
The presence of bright red blood in the stool and the toilet paper associated with severe pain during bowel movement is usually indicative of internal hemorrhoids, and it is important for the person to consult the doctor to make the diagnosis. Learn to identify the main hemorrhoid symptoms ...
The main symptoms of low immunity are recurrent infections, frequent fever, chills and excessive tiredness, being common in pregnancy. See other signs to watch out for
Umbilical hernia is a protrusion that appears in the navel area that is more frequent in children and that causes pain and discomfort mainly by forcing the muscles of the abdominal region. Learn how to identify the symptoms of hernia in the navel, how the diagnosis is made and how is the ...
Hypertension does not normally cause symptoms and is considered a silent disease. However, when the pressure rises quickly, it is possible to see some symptoms. See what are the symptoms of hypertension and what to do to download
Scarlet fever causes sore throat, bright red patches on the skin, fever, a reddened face and an inflamed tongue. See more symptoms and how the diagnosis is made
Acute renal failure causes symptoms such as shortness of breath, swelling, vomiting and mental confusion, for example, caused by impaired kidney filtration capacity. know how to identify and how is the treatment.
Herpes, whether genital, labial or ocular, causes blisters or ulcers with a reddish edge and liquid, which cause itching, pain and redness.
Infection in the uterus that affects the baby can cause difficulty in breathing, fever or low temperature and the use of antibiotics is essential.
The intestinal infection caused by Salmonella causes symptoms such as severe vomiting and diarrhea, fever, chills and blood in the stool. Take our online test to find out if you have the bacteria
Late menstruation and severe colic are some of the symptoms of fibroids, know which tests help to confirm.
Symptoms of food intolerance usually appear shortly after eating the food for which you are most sensitive, such as milk, bread or egg. Check which symptoms to watch out for
Overdose happens when an overdose of a drug or medication is used, which can cause difficulty in breathing, fainting, disorientation or can lead to death. See the symptoms for each type of drug
The main symptom of oxyurus is intense anal itching, especially at night. In addition, if there are large numbers of parasites, it is possible that there is also nausea, weight loss and abdominal cramps. Know how to recognize the main symptoms of oxyurus
The main symptoms of intestinal infection are abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite and fever, which only appears in some cases. During the treatment of intestinal infection it is important to drink plenty of water and consume easily digestible foods, see examples of how to ...
A good homemade bunion treatment is scalding with Epsom salts, but using ointment and massaging your feet also relieves pain, see what else to do
Pain and an inability to move the shoulder can indicate a dislocation. Your treatment may include immobilization, surgery and physical therapy. Understand.
The uterine polyp is a change in the uterus that usually does not cause any symptoms, but that in some women can lead to bleeding and others
Increased urge to urinate, swollen legs or frequent tiredness may indicate kidney problems. Take the test online to know your risk
Problems in the teeth, difficulty walking and delayed development and growth of the child are some of the symptoms of Rickets. Know more.
Calf pain and hearing a click are classic signs of Achilles tendon rupture. Learn more symptoms and how the diagnosis is made.
Symptoms of poor digestion are usually increased gas, heartburn, frequent burping, feeling sick and a full stomach. See what remedies to use.
Symptoms of inflammation in the tubes can be abdominal pain on both sides and bleeding outside the menstrual period. The main signs and symptoms of acute inflammation of the fallopian tubes are: Changes in the color or smell of the vaginal discharge; Pain during intimate contact; Pain in ...