
Chili is a vegetable with the scientific name Capsicum annuum, available in various colors, such as yellow, green, red, orange or purple. Know the benefits and how to make recipes with these foods


Pinta is a skin infection caused by the bacterium Treponema carateum, which causes the appearance of bluish spots and lesions on the skin. Generally, Pinta is more frequent in children, adolescents or young adults and can be transmitted through direct contact with the patient's skin ...
Pleurodesis is a procedure that consists of inserting a drug in the space between the lung and the chest, preventing the accumulation of fluid or air in that space. Know what it is for, how the procedure is done and how the recovery is
The anal plicoma is a benign skin protrusion on the outer portion of the anus that can be mistaken for a hemorrhoid. Know the causes and how the treatment is done
Platelets are blood cells that play a fundamental role in the clotting process and that may have their concentration increased due to physiological situations, such as stress, or pathological conditions, such as hemolytic anemia, for example. Find out what the high nameplate can be and how ...
Polyphagia, also known as hyperphagia, is a symptom that is characterized by excessive hunger and a desire to eat that is considered superior to normal, which does not happen even if the person eats. Know what may be causing this symptom and what to do
The stomach polyp corresponds to the abnormal growth of tissue in the mucosa in the stomach that normally does not cause symptoms and is not severe, being discovered during a digestive endoscopy, for example. Find out what are the main causes of gastric polyp and what are the symptoms
The nasal polyp is an abnormal growth of tissue in the lining of the nose, which resembles small grapes or tears stuck to the inside of the nose, which can lead to the appearance of symptoms such as constant runny nose, a stuffy nose or headache. See other symptoms and how it is ...
Polycythemia corresponds to an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood, which can lead to an increase in blood viscosity and, consequently, the risk of infarction and stroke, for example. Understand what polycythemia is, main causes, symptoms and how the diagnosis is made.
Polysomnography is an examination performed to identify and assess sleep disorders. Find out how it's done and how to prepare.
The do-in points are spread throughout the body, but many pains can be combated by stimulating some specific points that are on the palm of the hand. These points can be stimulated through the use of an alternative medicine technique known as Acupressure.
Polycythemia Vera is a myeloproliferative disease of hematopoietic cells, which is characterized by an uncontrolled proliferation of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Learn more about polycythemia vera, symptoms and how the diagnosis is made
What it is: Polivitamínico is a food supplement consisting of several vitamins and which aims to avoid the lack of vitamins that cannot be obtained through food. Some supplement options that can be indicated by the nutritionist are Centrum, Gerovital ...
Polydipsia is the condition in which a person is excessively thirsty and this leads to other symptoms such as increased intake of water and other fluids, increased urinary frequency and even dizziness. See other symptoms, possible causes and how treatment is done
Polio is caused by poliovirus, which can be transmitted from person to person, and can leave sequelae, such as loss of strength in a limb and reflexes. Know the symptoms of polio and how transmission occurs
Phimosis ointments are used to facilitate exercises and stretches performed on the skin of the foreskin during treatment. These ointments usually contain a corticoid, such as betamethasone, which reduces inflammation of the area, facilitating the stretching of the skin. Although this kind of ...
Generally, the treatment of infection caused by oxyurus, also known as Enterobius vermicularis, is carried out with oral antiparasitic agents, such as mebendazole, albendazole or pyrantel pamoate, which is very effective in the treatment, without the need for the application of. ..
Excessive or excessive urination is a condition known scientifically as polyuria, and it happens when you pee more than 3 liters of water in 24 hours. It is usually not a concern and happens only because of excessive water consumption, but it can also indicate health problems. See which ones ...
Anti-inflammatory ointments are used to decrease pain and inflammation of muscles, tendons and joints and are generally applied in the region.
To normalize healing and prevent the appearance of keloids, there are some ointments that can be used in the region and decrease its appearance. See which
Find out which ointments are most used to treat itchy skin, caused by allergy, insect bite, psoriasis, ringworm, burn or dermatitis, for example
The stitches in the head are generally not serious, being most of the time indicative of migraine, for example. However, when they are frequent, accompanied by other symptoms or do not go away with the use of medications, it can be indicative of more serious problems. Know the main ...
The pain points of fibromyalgia help to confirm the diagnosis of the disease. See what they are and where they are.
Supplementation serves to provide the body with plant components, beneficial bacteria, fibers, trace elements, minerals and / or vitamins to balance the body, which due to the modern lifestyle in which there is a lot of stress and pollution are difficult to guarantee or are lacking...
The ointments for cold sores have in their antiviral composition that helps to eliminate the Herpes virus, facilitating the healing of the lip. See which ointments are most suitable for this problem and how to use
Antibiotic ointments such as Nebacetin and Diprogenta can be used when ingrown hair is infected, with accumulation of pus. see more
The prick in the belly is the sensation of pain in the abdomen that appears because of excess intestinal gas or constipation. However, other conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and gallbladder stones can lead to the appearance of this symptom. Find out more what can be pricked in ...
Prebiotics are substances present in some foods, which serve as a substrate for certain microorganisms present in the intestine. Find out what they are for and what foods they can be found in
Vaccines are an important way to train and protect the body against infections and serious illnesses that can endanger each person's life, such as polio, measles or pneumonia. See other important reasons to vaccinate
What it is: PrEP HIV, also known as HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, is a method of preventing infection by the HIV virus and corresponds to the combination of two antiretroviral drugs that prevent the virus from multiplying within the body, preventing the person...
Avoiding the accumulation of standing water and using repellent and long pants and closed shoes, are some of the most important tips to prevent the emergence of dengue. See other precautions you need to take to prevent the mosquito from multiplying and dengue from spreading
The best way to prevent AIDS and HIV is to use a condom in every intimate contact. Find out all the ways in which you can be infected with the HIV virus and what to do in case of a suspicion.