small inflammation of the hair follicles.
Folliculitis is an infection of the hair root that can appear anywhere on the body, especially on the legs, face, groin and scalp. See what is the best treatment option for each type and check out some homemade options to relieve discomfort at home.
Faslodex is an injection drug used to treat breast cancer in women after menopause, whose active substance is fulvestranto. Faslodex is produced by the AstraZeneca laboratory and can be purchased at pharmacies. Price of Faslodex The price of Faslodex varies between ...
Physiotherapist indicates exercises that can be done to help a child with Down Syndrome to hold the head, roll, stand and walk.
The dental floss should be used on the teeth about 2 times a day, and it is important to follow some steps for the dirt to be removed. Check out how.
Photophobia is the increased sensitivity to light or clarity, usually caused by eye changes. Learn to identify and check tips to treat.
Funchicórea is used to calm colic in babies and can be found in pharmacies and health food stores under the trade name Funchobaby or Funchicalm. Indication of Funchicórea Funchicórea is indicated for the treatment of bad digestion in newborn babies, ...


Fungol is an antimycotic medication used to treat various types of ringworm, such as nail or skin ringworm, for example. In its composition, Fungol contains iodine, potassium chloride, salicylic acid and boric acid. Fungol contains is produced by Sanofi and ...
Mometasone furoate is the active ingredient of the drug commercially sold as Nasomet, which belongs to the class of corticosteroids, from the Shering laboratory. That acts as a nasal decongestant. Indications Reduce the discomfort of irritation in the nose, discharge and obstruction ...


Fungirox is an anti-fungal medication that has Ciclopirox as its active ingredient. This is a topical and vaginal medication effective in the treatment of superficial mycosis and candidiasis. The mechanism of action of Fungirox is to prevent the transport of essential substances to ...