
At this stage the baby does not like strangers or being away from the mother, even in strange places. However, little by little he gets acquainted with people.
He spends more time awake, shows interest in people, animals and toys and probably already smiles and holds his head well.
The wheezing baby syndrome causes wheezing and shortness of breath, and is curable, usually after 2 years of age. Learn how to identify and what to do.
Now he finds his nose, ears and genitals and can be very upset and irritated when he is hungry, thirsty or hot.
At this stage, he must already sit alone and crawl or at least show interest in it, in addition the upper teeth must begin to be born.
At 1 month the baby still sleeps a lot, but recognizes the mother and father's lap and calms down when he hears his voice.
You must be almost walking, your memory is getting more developed and you can cry if you see someone or another child crying.
Some experts recommend that the baby sleep next to the parents' bed during the first months of life, as this reduces the risk of sudden death
Beclosol contains Beclometazone and is an antiasthmatic and anti-inflammatory drug for inhalation use, which acts on the respiratory tract used to control asthma. This medicine can be found in pharmacies with the names of Clenil Pulvinal, Clenil Spray. Clenil spray jet and should only be ...
The baby is already able to sit without support, is very active and can start to surprise people who do not have much contact.


Benalet is a remedy available in lozenges, indicated as an aid in the treatment of cough, throat irritation and pharyngitis. See how to use
Children with Down Syndrome are at greater risk of developing health problems, such as heart and respiratory diseases, and it is therefore important that they are always accompanied by a pediatrician. See what are the most common health problems and how to treat
Some babies sleep more than others and may not even wake up for meals, and it may take about 6 months for the baby to establish its own circadian rhythm. Know if it is normal for baby to sleep a lot
The high need baby needs to be held all the time, cries a lot and wants to feed every hour, in addition to not sleeping more than 45 minutes in a row. See what to do to take care of the baby high need
It is not normal for the baby to make any noise when breathing when he is awake or asleep or for snoring, it is important to consult the pediatrician, if the snoring is strong and constant, so that the cause of the snoring can be investigated and treatment can be started. The sound of snoring occurs when there is ...
Lymphatic drainage fights swelling and fluid retention, helps recovery from surgery, prevents adherence, fibrosis and improves circulation. Find out more benefits, when it can be performed and when it is contraindicated
Premature infants are small, underweight and more likely to have complications, such as heart problems and difficulty breathing. See more.
The bath of the newborn baby should not take more than 10 minutes and can be given at any time of the day and every day. However, about 2-3 baths a week are sufficient for the baby and the baby should never be bathed after he eats or sucks because he can golf. Besides that,...
To bathe the baby you need to prepare everything before you start and use baby products to not hurt the skin, in addition to checking the water.
The main benefit of physical activity in heart failure is the decrease in symptoms, especially tiredness and shortness of breath, that the individual feels when doing their daily activities. Studies carried out in patients with heart disease have shown that physical activity ...
From the 28th week of gestation, the average of fetal movements is 4 to 6 per hour. See what is the best time to measure and how to stimulate the baby.
The yacon potato is a tubercle currently considered as a functional food, as it is rich in soluble fibers with prebiotic effect and has an antioxidant action. See the benefits and learn how to consume
Acupuncture is a therapy that consists of the application of small needles to release the flow of energy in the body, and some benefits can be to relieve chronic pain and help in the treatment against anxiety. See more other benefits of acupuncture
Carboxitherapy is an aesthetic procedure indicated for the treatment of cellulite, stretch marks, localized fat, wrinkles, dark circles, sagging, although less known, for hair loss, both in men and in women. The benefits of carboxitherapy are: Increasing local blood flow; ...
Running in the water is an excellent activity to lose weight, tone your muscles, improve posture and reduce your belly, being especially suitable for people who are very overweight and elderly people who need to do an activity without harming their joints, as it happens in running in ...
The exercise bike is a great way to exercise, increasing muscle endurance, strengthening your legs and ensuring more physical and cardiorespiratory fitness. See what are the main benefits of the exercise bike for health
Exercising at an early age improves self-esteem, prevents obesity and strengthens bones. Find out the most suitable exercises to do in childhood, at what age you can start classes in ballet, swimming or martial arts, and also when you can get into bodybuilding without harming ...
To stop the baby from crying, parents should try to understand the reason for the baby's crying so that they can respond appropriately to their needs. Generally, crying is the baby's main way of alerting parents of any discomfort, such as a dirty diaper, cold, hunger, pain or colic, in the ...
Chromotherapy is a type of complementary treatment that uses colors such as yellow, red, blue, green or orange to treat some diseases, with each color having a different therapeutic function. Find out what this treatment is for, how and where it is done and what care it is ...
The main benefits of running are weight loss and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, but in addition running on the street has other advantages such as the possibility of running at any time of the day, alone or accompanied
Various types of dance, such as ballroom dancing, jazz and even zumba are excellent for keeping your body and mind healthy.
Magnetotherapy is a natural treatment alternative that uses magnets and their magnetic fields to increase the movement of some cells and body substances, such as water, in order to obtain effects such as decreased pain, increased cell regeneration or reduced ...
Without harming the joints, water aerobics classes are great for pregnant women, the elderly and people with knee problems, for example. See all benefits