
Atrial fibrillation is characterized by an uncoordinated electrical activity in the atria of the heart, which causes changes in the heartbeat, which becomes irregular and faster. See symptoms, causes and treatment
Ventricular fibrillation consists of a change in the heart rhythm, with symptoms such as chest pain, tachycardia and loss of consciousness. Know the causes and what to do
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is a rare disease that causes the muscles to turn into bone, preventing the person from moving. Better understand what causes this condition, what the symptoms are and how the treatment is done
What it is: Excessive flatulence is characterized by the elimination of gases by the body frequently. Generally, the human being excretes 700 ml of gas per day, however, sometimes the volume of gas excreted exceeds this value causing discomfort and embarrassment. Causes of Flatulence ...
Dark stools are usually related to the presence of digested blood and, therefore, can be an important sign of bleeding in the initial part of the digestive system, caused by ulcers or esophageal varices. But this can also have other causes, check out what they are, and when ...


Flixonase is a nasal medication that has the active substance Fluticasone. This is an anti-inflammatory medication, which helps in the treatment of allergic reactions such as rhinitis and sinusitis, easing inflammation and irritation of the nasal mucosa. Usually Flixonase is found ...


Flogoral is a medication whose active ingredient is Benzidamine, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anesthetic properties, used to treat inflammation in the mouth and throat, accelerating the recovery process of inflamed tissues. Flogoral can be administered ...
Female phimosis corresponds to the adherence of the labia minora, with the vaginal opening being covered. Learn more about female phimosis, how to treat and how to speed recovery.


Florate is an ophthalmic anti-inflammatory medication that has Fluormetolone as its active substance. This medication used is indicated for inflammation in the eyes or burning in the cornea, since its action reduces the irritation, pain and itching resulting from the inflammation. Absorption of ...


Flotac is a drug that has Diclofenac as its active ingredient. This medicine is an oral anti-inflammatory that reduces inflammation symptoms such as swelling, pain and fever. Indications for Flotac Acute arthritis; chronic joint inflammation; rheumatoid arthritis; spondylitis; ...
What it is: The swollen liver, also known as hepatomegaly, is characterized by an increase in the size of the liver, which can be palpated below the rib on the right side. The liver can grow due to several conditions, such as cirrhosis, fatty liver, heart failure ...
Flucytosine is an antifungal medicine used to treat severe candidiasis. This medicine acts on fungi by changing the mechanism of action of the microorganism, weakening it and making it easier to eliminate it in the body. Flucytosine is an oral medicine. Indications ...
One of the ways to suspect if the child has cystic fibrosis is to observe if his sweat is more salty than normal, however the diagnosis of this disease is made through the foot test, which must be performed in the first month of life. In case of a positive result, the diagnosis is ...
Fludarabine is an injectable and oral medicine known commercially as Fludara. This medicine is an antineoplastic, used to destroy cancer cells and prevent the growth of tumors. Indications for Fludarabine Chronic lymphocytic leukemia; non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Fluphenazine is an antipsychotic known commercially as Flufenan. This medication is for oral and injectable use, which improves the psychotic states by acting by blocking neurotransmitters, causing changes in the functioning of the central nervous system. Fluphenazine should only be administered ...
Flumetasone is a topical anti-inflammatory, indicated for the treatment of acne, dermatitis and white cloth. Its action has local anti-inflammatory action, relieving itching and edema of infections. Indications for Flumetasone Dermatosis (mild to moderate); dermatitis (mild to moderate); ...
Phimosis is the inability to expose the glans, the terminal part of the penis, because the skin that covers it does not have enough opening. This condition is common in newborn boys and can disappear by the age of 5 or at puberty, without the need for treatment. See when you need to treat and ...
In case of symptoms of liver problems, such as abdominal bloating, headache and pain in the right side of the abdomen, it is recommended to eat light and detoxifying foods, such as artichokes, broccoli, fruits and vegetables, for example. When the liver is not good, you should not eat food ...
Flunarizine is a medication used in most cases to treat vertigo and dizziness associated with ear problems. In addition, it can also be used to treat migraine in adults and the treatment is done with the use of pills indicated by the doctor. This medicine is known ...
The fibers in capsules are a food supplement that help to lose weight and regulate the functioning of the intestine, due to its laxative, antioxidant and satiating action, however, they must be accompanied by a balanced and varied diet. There are fibers in capsules of different types like ...
Fluorouracil is a drug for injectable or topical use, which has Fluouracil as its active substance. This medicine is also known commercially as Efurix. This is an antineoplastic drug, which acts by preventing the spread and helping in the treatment of cells ...
Urogynecological physiotherapy aims to strengthen the pelvic muscles, resulting in several benefits for health and sex life. Understand what urogynecological physiotherapy is, what it is for and how it is done.
Physical therapy for groin pain should include the use of ice, stretching, mobilization and strengthening of certain thigh and abdominal muscles.


Flupirtine is a medication known commercially as Katadolon. This oral medication is an analgesic and muscle relaxant indicated for the treatment of headaches and joints. Indications for Flupirtine Headache; dysmenorrhea; neuritis; neuralgia; pain in ...
Flurazepam is an anxiolytic and sedative remedy widely used to treat sleep problems, as it acts on the central nervous system, decreasing sleep time and increasing its duration. Flurazepam can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Dalmadorm, under the ...


Flutamide is a medication that has been known commercially as Flutamid, Tecnoflut or Teflut. This medication is an antineoplastic agent for oral use, used to treat prostate cancer (advanced), its action decreases the risk of cancer cell proliferation. Indications of ...


Fisiotom is a natural supplement with gold root and golden root, used to combat tiredness and increase the performance of the body and mind.
Flurbiprofen is a medication known commercially as Targus Lat. This medication is an ophthalmic anti-inflammatory indicated for eye infections. Its action helps to reduce irritation, redness or itching in the eyes caused by the infection. Flurbiprofen has a fast ...
Intense menstrual flow can be a consequence of some hormonal lack of control, although naturally uterine bleeding varies greatly from woman to woman, both in volume and in duration. Menstrual flow can be intense, mild, frequent or irregular. The cause of the differences may be ...
Fluticasone is a medication known commercially as Flixotide. This medicine is used through inhalation to treat asthma attacks. Indications for Fluticasone Chronic asthma (treatment improves lung function and reduces asthma symptoms). Side Effects of ...
Flutrimazole is a medication known commercially as Micetal. This medication is an antifungal, topical, used in the treatment of skin candidiasis, white cloth and athlete's foot. Flutrimazole alters the fungus' mechanism of action, which ends up weakened and eliminated from the body ...
The anal fissure is a sore on the margin of the anus, due to dry stools, hemorrhoids or anal intercourse. Check the sitz bath and the ointments to be used
Dental Fistula corresponds to the appearance of a small ball in the gum or inside the mouth due to the presence of oral infection. Understand what is and how is the treatment for dental fistula
It is normal for women to have flatulence during pregnancy, and what can be done to relieve this discomfort is to drink water, walk and consume natural laxatives
Flebon is a herbal medicine indicated to treat the fragility of vessels and swelling in the limbs. Learn how to take


Folicorin is an anti-anemic medication that has leukovorin as an active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid deficiency. Care must be taken as this medication is not recommended for pernicious anemia and ...
Leucovorin is a medication that is normally used to treat anemia and after high doses of methotrexate. Know when to take leucovorin and its adverse effects.
Flogo-rosa is a remedy for vaginal washing that is widely used to treat discomfort caused by gynecological inflammatory processes, such as vulvovaginitis or urinary tract infection. See how to use correctly