
Itraconazole is an oral antifungal used to treat ringworm of the skin, nails, mouth, eyes, vagina or internal organs in adults, as it works by preventing the fungus from surviving and multiplying. Itraconazole can be purchased from pharmacies under the name Traconal, Itrazol, Itraconal ...
Researchers at the State University of Campinas developed a computer program capable of diagnosing skin tumors, such as melanoma, for example, with an accuracy of 86%. Understand how the technique can be applied


Ixel is an oral medicine, which has the active substance Milnaciprana. This medication is an antidepressant, which acts by making larger amounts of serotonin available to the body, a neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure and well-being. Indications of Ixel ...
There are foods that can hinder the functioning of some medicines. When starting to take a new medicine it is very important to avoid interactions with other medicines you are taking, but it is also important to know what foods to avoid. Check out a complete list ...
What it is: Intersexuality is characterized by a variation in sexual characteristics, sexual organs and chromosomal patterns, which make it difficult to identify the individual as male or female. For example, a person may be born with a male physical appearance, but with a ...
What it is: Mitral insufficiency, also called mitral regurgitation, happens when the mitral valve, which is a structure of the heart that separates the left atrium from the left ventricle of the heart when it is closed, is defective, which results in alteration of the circulation...
What it is: Intermission is a situation similar to heat stroke, but this is more serious and can lead to death. Interruption is caused by an increase in body temperature and poor cooling of the body, due to the inability to cool properly. Interruption symptoms Symptoms of ...
Renal failure is characterized by decreased kidney function, leading to the accumulation of various substances and can have several consequences on the body. See what is acute and chronic kidney failure, symptoms and main causes.
Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas, and when it is lacking, it must be replaced in synthetic form. Find out how it works and when to use it.


Intrinsa is the trade name for testosterone skin patches that is used to increase pleasure in women. This testosterone replacement therapy for women allows natural testosterone levels to return to normal, thereby helping to restore libido. The Intrinsa ...
Intestinal invagination, also known as intussusception, is a medical emergency that can cause symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever. This condition is more common in children but it can also happen in adults. See what symptoms and how to treat
Insulinoma is a type of tumor in the pancreas, which can be benign or malignant, which leads to a decrease in blood glucose and causes symptoms such as dizziness, mental confusion and mood swings. Treatment is based on surgery and medication. Learn other symptoms, causes and options ...
Recombinant human interferon alpha 2a is a protein indicated for the treatment of diseases such as hairy cell leukemia, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic myeloid leukemia, chronic hepatitis B, acute and chronic hepatitis C and acuminate condyloma. See how to take and which ...
What it is: Aprovel has irbesartan in its composition, which is a drug indicated for the treatment of hypertension, and can be used alone or in combination with other antihypertensives. In addition, it can also be used to treat kidney disease in people with hypertension and ...


Kanakion is a medicine for injectable use that has Phytomenadione (vitamin k1) as its active ingredient. This medication is used to prevent and treat various forms of bleeding, its effect being observed within 3 to 5 hours after its use. Kanakion indications ...


Kadcyla is a drug indicated for the treatment of breast cancer with several metatheses in the body. This medicine works by preventing the growth and formation of new cancer cell metastases. Kadcyla is a drug produced by the pharmaceutical company Roche. Indications ...
The trapped intestine can be treated by eating a diet rich in vegetables. In the most severe cases, laxative remedies can be used.
What it is: Isoniazid with rifampicin is a medication used for the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis, and can be associated with other medications. This remedy is available in pharmacies but can only be obtained by presenting a prescription and must be used with ...


Kefazol is a medication that has Cefazolin as its active ingredient. This medication is an antibacterial for injectable use, which inhibits the action of bacteria, reducing symptoms such as pain, inflammation and malaise caused by bactericidal infections. Indications of Kefazol Infection ...


Kitnos is an amebicidal medication that has the active substance Etofamide. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of worms such as amoeba, its action is to change the functioning of parasites present in the intestine, weakening them and eliminating them from the body.
Food poisoning is a situation that occurs due to the ingestion of food or drinks contaminated with microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses or parasites. This contamination can happen during the handling and preparation of food or during the process of storage and ...
Iumi is a birth control pill with ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone, used to prevent pregnancy and relieve fluid retention, swelling, weight gain, acne and excess oil in the skin and hair. See how to use and what are the most common side effects
Isotretinoin is indicated for the treatment of severe forms of acne and acne conditions resistant to previous treatments, in which systemic antibiotics and topical drugs have been used. Isotretinoin can be purchased in pharmacies, and you can choose the brand or ...
Ivermectin is a broad-spectrum vermifuge substance, capable of paralyzing and eliminating various types of worms that cause problems such as onchocerciasis, elephantiasis, pediculosis, ascariasis, scabies or intestinal strongyloidiasis, for example. This substance can be ingested by adults ...
Potassium iodide can be used to eliminate sputum and to treat nutritional deficiencies and can be taken 3 times a day.


Kolantyl is an antacid from the Medley laboratory, found in tablet form or liquid content, based on aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide. Indications Acidity in the stomach, gastritis, ulcer. Contraindications In case of acute renal failure, obstruction ...


Koubo is a substance extracted from a cactus known as pitaya, with the scientific name cactaceae cereus sp .. This medicinal plant has an action in reducing appetite, weight control and is a diuretic. Koubo contains proteins, fibers, vitamin C, omega 3 and 6 and natural amino acids from ...
Intertrigo is a skin condition characterized by redness resulting from friction between the skin and another, occurring more frequently in the groin, armpits and under the breasts. Understand what is intertrigo, symptoms and how treatment is done.
The plasma jet is an aesthetic treatment performed mainly on the face to treat wrinkles, expression lines, dark spots on the skin, scars and stretch marks. Learn more what it's for and how it works


Lactopurga is a contact laxative, indicated in the case of constipation, whose active ingredient is Bisacodyl. Indications for Lactopurga Constipation, pre- and postoperative and before exams that require intestinal cleaning. Its use is not recommended for ...
The introduction of new foods for the baby should be carried out when the baby is 6 months old because drinking only the milk is no longer sufficient for his nutritional needs. Some babies are prepared to ingest solids sooner and therefore with the indication of the pediatrician, also if ...


Lamitor is an anti-epileptic medication that has Lamotrigine as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for individuals who have frequent seizures, since its action consists of altering the functioning of neurotransmitters preventing new crises.


Lamisil is an antifungal medication from the Novartis laboratory, whose active ingredient is Terbinafine. Indications Nail ringworm, athlete's foot, cutaneous candidiasis, infections caused by Tinea capitis, Tinea corporis and Tinea cruris. Contraindications Pregnancy, risk B, breastfeeding and ...
In the BLW method the baby eats cooked food by the hand. See when and how to start, plus what to give your baby to eat.