
Ascites or water belly is the abnormal accumulation of fluids inside the abdomen, in the space between the tissues that line the abdomen and the abdominal organs. Find out which diseases are at the origin of this phenomenon and see what the treatment consists of
The frequency with which the baby poops varies with age. As he grows, the intestine regulates and decreases the number of times the baby poops, which at the beginning and up to 3 months is almost every time he suckles
Palliative care is an area of ​​medicine that offers symptom relief and improves the well-being of people with terminal illnesses. Find out more about this type of care and when they are indicated
Jaundice is the yellowish color of the skin and eyes caused by excess bilirubin in the blood. It can be caused by diseases of the liver, bile ducts or blood. know how to identify the main causes and what to do to treat.
On the day of the marathon, the athlete must eat foods based on carbohydrates and protein, in addition to drinking a lot of water and drinking an energy drink. However, having a healthy diet is essential during the months you are preparing for the test. To endure the test until ...
Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin problem that affects the scalp and oily areas of the skin such as the sides of the nose, ears, beard, eyelids and chest, causing redness, blemishes and flaking. See the causes, symptoms and how the treatment is done
Using a nasal decongestant containing a substance called phenylephrine in drops or spray equals the pressure on the eardrum membranes, reducing congestion and preventing middle barotitis. Middle barotitis, or aerotitis, is the damage to the middle ear caused by the difference in ...
Knowing what to do to prevent worms is important to avoid contamination with these parasites. That is why some tips to prevent intestinal worms infection are: Wash and disinfect fruits and vegetables before consuming them; Eat only well done meat; Consume...
RDW is a part of the blood test that assesses the size of red blood cells and is therefore often used to assess different types of anemia. See what each result can mean and when the doctor can order the test
Congenital hip dysplasia is an alteration where the baby is born with an imperfect fit between the femur and the hip bone. There are different degrees of this change, where the femur may be only slightly out of the joint or completely out. This is a serious change ...
Talking to the doctor as much information as possible about the problem that led him to see the psychiatrist, cardiologist or even the general practitioner, helps him to diagnose the disease more easily, making it easier to choose the best treatment. So before going to the doctor ...
Quadriplegia is the inability to move your arms, torso and legs due to spinal injuries. It is different from paraplegia. Know how to identify the differences and understand if there is a cure.


Farinata is a kind of flour produced from food donated by industries and supermarkets. See your safety and health risks
Not every tumor is cancer, because there are benign tumors that grow in an organized manner, without developing metastasis. But malignant tumors are always cancer. know more
Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that starts in the bone marrow. In the early stages it does not cause symptoms, but in the terminal stage it is severe and causes weakness, weight loss, bone pain, infections and bleeding. Learn the tests needed to diagnose and how is the treatment.
Hospital infection is caused by weakened immunity, antibiotics and long-term hospitalization. Learn the most common types, symptoms and prevention
To maintain good weight in pregnancy, you should eat a diet rich in fiber, protein and fruit. At this stage the woman should not be on any diet to lose weight and the diet need not have any major restrictions, but she must remain healthy and at regular times for the baby ...
The complete healing of the episiotomy usually happens within 1 month after delivery, however, some simple precautions can speed up this process and make the stitches come out faster. See what precautions to take and how to proceed
In Dumping Syndrome patients should eat a diet low in sugar and rich in protein, eating small amounts of food throughout the day. This syndrome usually arises after bariatric surgery, such as gastrectomy, with rapid passage of food from the stomach ...
Hot flashes are very common when entering menopause, however, there are other cases where this can happen, such as andropause, during some treatments or in diseases such as hyperthyroidism or hypogonadism. See more causes and know what to do
To ensure the health of the cardiovascular system it is important not to eat fatty foods, such as fried foods or sausages, or foods that are very high in sodium, such as pickles, olives, chicken stock or other ready-made spices because they can cause hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke or heart attack.
The cyst is a kind of sac filled with air, liquid or semi-solid content that can develop anywhere in the body. There are several types, such as ovarian, Baker's, or Naboth's cyst. See more types and what are their causes.
To make it easier to get a good grade in tests like the entrance exam and public exams, we show you the best secrets to boost your brain and turn it into a super computer! So it is like this: in the days before the exam, while you are studying all the subjects, ...
During an airplane trip the body becomes dehydrated, the legs swell, the taste is altered, and even the transmission of germs increases. Know more.
To alleviate the kidney crisis, it is important to use medicines that reduce pain, hydration, care with food and home remedies. Know how.
When the back pain takes more than 6 weeks to disappear, an orthopedist should be consulted, as it may be a sign of problems, such as spinal cord compression, herniated disc, fracture of a vertebra or cancer, and diagnostic tests are required, like X-ray or CAT scan for ...
When the muscle is heavily exercised it can become fatigued, increasing the risk of injury. Know what to do to combat this tiredness and relieve the pain.
The diabetic should eat 1 wholemeal bread or 1 fruit such as mandarin or avocado, for example, before doing physical exercise such as walking, if your blood glucose is below 80 mg / dl to prevent your blood sugar from falling too low, which can cause dizziness , blurred vision or fainting. The exercise...
Choking is a rare situation, but it can be life-threatening. See how to avoid it and what can cause frequent choking.
The sore throat can arise due to the flu or cold, air pollution or be caused by an allergic reaction, for example. See other causes that cause sore throat and what to do to treat
Diarrhea can be caused by several factors, however, when it occurs accompanied by fever it can be an alarm signal. Learn what diarrhea with fever can be and what to do
Knowing what impairs memory can be useful for improving concentration and memory. The ability to memorize depends on attention, perception and reasoning and, therefore, doing many things at the same time also damages the brain, decreasing the ability to concentrate and ...
Those who have mild diverticulitis, foods like sunflower seeds or fatty foods like fried foods, for example, because they increase abdominal pain. This is because the seeds can lodge in the diverticula, increasing intestinal inflammation and fats increase the movements of the ...
Low blood pressure is not usually caused by health problems, it is a common feature in some people and generally does not pose health risks. However, when it appears suddenly or is accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, fainting or tiredness it may indicate more problems ...
What it is: Orchiectomy is a surgery in which one or both testicles are removed. Generally, this surgery is performed in order to treat or prevent the spread of prostate cancer or to treat or prevent testicular cancer and breast cancer in men, since they are the ...