


Ilaris is an anti-inflammatory medication indicated for the treatment of inflammatory autoimmune diseases, such as multisystem inflammatory disease or juvenile idiopathic arthritis, for example. Its active ingredient is canaquinumab, a substance that inhibits the action of a protein ...
Bullous impetigo is characterized by the presence of blisters that contain yellowish liquid on the skin of children, mainly. Understand what Bullous Impetigo is, main symptoms and how treatment is done
Neonatal jaundice is the most common cause of jaundice in the baby, due to the increase in bilirubin in the blood. Treatment is simple and is usually done with phototherapy, however, it is important to pay attention to the other more serious causes of jaundice.
This is a food supplement that serves to give vitality, strength and shine to the hair, as well as stimulates its growth and helps in the treatment of hair loss, especially that caused by excessive stress and worries. Imecap Hair is composed of vitamins B6, H and B7 that contribute to the ...
The recommended age for the baby to travel by plane is at least 7 days and he must have all his vaccinations up to date. However, it is best to wait until the baby is 3 months old for a plane ride that lasts more than 1 hour. This recommendation is due to the comfort of the baby, parents and ...
The beard implant is an aesthetic procedure that serves to fill in the hair flaws on the face and the technique applied depends on the medical indication. Find out what it is, how it is done, what to do next and possible complications
Impavido is a medication indicated for the treatment of some types of leishmaniasis, which affect the internal organs, skin, nose, mouth and throat.
Ichthyosis is a rare disease characterized by intense dryness of the skin, which causes the appearance of very dry pieces that resemble fish scales. Learn more about the common symptoms of ichthyosis, the main types of the disease and what treatment can be recommended
Sexual impotence is the difficulty in having or maintaining an erection of the penis. Know the main causes and symptoms and how the treatment and diagnosis is done
Crixivanm, trade name of the active substance Indinaviré is an antiretroviral, which acts by inhibiting the production by the virus of an enzyme that is responsible for the maturation of the virus thus producing immature and non-infective viral particles. This oral medication should be taken with ...
Indapamide is a diuretic and antihypertensive remedy that works by interfering with the reabsorption of sodium in the kidneys, promoting sodium and water excretion and, therefore, it is widely used in the treatment of high blood pressure. Indapamide can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name ...
Sexual impotence does not always lead to infertility, because while impotence is the inability or difficulty in having or maintaining a pleasurable sexual relationship, infertility is a person's difficulty in reproducing and having biological children. So being impotent is not the same as ...


Inellare is a dietary supplement of calcium and vitamin D, from the Achê laboratory, which can be found in the form of tablets in boxes with 30 or 60 units. Inellare indication To supplement calcium intake, helping to prevent bone loss and fight against ...
The swollen vagina can be a symptom of some diseases such as allergies, infections and cysts, however, it can appear in late pregnancy or after intimate relationships. See more what can be swelling in the vagina and what to do
The swollen eye can be caused by allergies, sty, or insect bites. See the main causes and what to do in each case.
In order not to put on weight because of iron deficiency anemia, it is very important to supplement iron, and follow a diet rich in iron foods to avoid relapse.
Eye changes are usually not a sign of a serious problem, but if they last more than 1 week they should be evaluated by a doctor.
Indomethacin, marketed under the name Indocid, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, indicated for the treatment of arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, muscle pain, menstrual and post-surgery and inflammation. Learn more drug indications and how to use
Female impotence occurs when a woman lacks a constant libido, which prevents her from getting sexual arousal. Better understand what this condition consists of, why it happens and what forms of treatment are available
The contraceptive implant, such as Implanon and Organon, is highly effective, but can cause fluid retention. Learn other effects and more common questions
The loss of urine control can affect men, especially if the prostate changes. Know the symptoms, diagnosis, causes and how to be treated with drugs, exercises, surgery or other options.
Inibex s

Inibex s

Inibex S is an appetite suppressant drug that contains in its formula Amfepramona, a substance that stimulates the brain's satiety center, thus reducing appetite. Inibex S is produced by Medley laboratories and can be purchased in conventional pharmacies in the form of ...
It is a remedy that facilitates ovulation and, therefore, can be indicated to treat female infertility. See how it works.
Ovulation induction is the process that is done to facilitate the production and release of eggs, so that pregnancy is possible. It is used in women with polycystic ovary syndrome who have difficulty getting pregnant. Learn more about how it works and possible complications
Menopausal urinary incontinence is a very common bladder problem, which occurs due to decreased estrogen production during this period. In addition, the natural aging process makes the pelvic muscles weaker, allowing loss to happen ...
Fecal incontinence is more common in the elderly, caused by changes in muscles, inflammation, nerve disease and constipation. Know more.
Sexual impotence is a relatively common problem, but it can be cured. See which treatment options are most used for each cause


Inibine is a peripheral vasodilator drug that has Isoxsuprine as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of asteriosclerosis and cerebral vascular insufficiency. Inibine acts directly on vascular smooth muscle producing vasodilation ...


Inositol is a food supplement that can have several functions in the body, and can be used to help maintain healthy cells, reduce blood cholesterol levels and even to help treat diabetes. Inositol is a compound derived from the metabolism of ...
Infant intestinal infection is a very common childhood disease that occurs when the body reacts against the entry of viruses, bacteria, parasites in the intestine. See what are the most common symptoms and how to get the right treatment
The baby's urinary tract infection can appear right from the first days of life and it is sometimes not very easy to notice its symptoms, especially as the baby cannot express his discomfort. Check out which signs to watch for, how the treatment is done and how ...
The uterine infection happens due to the development of bacteria inside the uterus, generating symptoms such as fever above 38ºC, vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. Uterine infection should be treated as soon as possible to avoid serious complications, such as generalized infection and, ...
Acute myocardial infarction is characterized by an intense pain in the chest that can radiate to the arm and happens due to the interruption of blood flow to the heart. Learn more about heart attack, causes, symptoms and how the diagnosis and treatment is made
Acute myocardial infarction is damage to heart tissue due to a lack of blood circulation. Learn to identify the symptoms and what to do.
The glycemic index represents the speed with which the carbohydrate in food increases blood sugar. Find out how it influences diet and hunger.
Lung infection, also called respiratory infection, happens when some type of fungus, virus or bacteria can multiply in the lungs. See the most common types of this infection and its main causes