
Genetic counseling is a multiprofessional process that aims to identify genetic changes and verify the probability of being transmitted to family members, as well as the risk and prevention methods. Find out what genetic counseling consists of.


What it is: Adenitis, popularly called a tongue, is the inflammation of some lymph node in the body that can be caused by several factors such as acute infections or chronic diseases, for example. Symptoms of Adenitis Fever; Cold feeling. Slight flushing of the skin; Sore lump that can ...
ADE is an injectable medicine for veterinary use composed of an oil containing vitamins A, D and E to combat deficiencies in these vitamins and prevent infections in animals. However, if applied directly to the human muscle, such as the biceps, for example, it causes a severe inflammation that ...
Actinomycosis is a disease that can be acute or chronic and is rare and invasive, caused by bacteria of the genus Actinomyces spp. Know the causes, possible symptoms that may arise and how the treatment is done
Cervical adenitis corresponds to the inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the neck and usually happens due to infections. Understand what cervical adenitis is and what the main symptoms are.
Demerara sugar undergoes light processing, but it is not refined like white sugar and has no added substances to lighten its color. However, it is also rich in calories and should be consumed in small amounts.
Addison's disease is characterized by a decrease in hormones produced by the adrenal and adrenal glands, causing symptoms such as generalized fatigue, excessive desire to consume salt and weakness. Learn more about Addison's disease and how it is treated.
Adenoids are accumulations of immune system tissue in the throat region. When they become very enlarged and infected, they can be removed with surgery. See the main symptoms and when surgery is indicated.
Bacterial adenitis is common in children, but it can also occur in adults, due to infection of the ganglia by bacteria. Know how to identify and treat.
There are several causes that can be the source of the headache when waking up. See which ones and know what to do
Mesenteric adenitis, or mesenteric lymphadenitis, is an inflammation of the lymph nodes in the mesentery, connected to the intestine, which results from an infection usually caused by bacteria or viruses, leading to the onset of severe abdominal pain. Know the causes and how to treat
Some components that are added to industrialized products to make them more beautiful, delicious, colorful and also increase their shelf life can be bad for your health, causing diarrhea, hypertension, allergy and even cancer, for example. So before you buy ...
Stevia is a natural sweetener that sweetens much more than sugar and does not contain sweeteners. See the main doubts and rest assured.
Drill aphasia is a neurological disorder in which there is involvement of the region of the brain responsible for language, the drill area. Learn how to identify drill aphasia and how treatment is done
Hydrogen peroxide is a good disinfectant and there are some situations in which it can be used, such as: To clean and disinfect the kitchen and some utensils, such as meat boards or the bathroom, as hydrogen peroxide kills some bacteria or microorganisms; To keep toothbrushes ...
Hepatic adenoma is a rare type of tumor in the liver that can be identified during routine examinations. Although it does not cause symptoms, it can rupture and cause internal bleeding, putting life at risk. See when it can be severe and what treatment is indicated
Agenesis of the corpus callosum is a disease that occurs when the nerve fibers that compose it do not form correctly, making it difficult to transmit information between the cerebral hemispheres. Find out what the symptoms are, how the treatment is done and what to do to help in the problems of ...
To prevent the elderly from falling and a serious fracture, it may be necessary to make some adjustments to the house, eliminating dangers and making the rooms safer. For this it is recommended to remove carpets or put support bars in the bathroom, to facilitate the bath and the use of the vase ...
Wernicke's aphasia, also known as fluent, sensory or receptive aphasia, is characterized by a change in verbal communication due to a brain injury in the Wernicke area, located in the cerebral cortex. know more
In addition to contamination by fungi, bacteria, insects and the hair of rats, food can also contain chemical additives that further damage health.
Although it is often used to calm down, there is no scientific evidence that sugar water has a calming effect. Understand the rationale behind this theory and discover some options to relax
Agar-agar is a gelling agent of vegetable origin that can be used to produce gelatin or to increase the consistency of mousses, creams or other sweets. When consumed in capsule form it can be used to lose weight or cleanse the intestine as it has a laxative effect
Adrenaline is a hormone with various effects on the body, leaving you on the alert. Find out how it is produced and the effects.
Foods like honey and coconut sugar, and natural sweeteners like Stevia and Xylitol are natural alternatives to replace white sugar. See others.
Ajinomoto is a seasoning composed of monosodium glutamate, an intensifier of the flavor of food. See its side effects and how to use it without risk.
Chromium helps you lose weight because it lessens the feeling of hunger and increases the production of muscles in the body. See how to consume.
Albuminuria corresponds to the presence of albumin in the urine, which in most cases is indicative of kidney problems. Understand what albuminuria is, main causes and how treatment is done.
Metabolic alkalosis is when the blood pH becomes more basic (greater than 7.45). It can be caused by vomiting, diarrhea, or consumption of excess bicarbonate. Check out other causes and find out what the symptoms are, how the body tries to compensate and how the treatment is.
The best time to take albumin is before bed, as this protein has a slow absorption and will help in the formation of muscles. See how much to take.