
Osteopathy is a type of therapy that helps in the recovery of health problems such as back pain, muscle spasms and herniated discs, using techniques similar to massage. Understand what osteopathy is, what it is for and how it is done
Osteosarcoma is a type of malignant bone tumor that is more frequent in children, adolescents and young adults. Check which symptoms may indicate the tumor and how the treatment is done
Sodium Oxacillin (Staficilin-N) is an FDA legalized antibiotic used to combat microorganisms resistant to penicillin. Indications Infections caused by penicillin G-resistant straphylococcus aureus, penumococci and streptococci. Contraindications Allergic people ...
Oxymetazoline is a fast-acting nasal decongestant, relieving the sensation of stuffiness and runny nose. This medicine can be found in pharmacies in nasal spray for adults and children, with the names Nasivin, Afrin or Freenal and is marketed by laboratories ...


Oxycodone is the active substance in an opioid analgesic known commercially as Oxycontin. This medication for oral use is indicated for pain, since it inhibits the transmission of painful impulses. Indications of Oxycodone Pain (moderate and intense). Oxycodone Price The 10 mg box ...
Osteoporosis is characterized by a decrease in bone mass, which appears in adulthood, especially affecting women after menopause. Know the causes
Minancora ointment is widely used to treat various skin problems. Its main compound is zinc oxide, an antiseptic, astringent, moisturizing and healing substance. It also has as its active ingredient Benzalkonium Chloride, and camphor, which have functions ...
Otezia is a medicine that contains apremilast, a substance that blocks the action of an enzyme, called phosphodiesterase 4, which produces molecules of the immune system involved in the inflammation processes that cause psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, which allows to relieve their symptoms. ..
Otociriax contains ciprofloxacin and hydrocortisone, being indicated for bacterial otitis externa. See how to use and when its use is dangerous.
Oxamniquine is the active substance in an anthelmintic drug known commercially as Mansil. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of schistosomiasis Shifts the parasites from the mesenteric veins to the liver, where it is killed by the host's own defenses, the ...
OxyElite Pro is a slimming food supplement with thermogenic action that helps you lose weight, burn fat and define your muscles. In addition, OxyElite Pro also helps to produce more energy during workouts, thus improving your willingness to work out, and helps to inhibit your ...


The pacemaker is a type of device that is implanted in the heart capable of regulating the heartbeat. It is indicated for people who suffer from diseases that generate cardiac arrhythmia, such as bradycardia and tachycardia. In bradycardia the heart beats more slowly than it should, here ...


Oxyfend is a cream that can be used to treat herpes and warts, based on natural substances such as green tea, L Lysine and vitamin E, which is manufactured by the company Ostmann Research LTD, in the United States. Indications of Oxyfend Herpes, genital herpes, genital warts, condyloma, ...


Paclitaxel is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Paclitax. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of cancer, since its action prevents the proliferation of cancer cells, preventing them from spreading to ...
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common problem that affects women at different ages, being more frequent at the beginning of adolescence. Women with this condition usually have irregular periods, are more likely to have complications during pregnancy and have several doubts. Check out...
Pamidronate is the active substance in an anti-hypercalcemic medicine known commercially as Aredia. This injectable medicine is indicated for Paget's disease, osteolysis since it inhibits bone resorption through several mechanisms, mitigating the symptoms of ...
Multifollicular ovaries are characterized by the presence of several cysts within the ovary that can cause symptoms, such as severe cramps, excess hair on the face and changes in the menstrual cycle. Learn more about multifollicular ovaries and the difference for ovaries ...
Pancrelipase is a remedy that contains digestive enzymes that help break down and digest fats, starch and proteins in food, so it is used when the pancreas is unable to produce or release enough digestive enzymes to digest food. Pancrelipase can be ...
Papaverine is the active substance in the medicine known as Dipaverine. This peripheral and cerebral vasodilator acts by relaxing all smooth muscles, causing vasodilation, thus increasing blood flow in the brain. Medicinal product for intravenous administration. Indications of ...
There are currently several remedies to treat infertility, which usually depend on the cause of the problem, which can occur in the process of ovulation, fertilization or fixation of the fertilized egg on the wall of the uterus. See which remedies are used for ovulation
What it is: A late ovulation is considered an ovulation that occurs after the expected period, after the 21st of the menstrual cycle, delaying menstruation, even in women who generally have a regular menstrual period. Generally, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, which has ...
Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive inflammation of the pancreas that causes permanent changes in the shape and functioning of the pancreas, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain and poor digestion. Generally, chronic pancreatitis is caused by excessive alcohol consumption for several years, ...
The ointment containing Nistadine + Zinc Oxide is used for the treatment and prevention of diaper rash because it has an antiseptic, drying and anti-inflammatory action, which facilitates the healing process on the skin. This combination of substance is present in ointments such as Hipoglós, Hiposan and ...
Oxybutynin is a drug indicated to treat urinary incontinence and overactive bladder, also indicated in cases of hyperhidrosis. See when it is indicated and how to take it correctly
Oxandrolone is a steroidal anabolic derived from testosterone. Know what it is for, how to use it and what side effects may occur
Oxymetholone is a drug indicated for the treatment of anemia caused by a deficient production of red blood cells.
Pantoprazole is the active ingredient in the antacid and anti-ulcer remedy used to treat some stomach problems that depend on acid production, such as gastritis or gastric ulcer, for example. Pantoprazole can be purchased in conventional pharmacies without a prescription ...
A blow to the testicles, although it can cause very severe pain, usually does not cause any serious consequences. See what you can do in these cases and what consequences can arise in the most serious cases
Pancuron has in its composition pancuronium bromide, which acts as a muscle relaxant, being used as an aid to general anesthesia. know more
Ovulation is when the egg is released and reaches the fallopian tubes, ready to be fertilized and pregnancy begins. Ovulation occurs during the fertile period in all healthy women. Use the calculator and know the right day
To take care of the newborn at home, parents need to dedicate a lot of time to the baby, as he is very small and fragile and needs a lot of attention. Thus, parents should seek to maintain the newborn's comfort, so that he / she grows strong and healthy, avoiding diseases, such as infections ...
Pancreatin is a medicine known commercially as Creon. This medicine consists of a pancreatic enzyme that is indicated for cases of pancreatic insufficiency and cystic fibrosis, as it helps the body to better absorb nutrients and avoid the lack of vitamins and ...
Pyr-Pam is a drug indicated for the treatment of oxyuriasis, a parasitic infection. Find out what the dosage is, who should not use it and what side effects may occur
Oxygen therapy consists of the administration of extra oxygen and aims to ensure the oxygenation of body tissues. It is indicated when the person has oxygen saturation below 90% and partial oxygen pressure less than 60 mmHg. Learn more about the main types and why ...
White cloth, also called pityriasis versicolor, is an infection of the skin caused by fungi, which is very common in summer and can be treated with antifungal ointments. See which symptoms and ointments can be used in treatment
The 11-month-old baby likes to eat alone and is able to hold the glass with both hands, but also plays a lot at the table. See 4 recipes.
Acute pancreatitis corresponds to inflammation of the pancreas that can lead to abdominal swelling, excessive sweating and increased heart rate, for example. Learn how to identify pancreatitis and how treatment is done.
Dextrocardia is a congenital disorder in which the person is born with the heart on the right side of the body, which can result in complications and interfere with their quality of life. Understand what is dextrocardia and main complications.