In wheat allergy, when the organism comes in contact with wheat, it triggers an exaggerated immune response as if wheat were an aggressive agent. To confirm food allergy to wheat, a blood test or skin test is done. Allergy to wheat, in general, starts in baby and ...
Symptoms of shrimp allergy can appear immediately or a few hours after eating the shrimp, swelling in areas of the face such as eyes, lips, mouth and throat is common. In the most severe cases, the allergy can cause an overreaction called anaphylaxis
Celery is an excellent natural diuretic. Learn how to use this vegetable to lose weight in just 3 days.
The chocolate allergy is not actually related to the candy itself, but to some of the ingredients that are present in chocolate, such as milk, cocoa or peanuts. See what symptoms can arise and how treatment is done
Flavored water is a great option for those who have difficulty drinking water during the day, but it can also be used by people who cannot leave soft drinks or industrialized juices. See some simple recipes and what are the benefits
Feeding the baby with low weight, who is born with less than 2.5 kg, is made with breast milk or artificial milk indicated by the pediatrician. However, it is normal for a baby born with low feet to always have a lower weight when compared to other babies of the same age, usually during the ...
The anti-inflammatory diet should be rich in flaxseed, avocado and seeds, which are rich in good fats like omega 3 which improves the inflammatory response and also increases the feeling of satiety and helps you lose weight. In addition, chronic diseases such as alzheimer's, arthritis and even ...
In feeding after kidney transplantation it is important to avoid raw foods rich in salt and sugar to avoid rejection of the transplanted kidney. See more.
Check out a 3-day menu and 5 snack recipes for those who have kidney failure and are not on dialysis.
The entrance exam is intended to help the candidate to have more mental energy and concentration when studying, however, it should also help the student to relax and rest well when necessary, so that the brain remains receptive to more information.
Feeding pigeons on the street can be bad for your health due to the countless bacteria and microorganisms that these animals have, which can leave humans susceptible to diseases such as mycoses, salmonellosis, cryptococcosis, ornithosis and dermatitis, in addition to having lice that they usually can also. ..
Feeding for urinary tract infection is part of the home treatment, and includes water and diuretic-enhancing foods that strengthen immunity
The elderly's diet must consider the level of mobility and the ability to chew and swallow. Anyway, the more varied and natural the food, the more nutritious it will be. Another very important point is the hydration that must be imposed even if the elderly ...
Feeding for intestinal polyps serves to decrease the appearance of new intestinal polyps, which are small benign tumors that appear in the intestine and can cause bleeding after bowel movements. Thus, the diet must be low in saturated fats that are, ...
In allergy to nickel, it is necessary to avoid excessive consumption of foods such as bananas, peanuts and chocolate, in addition to avoiding the use of objects rich in nickel, such as earrings, watches and kitchen utensils with nickel. Find out what the main symptoms are and what exam to take to be sure ...
Some foods produce less carbon dioxide as a result of their digestion, thus requiring less lung work to eliminate this gas. Then follows a list of the most recommended foods to eat during the period of bronchitis crisis, and also the least recommended.
The athlete's nutrition is an essential part of the strategies to obtain optimal results, varying according to the modality practiced, the intensity of the training, the times and the approximation of the dates of the competitions.
Foods that can increase the risk of toxoplasmosis are those most likely to be contaminated by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, such as rare meat, for example. In addition, to avoid contamination it is also important to take care when handling meat ...
Food strengthens the immune system, reduces side effects of medications and also prevents heart disease, diabetes and liver problems.
Foods for phenylketonurics are especially those that have lower amounts of the amino acid phenylalanine, such as fruits and vegetables because patients with this disease are unable to metabolize that amino acid. Some industrialized products have information on their labels ...
Acidic foods are those that promote an increase in the level of acidity in the blood, making the body work harder to maintain blood pH. know more
The gluten-free and casein-free diet can relieve common intestinal changes in autism, in addition to improving the symptoms of the disease. Know when to do it.
Food for those suffering from gouty arthritis, also popularly called 'gout', helps to reduce pain and consists of reducing the intake of some protein-rich foods, such as some meats and seafood, and increasing water consumption. These foods are rich in purines, ...
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