
The PPD exam is done in the laboratory with a small injection under the skin of the forearm and is indicated in case of suspicion and also to indicate a cure.
The pressure on the head can be a sign of some situations like stress or poor posture, but it can indicate the presence of some diseases like migraine or sinusitis. Learn more about pressure in the head and what to do
The correct posture avoids the belly because when the muscles, bones and joints are properly positioned, which makes the fat better distributed. Good posture favors the work of the erector muscles of the spine and the abdominals act as a kind of natural brace ...
Filariasis is a disease that is caused by the presence of parasites in the body, which normally live and develop in the lymphatic system. See how these parasites transmit and how to fight
In order not to catch yellow fever, it is important to invest in prevention, such as getting vaccinated, using repellents and avoiding mosquito outbreaks, know all the details
The prevention of oxyurus should be done mainly with hygiene measures, in addition to washing bedding and bathing clothes regularly. See how to prevent oxyurus infection
Prolotherapy, or injectable therapy, is a medical technique used to treat joint pain. The technique consists of using injections to regenerate injured tissues, such as inflamed tendons and ligaments, which cause pain and discomfort to the patient. Prolotherapy involves ...
Some spine problems can cause headaches because when there is a change in the cervical spine the tension accumulated in the muscles of the upper back and neck takes the painful stimulus to the brain, which responds by generating headache, which in this case is called in...
The fleeting proctalgia corresponds to the involuntary contraction of the muscles of the anus that lasts a few minutes but can be quite painful. See what the symptoms are and how the treatment is done.
Heavy metals are substances present in nature that can cause poisoning in the body. For example, consuming water and food contaminated with mercury can cause this metal to accumulate in the body, which can cause kidney failure and brain damage. See the symptoms of the 6 ...
Genital prolapse, also known as vaginal prolapse, occurs when the muscles that support female organs in the pelvis weaken, causing the uterus, urethra, bladder and rectum to descend through the vagina. know more
The most common diseases that affect the spine include herniated discs, low back pain and osteoarthritis. Its symptoms include back pain, which can cause tingling
Uterine prolapse can happen in women with weakened pelvic floor muscles, as it does after multiple births, in cases of obesity or after menopause. See the symptoms that may indicate a prolapse, even if small, and how the treatment is done
Nail polish, sunscreen, foundation or concealer are examples of some everyday products that contain toxic agents for the body. Know more.
Proctitis is an inflammation of the rectum and anus, which can have several causes, from infections, reaction to treatments, allergies or even an autoimmune disease. This inflammation causes bleeding from the intestine, mucus health and pain in the region. Know how to identify and treat
Skipping meals does not lose weight because it will make you more hungry and eat more food at the next meal. When skipping a meal, the body goes on alert and waits for the next meal to absorb all the nutrients, especially sugar and ...
What they are: Breast implants are silicone or gel structures that are used by women who have undergone surgery for breast removal, mastectomy, but not reconstruction or by women who have very different breasts in size or shape, being the prostheses indicated in these ...
Surgery for knee arthrosis consists of placing a prosthesis in that location to reduce pain and deformities. See how the knee prosthesis surgery is done and what the post-operative is like
High reactive C protein indicates the presence of some inflammation or infection in the body. Values ​​up to 10 mg / L can indicate flu or cold, and more than 40 mg / L can be a bacterial infection, so the doctor should be consulted to identify the cause and initiate appropriate treatment
The snare test is an exam used in dengue, which indicates the fragility of blood vessels. See how it is done and how to understand the results.
Proprioception is the body's own ability to assess where it is in order to maintain the perfect balance while standing, moving or making efforts. A good exercise is to stand with one foot on the floor and close your eyes. See more examples.
Vegan proteins are usually produced from foods such as soy, rice and peas, and can be used to supplement the diet and to promote muscle mass gain. Learn how to choose the best option.
Psychomotricity is a type of therapy that works especially with children and adolescents, with games and exercises to achieve therapeutic purposes. Some examples of games are playing hopscotch, stacking glasses and jumping rope. Learn more examples and the objectives of each one.
Psychobiotics are good intestinal bacteria that can help prevent the development of mental illnesses such as depression. See how they work.
Prolactin may be increased in women with polycystic ovary syndrome or it may occur as a consequence of using some medications. Find out what high prolactin can mean and why it can happen
What it is: Psittacosis, also known as Ornithosis or Parrot Fever, is a highly infectious disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci, which is present in birds, especially parrots, macaws and parakeets, for example. When people come into contact with this bacterium, ...
In precocious puberty the girl menstruates before the age of 9 and the boy can have ejaculations before the age of 8. Learn why it happens.
What it is: PSA, known as Prostatic Specific Antigen, is an enzyme produced by prostate cells whose concentration may indicate changes in the prostate, such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy or prostate cancer, for example. The PSA exam is simple and painless and ...
What it is: Henöch-Schönlein purpura, also known as PHS, is a disease that causes inflammation of small blood vessels in the skin, resulting in small red patches on the skin, pain in the belly and joint pain. However, inflammation can also happen in the vessels ...
Throat pus is usually a sign of throat infection. See what are the most common causes of treatment. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, in conjunction with homemade teas are some of the options to cure pus in the throat
Lumbar puncture is a procedure that consists of taking a sample of cerebrospinal fluid by inserting a needle between two lumbar vertebrae, to detect infections or diseases or to administer medications. See what it is for, what the technique consists of and ...
Tendinitis is inflammation of the tendon, the final part of the muscle that attaches to the bone, and bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa, a small pocket filled with synovial fluid that serves as a "cushion" for certain structures such as tendons and bony prominences. It works by avoiding contact with ...