
Fenoprofen is a medicine known commercially as Trandor. This medication for oral use is an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, used to treat pain caused by postoperative, colic or edema. Indications for Fenoprofen Pain (mild and moderate); cramps; fractures; ...
In order to better control and live with the familial Mediterranean fever, which usually appears for the first time during childhood, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician, because although the disease has no cure, it can be controlled with treatment that must be done during whole life so that ...
Phentolamine is the substance found in the oral medicine known as Vigamed, which increases blood circulation in the male genital organ by promoting intimate contact. Indications Erectile dysfunction Side Effects Nasal congestion; stomach ache; ulcer exacerbation ...
Fecaloma corresponds to hard stools that can get stuck in the digestive system or in the rectum, which can cause chronic obstruction of the intestine. Better understand what fecaloma is, why it happens, symptoms and how treatment is done
The training plan to develop the chest must include different types of exercises to work the different parts of the chest and obtain better results. See which are the best exercises for each region
See the symptoms and get tested to see if there was fertilization and if you really can be pregnant.
Black beans are a food rich in iron that can help treat cases of anemia due to iron deficiency. Understand how to use.
Hemorrhagic fever is a serious disease caused by viruses, mainly of the arenavirus genus, and can be transmitted through the contact of urine or feces of rats or through droplets of saliva of an infected person. Learn more about other causes and how treatment is done
Fexofenadine is an antihistamine medication used to treat allergic rhinitis and other allergies. The drug can be sold commercially under the names Allegra D, Rafex or Allexofedrin and is produced by the Medley, EMS, Sanofi Synthelabo or Nova QuĂ­mica laboratories. This remedy ...
Femoston is indicated for hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women who have symptoms and to prevent osteoporosis.
This weight loss medicine can be purchased at the pharmacy with a prescription and helps to treat obesity in adults. See what it is for, how to take it and what side effects
The congenital short femur is a malformation characterized by a decrease in the size or absence of the femur, which is the thigh bone and the largest bone in the body. This change can be discovered on ultrasound in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy and may indicate the presence of a disease such as ...
The temperature that indicates fever in the baby varies depending on where it is measured. The preferred sites are usually the armpit and anus. See from which temperature can be considered fever and what are the most common causes
Fentanyl is a medication used to relieve chronic pain, very severe pain or to be used as a supplement to general or local anesthesia or to control postoperative pain. See how to use, who should not use and what are the most common side effects
What it is: Berotec is a medication that has fenoterol in its composition, which is indicated for the treatment of symptoms of acute asthma attacks or other diseases in which reversible airway constriction occurs, such as in cases of chronic obstructive bronchitis. This medicine is ...
Fentizol is a medication that has Fenticonazole as an active ingredient, an antifungal substance that combats the excessive growth of fungi. See in what situations it is used and how to use it correctly
It is a nasal decongestant used by children and adults in cases of rhinitis and sinusitis through drip.
Pheochromocytoma is a benign tumor that arises in the adrenal glands and must be treated to avoid problems in other organs. See how.
Diabetes is a disease that hinders healing and increases the chances of getting an infection. Here's what to do after getting hurt to avoid complications.
Squats, stiff, deadlifts and sitting and lying flexora are examples of exercises that work the muscles present in the back of the leg, increasing flexibility, resistance and strength. Get to know other exercises for leg posterior and how to do it
To increase the chances of getting pregnant, women should choose a healthy lifestyle, eating properly, leaving addictions and practicing some type of physical activity, as the female fertility rate is closely linked to the environment in which they live, lifestyle that leads and to ...
Finasteride is a remedy used against hair loss and prostate hyperplasia, whose active ingredient is Propecia. This medication can also be found in pharmacies with the names Proscar, Alfasin, Finastil, Finalop, Flaxin, Nsterid A, Prostide or Reduscar.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a treatment to get pregnant indicated when the couple is unable to conceive naturally. Every procedure performed in the laboratory has a high success rate
In order to identify the cause of the allergy and be able to treat it in a more specific and appropriate way, it is important to be alert to the main signs of allergy, which include: Itching; Bubbles; Redness; Constant cough; Feeling of shortness of breath; Repeated sneezing; Appearance of red eyes; ...
What it is: Fertilization or fertilization is the name given when the sperm manages to penetrate the mature egg giving rise to new life. Fertilization can be achieved naturally through intimate contact between man and woman during the fertile period or in ...
Soluble fibers are great for helping to lower bad cholesterol and therefore you should invest in the consumption of fruits and seeds.
A small sore on the cornea can make your eyes red, burning and watery. Treatment can be done with cold compress, eye drops or surgery.
Phenylalanine can help with weight control because it participates in processes that regulate food intake and give the body a feeling of satiety. Phenylalanine is an amino acid that can be found naturally in protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish and milk and ...
The head and scalp wound is usually caused by dermatological diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis, allergies or infections by fungi, bacteria or parasites. Know how to identify what can be and how the treatment is done
Soft fibroma is a small mass that can appear on the skin, usually on the neck and armpit, which does not cause symptoms and does not pose a health risk. Understand what soft fibroma is and how it should be treated
The wound on the penis has several causes, mainly irritations, bruises or infections. Learn other causes and how to treat
Fexaramine is a new substance that is being studied because it has a beneficial effect on weight loss and increased insulin sensitivity. know more
Early diagnosis and a good rate of adherence to treatment make patients with cystic fibrosis have an increased expectation, which can make women with this disease want to have children. However, it is necessary to know the possible risks and complications of ...
Pulmonary fibrosis is a disease that causes scarring in the lungs, and can be caused by exposure to risk factors or it can be idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, that is, without a determined cause. Learn to identify the symptoms and how the treatment is done.