
Infertility is the difficulty of getting pregnant and sterility is the inability to get pregnant, and although these words are used interchangeably, they are not. Most couples who do not have children and face difficulties to conceive are considered infertile because they can manage ...
The dental implant improves digestion, self-esteem and communication. See when it is indicated, if it hurts, how much it costs and how it is done.
Lantus is an injectable diabetes medicine that contains insulin glargine, a long-lasting insulin, produced by recombinant DNA technology and analogous to human insulin. Lantus is indicated for adult use and in children over 6 years for the treatment of diabetes. Insulin ...
Fulminant infarction is one that appears suddenly and that can often cause death within minutes, even in young people. Understand why this type of heart attack can happen, who is most at risk and what symptoms can help to identify
Some microorganisms that can be sexually transmitted can cause intestinal symptoms, especially when they are transmitted to another person through unprotected anal sex, that is, without using a condom, or through oral-anal sexual contact. Thus, the microorganism is ...
Impingem is a common infection in children and the elderly that can cause the appearance of small blisters, spots and itchy skin. Check out other symptoms and how treatment can be done
Pilates exercises are suitable for everyone and of any age, even pregnant women and individuals with injuries.
Some medicines and natural foods can be used to inhibit hunger, such as Spirulina, pear, Chromium Picolinate and Sibutramina. Here's how to use it.
Interleukin 2 is an anticancer medicine known commercially as Interleukin. This injectable medicine is used to treat kidney cancer. The action of Interleukin 2 consists of strengthening the immune system of cells and producing ...
ATX-101 is an injection to eliminate the double chin that reduces the accumulation of fat in the neck, thinning the face. The active ingredient in ATX-101 is deoxycholic acid, a natural molecule that helps to destroy body fat cells and can be used to eliminate small ...
Innéov Nutre-Care is a nutritional supplement that contains omega 3, omega 6, lycopene, vitamin C, D and E, which help to strengthen nails and reduce hair loss and strengthen hair, keeping them smooth and brilliant. This food supplement is sold in boxes of 30 or 60 capsules ...
Respiratory infection can arise in the nostrils, throat, cheek bones, bronchi or lungs. Learn identifies, the causes and how to treat.
The monthly contraceptive injection, such as Perlutan, Ciclovular or Mesigyna, contains two hormones that inhibit ovulation and therefore prevents pregnancy. However, it can put on weight and cause minor bleeding throughout the month. Learn how to use and the side effects that may arise
Artificial insemination is a simple procedure much sought after by couples who are unable to have children. Understand who can do it, how artificial insemination and care is performed after the procedure.
Vaginal infection happens after contamination by microorganisms, such as fungi, bacteria and viruses. Recognize the symptoms and what to do.
In case of heat stroke, the victim should be taken to a ventilated and shaded place, offered water and placed wet towels over the body. See more what to do and what are the tips to prevent heat stroke from happening
Chronic insomnia occurs when symptoms such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep are frequent and prolonged. Check out the steps you should take to restore restful sleep
It is common that in diabetes the person has several cases of infection, mainly urinary, due to the decrease of the activity of the immune system and high concentration of circulating sugar, which favors the proliferation of microorganisms. Learn about genital infections in diabetes
Insomnia in pregnancy is normal and is believed to be due to hormonal changes typical of this phase, but as not all pregnant women experience insomnia during pregnancy, it is believed that there are other factors involved. Women who are anxious, stressed or have other emotional problems ...
Learn the best strategies to fight insomnia and get better sleep and wake up rested, in old age
Insomnia at menopause is relatively common and is related to the hormonal changes typical of this phase. See what you can do to combat lack of sleep and have a more peaceful and quality night
Povidone-iodine is the active substance in an antiseptic drug known commercially as Curativ. This topical medication is used to clean the skin during the postoperative period and on small wounds. Povidone-iodine is a potent germicide thus preventing bacterial infections ...
Some examples of natural appetite suppressants are pear, green tea and oats, while the main pills sold in pharmacies are Sibutramine and 5-HTP, which should only be used according to the doctor's guidance. See other remedies and herbal medicines that are used to
Yohimbine hydrochloride is a medicine used to increase the concentration of blood in the male intimate region and, therefore, it is widely used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Yohimbine hydrochloride is generally recommended when there is difficulty in maintaining intimate contact after ...
Congestive Heart Failure or CHF is characterized by an increase in heart rate in an attempt to regulate the transport of oxygen to the body, which can result in swelling of the lower limbs and the abdominal region. Understand what CHF is, symptoms and how it is done ...


Irinotecan is a chemotherapeutic drug that has as its active substance Irinotecan Hydrochloride. It is an injectable drug, used exclusively by adults and aimed at the elimination of cancer cells from the body. Indications for Irinotecan Colon Cancer; ...
Soy isoflavone is a soy derivative that can be used in menopause for its ability to reduce the discomfort that occurs in this phase of a woman's life, reducing the intensity and frequency of sudden heat waves, skin, nails and hair and vaginal dryness.
Soy isoflavone is a soy compound that can be used to decrease symptoms of menopause, PMS or osteoporosis. This supplement reduces hot flashes, improves a woman's mood and psychological state, reduces cardiovascular disease, protects bones and lowers cholesterol. THE...
Isometepten is an analgesic and antispasmodic remedy that helps to reduce pain and relieve involuntary muscle contraction, being widely used to treat headaches or cramps, for example. Isometeptene can be purchased from pharmacies under the brand name Neosaldina under ...
Respiratory failure is a syndrome in which the lungs have difficulty making normal gas exchanges, resulting in symptoms such as severe shortness of breath, bluish color in the fingers and excessive tiredness. Learn more about how it arises, what are the symptoms and the most common causes
Isoprenaline is the active substance in a medicine used for cardiac arrhythmias and bronchospasm. This oral medication acts directly on the beta-adrenergic receptors that cause relaxation in the upper airways. Indications for Isoprenaline Cardiac arrhythmia; ...
It is used for heart problems such as heart failure or angina in the form of pills.
Afrezza is the first inhalable insulin to be approved in Brazil, indicated to control high levels of sugar in adults with diabetes mellitus. know more
A good way to keep mosquitoes and mosquitoes away is to opt for homemade insecticides that are very simple to make at home, are more economical and have good quality and efficiency. You can make your homemade insecticide using products you usually have at home like ...
NPH insulin, also known as Hagedorn's neutral protamine, is a type of human insulin used to treat diabetes, helping to control the amount of sugar in the blood. Unlike regular insulin, NPH has a prolonged action that takes between 4 to 10 hours to ...
This natural isotonic to be taken during training is a homemade re-moisturizer that replaces industrial isotonics such as Gatorede, for example. It is a recipe rich in minerals, vitamins and chlorophyll, which besides being natural is very simple to make and helps to have better results ...