Organic silicon maintains skin health and can be found in apples, corn, rice, soybeans, oats, wheat bran and peanuts. See how to use this mineral.
To use fibers to lose weight, you must consume fiber at every meal, every day, because they bring benefits such as decreased appetite and improved intestinal transit because they capture water, forming a kind of gel in the stomach and ferment in the intestine. , facilitating ...
Phototherapy consists of using special lights as a form of treatment, being widely used in newborns who are born with jaundice.
A cranial fracture is any type of fracture that occurs in one of the bones in the skull, which is more common after a strong blow to the head or due to a fall from a great height. Check which signs help to identify and which treatment options are most used
Treatment for fracture of the clavicle depends on the type of fracture, but it is usually done with immobilization of the arm, but sometimes requires surgery. Physiotherapy is almost always indicated to recover completely
Femoral fracture occurs when a fracture occurs in the thigh bone. Usually the fracture can be referred to by the doctor as a fracture of the femoral neck or fracture of the body, depending on the affected site. Learn more about these types, how the treatment is done and what symptoms to watch for
The test of fructosamine helps to confirm the effectiveness of the treatment for diabetes. See how it works and when it should be done.
The barbecue is a practical and fun way to have a meal at home, but this type of activity can be harmful to your health.
To have faithful monitoring of weight loss or weight gain, you should weigh yourself fasting and avoid weighing yourself on Monday. See more care.
Numbness in the face and head can arise from several causes, from inflammation in the nerves, dental problems, exanqueca or even an anxiety attack. know how to identify what can be and what to do if it appears.
Children's hearts beat faster than those of adults, and while in the newborn the normal value is 130 bpm, in a child aged 6 it is normal 100 bpm, at rest. See an older table, as well as what can increase or decrease your heart rate.
Pain and swelling in the foot may indicate a fracture of the calcaneus. Treatment can be done with plaster and surgery.
What it is: The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ whose function is to concentrate, store and excrete bile, which consists of cholesterol, bile salt, bile pigments, immunoglobulins and water. Bile remains stored in the gallbladder until needed in the duodenum, ...
Muscle weakness usually arises after overexertion, however, it can also be a sign of more serious problems, such as anemia, flu or diabetes. Check out the 10 main causes of this symptom and what you can do in each case to relieve discomfort
The tingling in the legs and feet can happen due to bad positions, fractures or even illnesses. Know what causes this sensation and how to treat it.
What it is: Fusariosis is an infectious disease caused by an opportunistic fungus, Fusarium spp., Which can be found in the environment, mainly in plantations. Fusarium spp. it is more frequent in people with compromised immune systems, whether due to diseases ...
The main signs of child stuttering can be observed in the period when the child begins to develop speech, with repetition of words, syllables and prolongation of sounds, for example. Learn to identify children's stuttering and how treatment should be
What it is: Galactography is a type of mammography with contrast that serves to diagnose the cause of the outflow of blood or any other liquid that is coming out of the nipples, outside of the breastfeeding period. This exam is indicated for women and can hurt a little, because for your ...
Fructose is a type of sugar present in fruits and honey, but it has also been added artificially by the industry in cookies, powdered juices, ready-made pasta, sauces, soft drinks and sweets. Know when it can be harmful to health
Acidic fruits like orange, pineapple or strawberry, for example, are rich in vitamin C, fiber and potassium. Know when they should be avoided
Lymph nodes are part of the immune system and are very important to prevent and fight infections caused by viruses and bacteria
Vitamin B6 is a micronutrient that performs several functions in the body, including the maintenance and health of the nervous system. See what vitamin B6 is for and the recommended daily amount
Platelets are fragments of cells produced in the bone marrow and which are fundamental to the blood clotting process. Understand what platelets are and what they are for.
Furunculosis is a condition where several boils appear together, causing symptoms such as severe pain at the site and pus output. See what can cause this situation and how to treat
The liver is an organ that works in the digestion of food and metabolizes every medicine used. See your roles and how to recognize that you are sick.
Arterial blood gas analysis is a blood test that helps determine if you need to breathe with the aid of a device. Check the reference values.
Gastroenteritis is an inflammation in the stomach that is caused mainly by viruses and bacteria. Find out what is and how is the treatment of gastroenteritis
The gastroenterologist doctor takes care of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Find out what diseases can be treated
Tear gas causes difficulty in breathing, burning and watery eyes. See what to do when exposing yourself and how to neutralize the gas.
The enlarged lymph nodes, or lymph node enlargement, can indicate different types of infections or inflammations. Know what it is when it arises in the armpit, groin or neck
Ginger helps to reduce high blood pressure because it has blood thinning properties and is anti-inflammatory. Know when not to consume this root.