
Lamotrigine is an anti-epileptic and anticonvulsant remedy that is widely used in the treatment of seizures and can be used in children over 12 years old. Lamotrigine can be sold in conventional pharmacies under the trade name Lamictal, Lamitor, Neural or ...


Lanvis is an antineoplastic medication that has Thioguanine as its active substance. This oral medication is indicated for the treatment of some types of leukemia and for some blood disorders that are not related to cancer. Lanvis indications Acute lymphocytic leukemia; ...
Kaloba is a herbal medicine indicated for the treatment of symptoms of respiratory infections. Know how to take and what side effects
Skin infections, or skin infections, can arise due to an imbalance in the normal bacterial flora that lines the skin. Skin infections vary in degree and can manifest as simple acne, herpes or as a more serious disease. Check out the most common types with photos ...
Candidisiásico intertrigo is a fungal skin infection, so the treatment is done with antifungal ointments. Learn the causes and how to identify
Kernicterus is a complication of neonatal jaundice that causes damage to the newborn's brain, when excess bilirubin is not treated properly. Understand why it happens and what is the most suitable treatment
Keppra is a widely used remedy to treat seizures in adults and children over 12 years old
Lactose intolerance is the body's inability to digest milk sugar, lactose, causing colic, gas and diarrhea, which arise right after eating this food. For the diagnosis of this intolerance, feces, blood tests and others can be done. See list ...
Klassis emulgel whitening cream can be used to remove spots caused by aging and the sun. See how to apply.
Koide D is a remedy in the form of a syrup with dexchlorpheniramine maleate and betamethasone in its composition, effective in the treatment of eye, skin and respiratory allergies. See how to take, who should not take and what are the most common side effects
Kompensan is indicated to relieve heartburn and the feeling of fullness caused by excess acidity in the stomach that must be taken after a meal
Kyolic immune 103 is a natural extract of aged garlic with astragalus, oregano, olive leaves and vitamin C that stimulates and strengthens the immune system. See more directions and how to use
It serves to decrease the pressure in the eye when the patient has glaucoma and is used through drops.
Lavitan Cálcio + D is a vitamin-mineral supplement based on calcium carbonate, from the Grupo CIMED laboratory. Lavitan Senior is used in nutritional supplementation in the form of a tablet with 60 units. Presents in its composition: Calcium 600 mg + cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) ...
Emotional lability is a condition that occurs when a person has sudden mood swings, and may experience uncontrollable crying or laughing. Some psychological problems can lead to this condition such as pseudobulbar affect and bipolar disorder. Learn more other symptoms and ...
Chapped and dry lips can indicate dehydration or lack of vitamins. Learn other causes and check what to put on the lips to end this discomfort
Lavitan Senior is a supplement of vitamins and minerals, indicated for men and women over 50 years. Find out the benefits of this supplement
Kelo cote is a transparent gel that facilitates the regeneration of scars, which can be caused by surgery, burns or other injuries. See how this silicone gel works, how to use it and what precautions to take
The kinesio tape corresponds to an elastic tape that can be applied to any part of the body in order to relieve the pain of muscle damage. See more about kinesio, what it is for and how to use it
Acidophilic lactobacilli are indicated to treat diseases such as recurrent candidiasis and also improve the intestine. You can take 3 servings daily.
Lactulone is a drug indicated to treat constipation by improving bowel function. Learn to take and the effects.


Lamivudine is the generic name of the remedy known commercially as Epivir, used to treat AIDS in adults and children over 3 months of age, which helps to reduce the amount of the HIV virus in the body and the progression of the disease. Lamivudine, produced by laboratories ...
Kwashiorkor malnutrition is a nutrition disorder caused by a lack of protein in the diet, causing symptoms such as weight loss, changes and swelling in the feet and belly. See more, know the causes and treatment of this disease and how to distinguish it from Marasmus
Lansoprazole is an antacid medicine, similar to Omeprazole, which inhibits the functioning of the proton pump in the stomach, decreasing the production of acid that irritates the stomach lining. Thus, this medicine is widely used to protect the lining of the stomach in cases of ...
Dryness of the lips can be prevented by using Bepantol and moisturizing and repairing lipsticks. See other tips to combat dry lips.
Bitter orange capsules are a great way to complete the diet and practice regular exercise, as it speeds up fat burning, helping you lose weight and get a thinner silhouette. These capsules are made with a substance found inside the orange peel ...
Levantinib is a drug indicated for the treatment of thyroid and kidney cancer. Learn how to take and how to control the effects of chemotherapy.
Lavitan is a brand of supplements that is available for all ages, from birth to adulthood and that meets various needs, which can manifest themselves throughout life. Learn more about each one
What it is: Lavitan Kids is a vitamin supplement for babies and children, from the Grupo Cimed laboratory, which is used for nutritional supplementation. These supplements can be found in liquid or chewable tablets, with different flavors, being suitable for ages ...
This is a vitamin and mineral supplement that can be used to treat nutritional deficiencies or combat physical and mental fatigue.
Lavitan hair is a food supplement that is indicated to strengthen hair and nails. See what is its composition, how it works, how to take and who should not use
Lavitan Mulher is a vitamin-mineral supplement, with vitamin C, iron, vitamin B3, zinc, manganese, vitamin B5, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and folic acid in its composition, very important for the proper functioning of the organism. Know ...


Letrozole is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Femara. This oral medication is indicated for the treatment of breast cancer, and is aimed at women who have already gone through menopause. Indications of Letrozole Breast cancer after ...
This food supplement is indicated to improve brain function, fight depression and lower cholesterol, 2 capsules daily is recommended
The cleft palate and cleft lip are congenital malformations that can appear in the baby right from birth. See the causes, how the treatment is done and when treatment is needed
Soy lecithin has health benefits such as fighting high cholesterol, maintaining liver health and relieving menopausal symptoms. See more.
Soy lecithin relieves menopausal symptoms as it is rich in active ingredients that compensate for hormonal changes. Know how and when to take
Carnitine is an element naturally synthesized in the body and plays a fundamental role in the transport and transformation of fat into energy, with several health benefits. Check out what carnitine is for, how to take it and what are the possible side effects


Leucine is an amino acid found in food, used as a dietary supplement to increase physical endurance in athletes and enhance muscle growth. Leucine can be found in supermarkets, or in stores specializing in the sale of nutritional supplements, with the name ...