
The benefits of pitanga mainly involve helping you lose weight because it has few calories and, therefore, pitanga juice is a great diuretic drink to take while dieting and also helps to keep your skin healthy and beautiful, as it is rich in vitamin A. In addition, the cherry ...
Pear is a very versatile fruit that can be easily carried in the bag for work or school. See the health benefits of this fruit and the most important nutrients
Rapadura is an excellent source of energy to train, rich in iron which due to the high concentration of vitamin B, calcium and iron is good for health.


Guacamole is a famous Mexican dish made from avocado, onion, tomato, lemon, pepper and cilantro, which brings health benefits related to each ingredient. What stands out most in this dish is its richness in avocado welcome fats and its high antioxidant power.
The benefits of boron especially involve maintaining bone health because boron influences the activity and absorption of nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium and vitamin D, which are essential nutrients for strong bones. Foods that are good sources of boron include foods from ...
Algae are plants that grow in the sea, especially rich in minerals, such as Calcium, Iron and Iodine, but they can also be considered good sources of protein, carbohydrate and Vitamin A. Seaweed is good for health and can be put in salad, soup or even in the sauce or stew of ...
Butter or almond paste is rich in protein and omega-3, and can be used for muscle gain or weight loss. Here's how to do it at home.
Citrus fruits, such as orange or pineapple, promote benefits, mainly for the formation and maintenance of the health of cells throughout the body. Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which is an essential component in the formation of collagen, for example, a protein that gives ...
Ghee butter or clarified butter contains neither salt nor lactose and is ideal for cooking. Find out what are the health benefits, how to consume and how to do at home
Biotin, or vitamin B7, is essential for the production of energy in the body and for maintaining healthy skin, nails and hair. See how much to consume.
Coconut sugar is considered healthier than white sugar, as it has a lower glycemic index and a more nutritious composition. Know the benefits of coconut sugar
Taioba is a large-leaved plant that is grown and consumed especially in the region of Minas Gerais, and that is rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus. It helps to prevent diseases like anemia, osteoporosis and improve the gut
Grapes are fruits rich in antioxidants and water, especially in their skins, which bring health benefits such as preventing cancer, preventing muscle fatigue and improving bowel function. Each grape variation has specific properties and can be consumed in the form of juice, ...
Camu camu has several health benefits such as strengthening the immune system, preventing flu, cancer and heart disease. Learn about other benefits and how to ingest
Aloe vera is a plant that has several health benefits, such as strengthening the immune system, improving digestion and the appearance of the skin, for example. Discover the main benefits of Aloe vera.
The benefits of sunflower oil are especially to protect the body's cells because it is an oil rich in vitamin E, which is an excellent antioxidant. Other benefits of consuming sunflower oil can be: help in the formation of important hormones for the proper functioning of the ...
Arugula, besides being low in calories, is rich in fiber so one of its main benefits is to fight and treat constipation because it is a vegetable rich in fiber, with approximately 2 g of fiber per 100 g of leaves. Other benefits of arugula can be: Helping to control the ...
Sunflower seeds are sources of vitamins and minerals, as well as being rich in protein. They help to protect cardiovascular health in addition to losing weight. See other health benefits and how to use the seed in your diet
The benefits of loquats, also known as plum-do-ParĂ¡ and Japanese plum, are to strengthen the immune system because this fruit has many antioxidants and improve the circulatory system. Other benefits of loquats can be: Combat fluid retention, as they are ...
Date is a fruit that is usually sold in its dehydrated form, making it a great option to replace sugar in recipes such as cakes and cookies. It is a great source of B vitamins and minerals like potassium, copper, iron, magnesium and calcium.