
Learn how to purify the water for drinking, reuse rainwater and how to make an antiseptic to wash your hands, in addition to a dry shampoo.
Dengue is a disease caused by a virus transmitted by the bite of the female Aedes aegypti mosquito and can be prevented through measures such as the elimination of objects that accumulate standing water. Learn more other care to fight dengue
Blood consists of a liquid part and a solid part. The liquid part is plasma and the solid part is white and red blood cells.
Genetically modified foods are those that have parts of DNA from other living organisms mixed with their own DNA. In Brazil, the main foods are soybeans, corn and cotton, which give rise to several other products, such as cookies.
Osteonecrosis can arise in several bones, such as in the hip, femur, knee, wrist and jaw. The main signs are hip pain and limping, and the main form of treatment is surgery. Understand what causes osteonecrosis, the affected body sites and how to treat it.
Osteomalacia is a disease that causes weakness in the bones. Know its causes, symptoms, how to confirm the diagnosis and what treatment options are available
Osteopenia is a situation in which there is a decrease in bone mass, causing bones to become more fragile and there is a greater risk of fractures. Understand what osteopenia is, main causes and how the diagnosis is made
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a rare disease that leaves bones very fragile. For this reason, bones are compared to glass. See what other symptoms may appear, what are the most common types of the disease and how treatment is done
To learn how to eat vegetables the most important thing is not to give up and know that it takes some time for the taste to get used to. Check out 7 steps to learn to enjoy healthy food
Ora-pro-nobis is an unconventional vegetable, of low cost, accessible and rich in protein and vitamins. Its leaves can be included in various preparations to strengthen the nutritional value of meals. See the health benefits of this leaf and how to use it.
Otoscopy is an examination performed by an otorhinolaryngologist who serves to assess the structures of the ear, such as the ear canal and eardrum and can identify health problems such as ear infections and eardrum perforation. Find out more what it is for and how otoscopy is performed
Osteomyelitis is the infection of the bone, which must be treated with antibiotics for several weeks. Know what the contamination is like and identify the symptoms.
In otitis externa, there is ear pain, and there may be secretion with pus and rupture of the eardrum.
Otorrhea corresponds to the secretion that can appear in the ear, being more frequent in the case of otitis, however it can also be a consequence of a skull fracture, for example. Know the main causes of otorrhea and know what to do
The inflammation in the ear can be quite uncomfortable, however it can be easily resolved. See what are the main causes of ear inflammation and what to do
The feeling that the ear is clogged is relatively common and appears very often when diving or flying. In these situations it is a temporary case and, therefore, it is not serious. However, when it lasts a long time to disappear it can be a sign of ...
Ovolactovegetarianism is a vegetarian diet in which it is also allowed to eat only eggs and milk and dairy products. See example of menu and recipes.
In otitis there is earache, fever and there may be discharge. Placing a warm towel on the ear relieves the pain, but remedies are indicated. Know more.
Infestation by oxyurus or any other worm in pregnancy does not harm the baby, because the baby is protected inside the uterus, but despite this, the woman may have worms in the anus and vagina and this may be the cause of recurrent infections and should treat the most ...
The swollen mouth is usually a sign of allergy and can appear immediately or up to 2 hours after taking some medication or eating allergenic foods such as peanuts, shellfish, eggs or soy, for example. However, a swollen mouth can also indicate other diseases. Know which and how to deflate
The pandemic is a health situation in which an infectious disease spreads quickly to several places, reaching worldwide proportions. Understand what a pandemic is and why it happens
Quail eggs are much smaller than chicken eggs and besides having a very pleasant taste, they are also a very nutritious food, due to the protein content of high biological value. See the benefits of this food and how to cook and peel quail eggs
Treatment for Paget's disease includes the use of medication and physical therapy, but in some cases it may be necessary to resort to surgery. See the treatment.
Oximetry makes it possible to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood, using devices in contact with the finger, ear or through blood samples collected from a blood vessel. See better how it works, what normal values ​​and the care you should take to ensure a more accurate result
Paracentesis is the withdrawal of abdominal fluid through a needle, and is usually necessary in case of ascites caused by cirrhosis in the liver. Understand the technique to perform this procedure, when it is indicated and possible complications.


What it is: Panarice is an inflammation that develops around the nails of the hands or feet, caused by microorganisms that proliferate in this region, after a superficial injury, such as pulling the cuticle skin with the teeth or with pliers. nails. Symptoms of panarice The ...
The pancreas is a gland in the digestive system that has two very important functions for the functioning of the body. See what are and what diseases can affect the gland


Millet, also popularly known as target corn or millet or millet, is a cereal that helps to improve constipation, lower cholesterol and control diabetes by having fiber. It is rich in carbohydrates and also has protein, but does not contain gluten and therefore can be ...
Leboyer childbirth, also called childbirth without violence or being born smiling, is one in which attention is directed to the baby's comfort, making his first experience outside the womb more pleasant. How Leboyer childbirth is done Leboyer childbirth is done with a little care, such as ...
Paraparesis is characterized by the inability to partially move the lower limbs, due to spinal injuries, viral infection or genetic changes. Understand what paraparesis is, symptoms and how treatment is done
Sudden cardiac arrest is a medical emergency that happens when the heart stops pumping blood, causing fainting and loss of pulse, putting life at immediate risk. Better understand what it is, why it can happen and who is most at risk
Cerebral palsy is a serious condition that limits the affected person's movements. Know what can cause it, its types of treatments.