The gases in the baby usually appear two weeks after birth due to the fact that the digestive system is still in the process of developing. However it is possible to prevent or decrease the formation of gases in the baby, in addition to preventing the onset of cramps, which usually accompany ...
Having good posture is essential to prevent damage to the spine and improve the quality of life. Check out some tips to have the correct posture.
The correct sitting posture should be with your back erect or a slight tilt of your hips forward and your shoulders back. Check the details here.
Some foods should be eaten every day because they are foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, such as whole grains, fish, fruits and vegetables, which help in the correct functioning of the body, helping to prevent degenerative diseases, such as cancer, high blood pressure, ...
For the diet to not fail and to be able to lose everything you want quickly, in addition to complying with the diet: Choose a suitable phase of life and when it is possible to do the diet, for example after a vacation or party; Make a diet that you can stick to, balanced and adapted to ...
Pineapple is a great home remedy for rheumatism, as it is a fruit rich in vitamin C. But as this vitamin is very volatile and is lost quickly, it is recommended to consume the pineapple as soon as it is opened, in its natural form. An economical way to enjoy all the pineapple is ...
The swelling in the legs is not only very uncomfortable, making it difficult to move but also makes the skin more flabby and can even cause inflammation, so it should be treated as soon as possible. Some simple but very effective steps to combat swelling in the legs and ...
Verminosis is a disease caused by the presence of parasites in the body and can be prevented by washing the hands properly, for example. Learn how to prevent and what are the main worms
Disc protrusion is a change that occurs between the spine's vertebrae and causes symptoms such as pain and discomfort. Better understand what it is, what can cause this problem and how the treatment is done
To reduce menstrual cramps, which usually cause severe pain and discomfort, a few simple tricks can be used, such as placing a bag of warm water on the abdomen, drinking ginger tea with valerian or eliminating caffeine from food, for example. See other options
Perianal abscess is the formation of a cavity full of pus in the region around the anus, caused by the proliferation of bacteria. To treat, it is necessary for the surgeon to drain as soon as possible. Learn to identify the symptoms of anal abscess, how is the treatment and ...
Periamygdalian abscess results from the complication of tonsillitis, and is characterized by an extension of the infection located in the amygdala, to structures around it. Know the causes and what the treatment consists of
To lose weight effortlessly you need to eat every 3 hours and sleep at least 8 hours a night. See other tips to follow the diet and lose weight without suffering.
A groin abscess, also known as an inguinal abscess, is an accumulation of pus that develops in the groin, which is located between the thigh and the trunk. This abscess is usually caused by an infection at the site, which may increase in size and become inflamed. know more
Cerebral abscess is an accumulation of pus, caused by bacteria, fungi or parasites, that invade the brain. It causes symptoms such as headache, vomiting, seizures or loss of strength, and treatment should be done as soon as possible with antibiotics and brain drain. Check out...
Liver abscess is an infection of the liver that can be caused by different microorganisms. Know the causes, signs and symptoms and how the treatment is done. Know what an amoebic liver abscess is
The absorption of most nutrients occurs in the small intestine, but diseases such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism can hinder absorption. See more.
Mites are small animals that can be found easily at home, especially on mattresses, bedding and pillows, causing mainly respiratory diseases. Know the main diseases caused by mites and how to eliminate them
Chard fights constipation, stomach pain and eliminates purple skin marks. See more benefits and how to prepare delicious recipes.
Wearing light clothes, eating salad, doing physical activity at the correct time or using sunscreen are some of the tips that help to keep you cool during the summer. See the complete list and protect yourself from summer diseases
Cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart attack or stroke, can be avoided by adopting a healthy lifestyle, either through the practice of regular exercise, food or quitting smoking, for example. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the ...
Pumpkin is low in calories and rich in fiber, bringing benefits such as improved vision and immunity. See more benefits and recipes
The central venous catheter is a medical procedure that places a catheter in a large vein in the body, to infuse large amounts of serum, medication, make blood transfusions or hemodialysis, for example. Find out how it is done, the main types and the most important care
Acinetobacter sp. is an opportunistic and multidrug-resistant bacterium that is often associated with infections in the health environment. Understand how Acinetobacter infection happens, how is the diagnosis and treatment