
The treatment for chickenpox in adults and children lasts about 7 to 15 days and can be done, at home, with paracetamol to lower the fever, antihistamine, such as Polaramine, to reduce itching and water paste to help heal wounds on the skin. Find out more about the treatment ...
The treatment for diphtheria is done with the administration of a diphtheria antitoxin injection, antibiotics and rest, being usually performed with the hospitalized person. Find out how diphtheria treatment is done and how to prevent it.
The caseum, or case, is the appearance of white balls in the throat, which can be removed with gargles or surgery. know more
Mitochondrial disease has no cure, as it is a genetic alteration where the cells of the affected sites cannot survive because the mitochondria, which are responsible for the energy support and survival of the cells, do not work properly, causing harm ...
The treatment of dystonia can be done with injections of botulinum toxin, known as botox, drugs to control dystonia, muscle relaxants, physiotherapy and surgery, which includes deep brain stimulation. Dystonia occurs when the muscles contract involuntarily, ...
Infectious erythema, also popularly known as "slap disease", is a very common infection in children that can cause fever, red spots on the face and general malaise. Check how the treatment should be and how long the signs of improvement appear
To treat it is important to eat a diet rich in fiber and liquids, as the remedies are only necessary in some cases. Know more.
See which remedies are most used to relieve the symptoms of Behçet's Disease and how to prevent new crises.
The treatment for Heck's disease, which is an HPV infection in the mouth, is done when the lesions, similar to warts that develop inside the mouth, cause a lot of discomfort or cause aesthetic changes on the face, for example. Thus, when recommended by the dermatologist, the ...
Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of drops, syrup or pills can be indicated against ear pain. See the medicines that the doctor can prescribe, how to use and how to drip the drops correctly
See what are the remedies and how physiotherapy can help in the treatment of patellar chondromalacia, characterized by pain in the anterior part of the knee.
Speech therapy, psychotherapy, strategies as a teacher and use of medicines in specific cases are indicated to treat dyslexia.
The treatment for McArdle's disease, which is a genetic problem that causes intense cramps in the muscles when exercising, should be guided by an orthopedist and a physical therapist to adapt the type and intensity of physical activities to the symptoms presented.
Treatment for groin pain involves resting and performing cold compresses in the region. See other treatment options for groin pain and when to see a doctor.
Treatment for muscle strain can be done with stretching, ointments and ice. Learn how to use each strategy.
Treatment for chagas disease should be started as soon as possible after diagnosis and is usually done completely free of charge through SUS. See more details, know the recommended remedies and what are the signs of improvement and worsening of the infection
The headache can be quite uncomfortable and even limit daily activities, however it can be easily combated through natural techniques or with medications. Find out how headache treatment is done.
Treatment for pulmonary embolism should be done quickly at the hospital to avoid serious complications. But in addition, it must also be kept at home.
To treat TMJ pain, some options are indicated, such as physiotherapy techniques, medication, use of bite plates, laser or surgery. Know how.
Chronic pain can be treated with drugs, therapies and surgery. Know when each type of treatment is indicated to relieve pain.
Migraine with aura is a very severe headache that causes the appearance of spots in the vision. See how to treat and how to avoid a new crisis.
The treatment consists of drugs to lower the fever, such as Paracetamol, home-made serum and the use of antibiotics. See the names of the remedies and care.
Drug use is quite addictive, especially in the case of illicit substances. Check out what treatment options are available to end this addiction once and for all and understand what is done when admitted to specialized clinics
Migraine can be treated through natural options, with teas, or alternatives, such as homeopathy or meditation, for example. Find out how migraine treatment is done.
One of the ways to cure erythema nodosum is to reduce inflammation with anti-inflammatory drugs and foods, in addition to rest. Learn how to treat.
Treatment for typhoid fever, an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi, can be done with rest, antibiotics prescribed by the doctor, diet indicated by the nutritionist with a minimum of fat and calories and the intake of fluids such as water, natural juices and teas for ...
Albendazole and mebendazole are some of the medications used to treat this parasitosis.
Treatment for histoplasmosis uses antifungal drugs to fight infection of the internal organs. In mild cases, the infection can disappear without any treatment, but in the most severe cases, especially if the individual has deficiencies in the immune system, the ...
The treatment to eliminate mercury from the body can be done through intestinal washing or the use of medicines. See when to use each type of treatment.
Treatment for sexually transmitted infections varies according to the specific type of infection. However, most are curable as long as they are identified early. See the treatment indicated by the Ministry of Health in each case
The treatment for yellow fever should be guided by a general practitioner and usually consists only of relieving the symptoms of the disease, such as fever, headache, nausea and vomiting. Thus, it is recommended to stay at home, at rest, avoiding going to school or work and investing in the intake of ...
The treatment for elephantiasis, also known as filariasis, usually starts with the intake of antiparasitic drugs, the most used, and recommended by WHO, is Diethylcarbamazine (DEC). See other forms of treatment used
The treatment for fracture consists of the repositioning of the bone, immobilization and recovery of movements that can be done conservatively or surgically. The time to recover from a fracture will depend on the type of fracture and the individual's bone regeneration capacity, but ...
In certain cases, it is possible to cure scoliosis by performing the appropriate treatment indicated by the orthopedist and physiotherapist through the use of vests, spine surgery, or the practice of targeted exercises in physical therapy.
The treatment of swine flu can be done with medicines like Tamiflu, Relenza and Paracetamol, in addition to medicinal plants that relieve symptoms. see more
Treatment for hepatitis varies according to its cause, that is, whether it is caused by viruses, autoimmune disease or frequent use of medications. However, rest, hydration, good nutrition and suspension of alcohol consumption for at least 6 months are usually recommended ...
The treatment for hepatitis C can be done by SUS through specific medications to eliminate the virus from the bloodstream. The average treatment time for hepatitis C is approximately 6 months for patients with genotype 2 or 3, and 12 months for the others. During this ...