
Phosfoenema is a laxative medication that has the active substance Sodium Phosphate. This medicine for rectal use is indicated for the treatment of constipation. Its mechanism of action consists of draining water into the intestine, which is dilated and stimulates the movements that cause ...
Penis dryness refers to when the penis glans lack lubrication and therefore have a dry appearance. Although most cases are not of great significance, in other cases it can be a sign of a serious infection. See the main causes and what to do ...
Egyptian hair removal (with a line) is excellent for removing the shortest and finest hair, but it can be done on the entire body. Learn how to prepare the line for hair removal and follow the steps to be able to do it at home.
Sodium Picosulfate is a laxative remedy that facilitates the functioning of the intestine, stimulating contractions and promoting the accumulation of water in the intestine. Thus, the elimination of feces becomes easier, and is therefore widely used in cases of constipation. Picosulfate ...
Find out how is the fertile period in women with polycystic ovaries.
Despite being a very effective contraceptive method, a woman can become pregnant by taking the contraceptive, which indicates that she can also ovulate at some point in her cycle. Understand when this can happen.
Much of the causes of vision loss can be prevented by simple measures, such as improving eating habits and wearing sunglasses. See what are the main causes of vision loss and how to avoid it.
Phenol peeling consists of removing wrinkles and scars from the skin. See how it is done, how much it costs, and what the result is before and after.
In a 28-day menstrual cycle, the best day to get pregnant is the middle of the cycle, that is, the 14th, counting from the 1st day of menstruation. Find out exactly what your most fertile day is
Periodontil is a medicine that has an association of its active substances, spiramycin and metronidazole, with an anti-infectious action, specific for diseases of the mouth. See what it is for, what dosage and side effects


Pilem is an emergency contraceptive pill used up to 72 hours after unprotected intimate contact, to prevent pregnancy when conception is suspected. The active ingredient in Pilem is levonorgestrel. Pilem is also called the morning-after pill and is produced by the laboratory ...
Periodontitis is a chronic inflammation of the gums that can lead to tooth loss in adulthood if not treated properly. Understand what periodontitis is, how to identify and treat it
Pemphigus is a rare disease that causes blisters to appear on the skin and mouth, leaving wounds that do not heal and can become infected.
Pilocarpine is a medicine to put in the eyes used in the treatment and control of glaucoma and ocular hypertension, and can be used in combination with other eye drops. The active ingredient in Pilocarpine is pilocarpine hydrochloride and is produced by the pharmaceutical laboratory ...
Perjeta is a drug indicated to treat breast cancer in adult women, which must be prescribed and administered by the doctor.
Pimecrolimus is the active substance in an immunomodulatory drug known commercially as Elidel. This topical drug is indicated for atopic dermatitis, improving the symptoms of the infection but with an unknown mechanism of action. Indications for Pimecrolimus Dermatitis ...
Perlutan is an injectable contraceptive for monthly use, which has in its composition acetophenide algestone and estradiol enanthate. See what it is for, how to take it, who should not take it and what are the side effects of this medication


Pinavério is an antispasmodic medication known commercially as Dicetel. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of Colitis and Biliary Dyskinesia, since its action relaxes the smooth muscles, decreasing the contraction (spasm). Indications of Pinavério Colitis; ...
Potassium permanganate is an antiseptic substance with antibacterial and antifungal action, which can be used to clean the skin with wounds, abscesses or chicken pox, for example, and facilitate skin healing. Potassium permanganate can be found in pharmacies, in ...


Pinnothin is a product of natural origin, which reduces appetite. It is used as an aid in weight loss diets and is commercially available in compounding pharmacies in powder form. Its active substance is pinolenic acid which is taken from the chestnut of a pine tree. This one...
The man's fertile period begins at about 12 years of age, which is when the male sexual organs are already mature and are able to produce viable sperm. Know how old a man is fertile.
Pipram is an oral bactericide used that eliminates gram-negative bacteria from the genitourinary system. This medicine has similar effects under the names of balurol, pipurol or uroxin. Indications Urinary infection; prostate infection. Side effects Skin rash; ...
Pharmaton is a multivitamin and multimineral used to treat problems of physical and mental tiredness caused by lack of vitamins or malnutrition. In its composition, Pharmaton contains ginseng extract, complex vitamins B, C, D, E and A, and minerals such as iron, calcium or ...


Piperazine is an anthelmintic that blocks the parasite's muscle response, paralyzing it and facilitating its elimination while still alive through the faeces. Indications Ascariasis; oxyuriasis. Side effects lack of appetite; nausea; vomiting. Contraindications Seizure; hypersensitivity ...


Pipurol is a urinary antibacterial medication that has Pipemidic acid as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of urinary and prostate infections, since it acts on the bacterium's DNA and reduces the symptoms of the infection. Indications of ...
Laxatives are remedies that stimulate intestinal contractions, favoring the elimination of feces and temporarily fighting constipation. Although it helps to decrease the symptoms of constipation, taking more than 1 laxative tablet per week can be harmful to health, ...
Find out which is the best day of the cycle to get pregnant, what is the most appropriate age and which positions favor fertilization
Pyrazinamide is known commercially as Pyrazinon. This medication is an oral bactericide, widely used in the treatment for tuberculosis, when the initial medications do not work. Pyrazinamide must be combined with other medicines to be effective against ...
Black Pholia is a herbal medicine widely used to help with weight loss, as it is able to increase satiety and fat burning. Find out what black Pholia is and what it is for.
Daraprim is an antimalarial medicine that uses pyrimethamine as an active ingredient, being able to inhibit the production of enzymes by the protozoan responsible for malaria, thus treating the disease. Daraprim can be purchased in conventional pharmacies with a prescription in the form of ...
The wasp bite is usually very uncomfortable as it causes severe pain, swelling and intense redness at the sting site. Understand what to do to relieve symptoms and what symptoms to watch for in the hospital
It is recommended to take 2 capsules of chromium polyvinate daily, in a dose that can reach up to 600 mcg of elemental chromium. Know its side effects.
Plan 30 dias is a herbal tea based on Cássia Angustifólia and Peumus Boldus prepared to last 1 month that helps you lose weight naturally due to its laxative and diuretic action. Indications of the Plan 30 days Weight loss, fight obesity, weight maintenance, reduce swelling, ...