
Childhood paralysis, also known scientifically as polio, is a serious infectious disease that can cause permanent paralysis in certain muscles. See other symptoms, how to treat and what are the possible sequels
Biopsy is an exam that is done from the collection of cells from a tissue or organ to be analyzed in the laboratory
Paracoccidioidomycosis is an infection caused by the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, which can cause symptoms such as fever, weight loss, cough, and lesions in the mouth or skin. Treatment can take months or years, so it's important to prevent
Paraplegia is the medical term used when the patient is unable to move or feel his legs due to an injury to the spinal cord. Find out what types of paraplegia and how treatment is done
The green tea cigarette has no nicotine and can be an alternative to help anyone who wants to quit smoking. Better understand its advantages and disadvantages.
The homa index can help diagnose diabetes, see how the test is done and how to understand its results.
The ALT blood test, also known as the TGP test, is required to assess liver function. When ALT is high it can indicate inflammation, hepatitis or cirrhosis, for example.
Infectious erythema or human parvovirus is an infectious disease characterized by the presence of red spots and rashes on the arms, legs and face. Find out what are the symptoms of parvovirus and how the treatment is done.
Naegleria fowleri is a parasite that lives in warm water, which can enter the body through the nose causing loss of appetite, headache, vomiting. There is still no treatment for this infection and, therefore, infection of the brain with this parasite can be fatal
Paronychia is an infection that occurs on the skin around the nail that appears when the manicure takes out a steak, for example. See what are the symptoms of paronychia and how is the treatment done
Pectin is a type of soluble fiber found naturally in foods like apples and oranges. See its benefits and how to do it at home.
The equine foot is characterized by a malformation in the foot, which compromises flexibility in the ankle pain region, making it difficult to perform movements, namely when walking and the ability to flex the foot towards the front of the leg. know more
Flatfoot is a very common situation in children up to 6 years of age and can be treated with the use of orthopedic shoes, insoles, physiotherapy and physical exercises. See what to do in case of flatfoot and how the treatment can be done
Peniscopy is a diagnostic test used by the urologist to observe lesions or changes that are imperceptible to the naked eye, which may be present in the penis, scrotum or perianal region. Peniscopy is generally used to diagnose HPV infections. Know when and how this ...
An acidic diet is one in which foods such as coffee, soda, vinegar and eggs are regularly consumed, which naturally increases the acidity of the blood. This type of food favors the loss of muscle mass, kidney stones, fluid retention and even decreased ...
Pediculosis is the scientific name given to a lice infestation, which can appear on the head, body, eyelashes, eyebrows or pubic hair.
What it is: Pellagra is a disease caused by a deficiency of niacin which is Vitamin B3, also called niacin, in the body. This disease is not contagious and that is why it is not passed from one individual to another. The causes of pellagra can be the lack of vitamin B3 in the body or the ...
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, also known only as PBE, is a serious complication that can arise in people with ascites due to liver cirrhosis, for example. Some symptoms of this condition may include diffuse abdominal pain and fever. Check out other signs and see how the ...
The yellowish skin can be a symptom of liver diseases, mainly, such as cirrhosis, liver failure and hepatitis, for example. Find out what are the main causes of cirrhosis and what to do.
The remedies for slimming should be used only under medical guidance, because otherwise they can lead to chemical dependency and have the opposite effect, that is, cause the person to gain weight. Learn about weight loss remedies, when to use and when they can be dangerous
Dysmetry of lower limbs, popularly called the short leg, can be treated with physical therapy, insoles or surgery. Know what to do when one leg is bigger than the other
Among other hazards, heat stroke can cause severe skin burns and severe dehydration. See what the symptoms are, what to do in case of heat stroke and how to protect yourself
Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum, which is usually due to an infection caused by bacteria or fungi. See the most frequent causes, symptoms and treatment
The Tree of Death also known as Mancenilheira da praia or Mancenilheira da Areia has venous fruits, toxic sap and its smoke can blind. Check out what causes the body and how to identify this tree
The pH of the blood must be between 7.35 and 7.45 and the change in these values ​​is a very serious situation
The pica syndrome, or pica, is the desire to eat "strange" things, inedible and with little or no nutritional value, such as stones, paint or brick. Better understand what it is, how to identify and how the treatment is done
The swelling in the neck can be a consequence of flu or inflammation of the throat, for example, being quickly resolved. However, if accompanied by other symptoms, it is necessary to see a doctor to investigate the cause of the swelling. Know the main causes of ...
Pyelonephritis is a urinary tract infection that occurs when bacteria reach the kidneys, causing discomfort and pain in the back and when urinating. Find out what are the main symptoms and how to treat pyelonephritis.
Stool pills are capsules that have been studied to regulate the intestinal microbiota and, thus, fight infections and fight obesity, for example. Understand how the stool pill works
The use of anti-inflammatories, antibiotics and homemade dressings are some of the options to treat inflammation in the piercing. See everything you can do if you have an inflamed piercing
The presence of lymphocytes is something relatively normal and does not mean that there is some kind of disease, however, when the value of lymphocytes is very high, this can indicate an infection. Understand when the presence of lymphocytes is worrying
The pet scan is a diagnostic test widely used to identify cancer early and analyze the evolution of the tumor. Find out how the pet scan is done and what it is for.
Pyuria corresponds to the presence of pyocytes in the urine, which can be normal or be indicative of infection, kidney problems, autoimmune diseases or the consequence of using some medications, and it is important to identify the cause to start the most appropriate treatment. Understand what it is ...
Plasmapheresis is a type of treatment that aims to remove excess substances that may be causing diseases, such as antibodies. Understand how plasmapheresis is made and what it is for.