
Full fast is an appetite suppressant in the form of a spray, which helps you lose weight. It is considered a food supplement, as its composition contains natural active ingredients that decrease appetite. The main active ingredient responsible for appetite control is Griffonia extract which ...
Milk of magnesia can be used as a laxative and antacid, treating constipation and excess and acidity in the stomach, however it must be indicated by the doctor to avoid complications related to the consumption of large quantities. See what magnesia milk is for and ...
Hydroxyzine hydrochloride is an antiallergic remedy, of the class of antihistamines, widely used to relieve allergy symptoms such as itching and redness of the skin. Learn how to use and what side effects
Higroton Reserpina is a combination of two long-acting antihypertensive remedies, Higroton and Reserpina, used to treat high blood pressure in adults. Higroton Reserpina is produced by Novartris laboratories and can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of pills.
The testicular hydrocele is characterized by an enlarged testicle, sometimes leaving one larger than the other. It particularly affects babies and men over 40. Find out why it happens and when it needs to be treated
Hydrocephalus is characterized by an accumulation of fluid in the brain and can start during pregnancy due to some syndrome, but it can also appear after childbirth and even in adulthood. Better understand the types that exist, the possible symptoms and how the treatment is done


What it is: Hipoglós is an ointment used against diaper rash in babies based on Retinol (Vitamin A) and Colecalciferol (Vitamin D). The emollient and moisturizing properties of hypoglós help to form a protective layer on the baby's skin, preventing substances present in the feces and ...
Hypogonadism is a disease in which the ovaries or testicles do not produce or produce few sex hormones. The result of hypogonadism can be infertility, the absence of puberty, menstruation, or little development of the male sexual organ. Treatment of hypogonadism The ...
Hyperdontia is a rare condition in which extra teeth appear in the mouth, up to 30 more teeth than normal. See what is done in each case and what are the possible complications
Some girls may be born with an imperforate hymen, causing severe abdominal pain. See other symptoms and how the surgery is done.
Learn everything you need to know to change your diaper and keep your baby's skin clean and dry, without diaper rash.
Sleep hygiene consists in the adoption of a set of good habits, which provide a more lasting, peaceful and higher quality sleep, bringing more energy and disposition for the next day. Here's how to do it correctly
Hypernatremia is excess sodium in the blood, which can happen in bedridden elderly. Learn to identify the causes and how to treat.
Hyperbilirubinemia, or neonatal jaundice, is a common disease in babies, and breastfeeding can be a cause. Learn more and what to do.
Hipérico is a medication that has in its composition the substance Hypericum perforatum, indicated for the relief of symptoms of mild to moderate depression. Know how to use, what contraindications and side effects
What it is: Hyperkalaemia, also called hyperkalemia, corresponds to an increase in the amount of potassium circulating in the blood, with a concentration above the reference value, which is between 3.5 and 5.5 mEq / L. The increase in the amount of blood potassium can result in some ...
What it is: Hyperglycemia is characterized by the large amount of sugar circulating in the blood, being more common in diabetes, and can be noticed through some specific symptoms, such as nausea, headache and excessive sleep, for example. It is common for blood sugar levels ...
Endometrial hyperplasia consists of increasing the thickness of the tissue that lines the uterus internally, due to excessive exposure to estrogen. Know the causes, symptoms and how the treatment is done.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, is an enlarged prostate that occurs naturally in men after the age of 50, causing symptoms such as frequent urge to urinate or difficulty emptying the bladder. See other symptoms and how treatment is done
What it is: Arterial hypotension, popularly called low blood pressure, in most cases, does not harm health. In a smaller portion, it can be severe and may result in cardiogenic shock, requiring the use of venous medications to increase it, with great ...
Pulmonary hypertension occurs when there is an increase in pressure inside the pulmonary arteries, resulting in shortness of breath that can happen even at rest. Understand what it is, what the symptoms, causes and how should be the treatment of pulmonary hypertension
Arterial hypertension in the elderly should always be well controlled, as high blood pressure is an important risk factor for having a heart attack or stroke. See when hypertension is considered and how treatment should be done to avoid major complications
Systemic arterial hypertension, also popularly known as high blood pressure disease, is a silent disease. It usually does not cause symptoms, but if not properly controlled, it can lead to the emergence of several health problems such as acute myocardial infarction, ...
Hirsutism is when the woman has hair on her face, chest and belly, in an exaggerated way, as occurs in men. Hair usually starts to become easier to identify from puberty, but this condition can arise after menopause. Treatment can be taking ...
Muscle hypertrophy corresponds to the gain in muscle mass that occurs due to the practice of intense physical exercises and adequate nutrition. Understand what muscle hypertrophy is and how it happens
Hypocalcemia is a lack of calcium in the blood, and can cause symptoms such as muscle spasms, seizures and mental confusion. Its cause may be related to parathyroid diseases, but also to the kidneys or low vitamin D. Learn other causes and how treatment is done


Hirudoid is an anti-inflammatory remedy used to reduce inflammation, pain, swelling and redness of areas with bruises or varicose veins. It is also used to relieve the feeling of heaviness in the legs caused by swelling. The active ingredient in Hirudoid is polysulfate ...
Hypochromia corresponds to the little red cell staining due to the lower amount of hemoglobin inside these cells. Understand what hypochromia is, how to understand the result on blood count and when it can happen
The best way to improve oily skin is to use masks with natural ingredients, which can be prepared at home, and then wash your face. These masks must contain ingredients such as clay, which absorb excess oil, essential oils that purify the skin and others ...
Neonatal hypoglycemia occurs when the newborn has low blood glucose concentrations up to 72 hours after birth. Know the signs and symptoms of neonatal hypoglycemia and how to treat it.
Hyponatremia is the lack of sodium in the blood, which can happen due to the accumulation of water and dilution of this mineral in the blood. Know the main causes of hyponatremia and how is the treatment
Farsightedness corresponds to the difficulty of seeing closely, which can cause eye pain, headache and watery eyes. Understand more about hyperopia, symptoms and how treatment is done.
The turbinate hypertrophy is characterized by an increase in the nasal turbinates, which are structures that form the nose and allow the passage of air. Know the causes of nasal turbinate hypertrophy, main symptoms and how is the treatment
Enamel hypoplasia is a disease that affects the teeth and can lead to the appearance of intense tooth sensitivity. Here's how to treat.
What it is: Postural hypotension, also known as orthostatic hypotension, is a situation characterized by a rapid decrease in blood pressure, which leads to the appearance of some symptoms, such as dizziness, fainting and weakness. This situation happens mainly ...
Hypothermia is the body temperature below 36º C, which is considered the ideal temperature. The baby may be cold, with cold arms and legs, and sometimes it may be necessary to take the baby to the doctor
Reactive hypoglycemia is a decrease in blood glucose concentration up to 4 hours after a meal. Understand what is reactive hypoglycemia, symptoms and how the diagnosis should be made
See how to prepare different homemade masks to hydrate different types of hair, using natural products such as cornstarch, avocado, honey and yogurt.