
Hypromellose is an active eye lubricating substance present in several eye drops, such as Tisorb, Lacrima Plus, Artelac, Lavribell or Filmcel, for example, which can be purchased in pharmacies. Know what it is for and how to use it


Hydergine is a cerebral vasodilator medication that has Codergocrine as its active substance. This medicine for oral and injectable use is indicated for vascular disorders and cerebral-vascular disorders. Hydergine indications (What it is for) Peripheral vascular disorder; disease...
Congenital hypothyroidism is a metabolic disorder in which the newborn's thyroid does not produce sufficient amounts of hormones, which can interfere with the baby's development. Understand what is congenital hypothyroidism, what the symptoms are and how the treatment is done


Hytrin is an antihypertensive medication that has Terazosin as an active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for individuals with high blood pressure, since its action decreases vascular resistance and keeps blood pressure stable. Hytrin indications High blood pressure; ...
Hyperthyroidism occurs due to the increase in hormones produced by the thyroid that can generate symptoms such as anxiety, irritability and heat. Understand.


Hyperium is an antihypertensive medication that has Rilmenidine as its active substance. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure, since its action consists in decreasing the resistance of blood vessels, improving circulation and maintaining pressure ...


Ibopamine is the active substance in drugs used as vasodilators. This oral medication is indicated for the treatment of congestive heart failure, since its action promotes vasodilation, slightly increasing the strength and contraction of the heart.
Hypospadias is a genetic malformation in the boys' urethra, which causes the pee to come out through an opening under the penis. See the types of hypospadias that exist and how to treat
What it is: Surgical hysteroscopy is a gynecological procedure performed on women who have abundant uterine bleeding and whose cause has already been identified. Thus, through this procedure it is possible to remove uterine polyps, submucosal fibroids, correct changes in the cavity of the ...
Hypothyroidism makes it difficult to become pregnant because it causes hormonal changes that hinder proper ovulation in the woman's fertile period. Here's what to do.
Hypophosphatasia is a rare genetic disease that affects especially children, which causes deformities in the body and premature loss of baby teeth.
What it is: Bullous ichthyosis, also known as congenital ichthyosis, is a genetic skin disease. It is more frequent in children of parents with close kinship, where the baby has a high dryness of the skin, especially in the region of the trunk, legs and feet, which looks ...
Hixizine is a drug indicated for allergy, which can be taken in syrup or tablet form. Know how to take, who should not take and what are the most common side effects
Homeopax is a homeopathic remedy used as an aid in the treatment of anxiety and nervousness in adults or children over 2 years of age. This medicine produced by the Almeida Prado laboratory, can be purchased in pharmacies, in packs of 30 tablets, for a price of ...
Histiocytosis corresponds to a group of diseases characterized by an increase in the circulating amount of histiocytes whose symptoms vary according to where these cells are found in greater quantity. Understand what is histiocytosis, main symptoms and how it is done ...
Hysterectomy is surgery to remove the uterus, which is usually indicated in cases of cancer, severe infections or endometriosis. See what types of surgery exist, how is recovery after surgery and other important care
What it is: Growth hormone, also known as somatotropin or just by the acronym GH, is a hormone naturally produced by the body that is essential for the development of children and adolescents, stimulating growth and regulating various body processes. Usually,...
Idoxuridine is the active substance in an anti-viral medicine known commercially as Herpesine. This topical drug is used to treat lesions on the skin and mucous membranes caused by the herpes virus. The action of the drug prevents the development of the virus, which ends ...


Ifosfamide is an injectable medicine known commercially as Holoxane. This is a chemotherapy drug used to eliminate malignant tumors in the body, such as breast, endometrial and ovarian cancer. Ifosfamide is considered a very strong medicine, which ...
Hormoskin is a cream used to lighten dark spots on the face, also called melasma. See how to use this whitening cream, who should not use it and what are the most common side effects
The HPV virus is closely related to the development of cervical cancer but not all women will develop cancer.
What it is: Hysteria is a psychological disorder characterized by headache, shortness of breath, feeling faint and nervous tics, for example, and is more frequent in people suffering from generalized anxiety. People with hysteria usually have no control over their emotions, ...
When genital warts are present at delivery, HPV can affect the baby. See how to treat to prevent complications.


Imipramine is the active substance in the brand name antidepressant Tofranil. Tofranil can be found in pharmacies, in the pharmaceutical forms of tablets and 10 and 25 mg or capsules of 75 or 150 mg and must be taken with food to reduce gastrointestinal irritation. On the market is ...


Humira is a remedy indicated for the treatment of arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's disease and psoriasis and is done through an injection into the skin


Imiquimod is an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Aldara. This topical drug is indicated for the treatment of individuals with cancer, but its mechanism of action is still unknown. Indications for Imiquimod Skin cancer; keratosis; condylomatosis.
Ibandronate Sodium, marketed under the name Bonviva, is indicated to treat osteoporosis in women after menopause, in order to reduce the risk of fractures. See how to take and what side effects


Imescard is a rectal ointment used in the treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids in adult patients, produced by the laboratory Osório de Moraes. Imescard is also known as ointment of herb-of-bugs, because it is composed of this medicinal plant, as well as witch hazel and ...
The main female hormones are estrogen and progesterone. See what their functions are and what tests can be done to measure hormones.
Ibrutinib is a drug indicated for the treatment of cancer, Mantle Cell Lymphoma and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia that must be taken once a day.
Harlequin ichthyosis is a rare genetic disease in which the baby is born covered by a very thick layer of skin that can compromise various functions of the body. Understand what harlequin ichthyosis is, symptoms and how treatment is done
Hypothyroidism is a thyroid disorder characterized by a decrease in the amount of hormones T3 and T4 circulating in the blood, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as excessive tiredness, weight gain, hair loss and dry skin. See what is hypothyroidism, symptoms, causes and ...
Small blisters, sores or lesions similar to thrush on the lip on the edge of the tongue may indicate HPV in the mouth. See photos, other symptoms and the cure
Lamellar ichthyosis is a rare genetic disease characterized by changes in skin formation, which increase the risk of infections and dehydration. Better understand what this disease consists of, what the symptoms are, its causes and how the treatment is done
Ibuprofen is a medicine that serves to relieve pain, inflammation and fever, and can be used in drops, tablets or oral suspension, in adults and children over 6 months
Ibuprofen pediatric drops and pills of 200, 400 and 600 mg is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic indicated for the relief of inflammation, fever and pain. See how to take
Most women enter menopause between the ages of 48 and 51, but this is not a rule and a woman can begin to experience the hot flashes typical of menopause at 42. After the onset of symptoms, menopause can take up to 5 years to set in and during this period called ...