Bile reflux, also known as duodenogastric reflux, occurs when bile, which is a liquid produced by the liver to make digestion, returns to the stomach or even the esophagus. Know the causes, symptoms and what the treatment consists of.
The consumption of detox juices is a great way to detoxify the body and stay healthy, reduce fluid retention, as well as to prepare you for weight loss diets. See easy-to-prepare juice recipes
Several conventional dishes can be adapted to the vegan version, using foods of plant origin instead of animal origin. Check out 7 easy and delicious recipes to include on the menu if you're trying to avoid eating meat
The Dukan Diet was developed for those who want to lose weight and is divided into 4 different phases: attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization. Check out 12 delicious recipe options to help you through each of these stages
The remedies for colic and PMS - Premenstrual Tension should be used under the recommendation of the gynecologist. Some examples of remedies for colic and PMS are: Contraceptive: prevent ovulation and balance hormone levels, reducing PMS symptoms; Anti-inflammatory, such as ...
Check out the names of remedies that work up an appetite and also muscle-building supplements
Remedies for menstrual cramps are used to relieve pain and discomfort. Find out which remedies are most used and see which natural measures help the treatment
To treat osteoarthritis, the doctor may prescribe medications, such as anti-inflammatories, pain relievers, ointments and injections, as well as natural ways to relieve symptoms. Know which
Medicines for metabolic syndrome are prescribed by the doctor when the patient is unable to lose weight, lower sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood and reduce blood pressure with food and exercise alone. See what are the remedies
Kidney pain can be treated with analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic or even antibiotic drugs. However, home remedies that can soothe the pain can also be used. See which ones.
The discharge is a normal vaginal discharge, but it can sometimes change, such as a change in color or the appearance of a bad smell. Check which remedies the gynecologist can recommend for each type of discharge and how they should be used
To treat HPV you can apply medicines at home, such as ointments, or go to the doctor's office to destroy the warts.
There are several remedies that can be used to treat migraines, such as Sumax, Cefaliv, Cefalium, Aspirin or paracetamol, for example, which must be prescribed by the doctor and, in some cases, preventive treatment may be necessary. See when and know what other medications ...
Find out which remedies are most suitable for lowering fever in adults, babies, children and pregnant women
The remedies for labyrinthitis, must be prescribed by the neurologist or otorhinolaryngologist and used according to your prescription. See which remedies are most used
Otosporim and Panotil are some examples, see more names of pharmacy remedies and also some home remedy options.
Penicillin is the best choice, but in case of allergy you can desensitize to penicillin or use other antibiotics. Understand.
Using a good lice shampoo can be enough to eliminate lice and nits, but there are also remedies to eliminate lice and natural solutions, which are also very effective. Learn how to get rid of this evil once and for all.
The use of a PMS remedy - premenstrual tension, attenuates the symptoms and leaves the woman more calm and calm, but for it to have the expected effect, it must be used according to the gynecologist's guidance. Good examples are birth control pills and natural tranquilizers like ...
To combat a hangover, it may be necessary to resort to medications that relieve characteristic symptoms, such as headache, general malaise, tiredness and nausea. Know what to take
The remedies used against oxyurus fight worms because they prevent their reproduction, which relieves itching and discomfort. However, these should only be used after the recommendation of the doctor, who will prescribe the most suitable medicine for the person, taking into account their age and ...
Some of the remedies that help to quit alcohol addiction are Dissultiram and Natrexona. See more natural and pharmacy examples
Osteoporosis medications do not cure the disease, but they can help slow bone loss or maintain bone density and reduce the risk of fractures, which is very common in this disease. See which remedies are commonly used to treat osteoporosis
Find out what antibiotics are usually prescribed to treat cystitis and find out about other medications that can be used to complement treatment. See also how to treat interstitial cystitis
Find out which medications are indicated for spinal pain relief. Also learn how to prepare home remedies and what natural tips can help treatment
Diuretics such as Furosemide, Hydrochlorothiazide or Spironolactone are drugs that increase the volume of urine produced, reducing the amount of fluid circulating in the bloodstream, thus decreasing the pressure in the arteries and the swelling caused by fluid retention. Know ...
Check out the remedies indicated for sinusitis, which are usually prescribed by the doctor, in addition to the natural options that can be used at home
Medicines to treat uterine fibroids help to reduce their size, decrease bleeding and relieve pain. See which remedies are most used
Medicines to prevent puberty decrease the production of some hormones that are responsible for the sexual development of boys and girls
To treat and prevent gout, medicines such as anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, corticosteroids and drugs that inhibit the production of uric acid and increase its elimination, such as allopurinol and probenecid, respectively, are usually needed. See more remedies and what are the effects ...
There are several treatment options for varicose veins, which can be done with pharmacy remedies, home remedies, creams or medical procedures like laser or surgery. see more
Rheumatism remedies relieve pain, swelling and discomfort in the legs, hands, knees or body. See what medications to take and homemade options