
It is an anti-inflammatory that relieves pain and inflammation in cases of arthritis in the form of pills.
Asmapen is a medication with aminophylline in its composition, indicated for the symptomatic relief of acute bronchial asthma and for the treatment of reversible bronchospasm associated with chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Learn how to use and what are the most common side effects
Muay Thai, anything goes and krav maga are types of fights that strengthen the muscles and help in self-defense in dangerous situations. Learn other examples


Atroveran Compound is an analgesic and antispasmodic medication indicated for painful processes and colic. Papaverine hydrochloride, sodium dipyrone and Atropa belladonna fluid extract are the main components of Atroveran Compound. Atroveran Compound can be found in the ...
Atelectasis is a lung complication that can cause difficulty breathing, coughing and chest pain. Better understand what this condition is, what symptoms to watch out for and how treatment is done
For many people, anxiety and panic attacks may seem the same, however there are significant differences between them, and it is possible to recognize them. While anxiety has a longer duration, the panic attack is more intense, it starts abruptly and lasts in the ...
Aortic atheromatosis occurs when fatty plaques accumulate in the aortic artery, increasing the risk of complications such as infarction, stroke or thrombosis. Better understand what this condition is, why it happens and how treatment can be done
Physical activity helps to relieve back pain as it strengthens the back muscles, stretches the muscles and helps to correct posture.
Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease of the blood vessels that, if not properly treated, can cause very serious complications, such as a heart attack or stroke. Better understand what atherosclerosis is, why it happens, what symptoms can arise and how treatment is done
Exercise-induced asthma is a type of asthma that arises after doing some vigorous physical activity, such as running or swimming, causing symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing or dry cough, for example. Generally, exercise-induced asthma starts around 6 to 8 ...


It is used to improve breathing mainly by people with asthma or bronchitis and is used as a pump.
Atorvastatin is the active ingredient in a medicine known as Lipitor or Citalor, which has the function of reducing the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. This remedy is part of the class of drugs known as statins, used to lower cholesterol levels in the ...
Aubagio is a medicine indicated for the treatment of people with recurrent forms of multiple sclerosis. See how to use, when not to use and what are the most common side effects of this medication
Atropine is an injectable medicine generally used in hospitals when it is necessary to stimulate the nervous system, in case of arrhythmia or Parkinson's. Learn more indications, effects and contraindications.
Azathioprine is a medication known commercially as Imunem and Imuran. This oral medication, increases the production of antibodies and helps to reduce inflammation, being very effective in the treatment of patients who have had organ transplants. Indications of Azathioprine Hepatitis ...
Tecentriq is a medicine with atezolizumab used to treat some advanced cases of bladder cancer during chemotherapy sessions. Know its effects
The main way to know if your baby is eating well is through weight gain. The baby should be weighed with an interval of 15 days and the baby's weight should always increase. Other ways to assess the baby's diet can be: Clinical Evaluation - the baby must show itself ...
Breast augmentation for those who do not want the use of silicone implants can be done, mainly, with the application of hyaluronic acid by the plastic surgeon, but its effect lasts up to 2 years, as the body absorbs the product and for this reason needs to be repeated after this time.
An excellent aesthetic treatment to increase breasts without surgery is the application of hyaluronic acid, also known as Macrolane, which consists of giving injections to the breasts under local anesthesia, and the results can be seen right at the end of the treatment session. This one...
Testicular self-examination is an exam that the man himself can do to search for changes in the genital organ, being useful to identify early the development of infections or even cancer. See step-by-step instructions and what signs to watch out for
Developmental delay happens when the baby does not start to sit, crawl or walk, at a predetermined stage, like other babies of the same age. This can happen due to infections during pregnancy, genetic syndrome or lack of oxygenation
The Jump class slims and fights cellulite because it spends a lot of calories and tones the legs and glutes, fighting the localized fat that gives rise to cellulite. In a 45 minute Jump class it is possible to lose up to 600 calories. The exercises are performed on a "mini trampoline", which ...
Spinal muscular atrophy is a rare serious genetic disease that affects movement and breathing. There are 4 different types of severity and treatment is always indicated according to the limitations of each person. See the characteristics of each type and the treatment


Aztreonam is a bactericide known commercially as Azactam. This injectable drug is effective in treating infections in general caused by bacteria such as cystitis and bronchitis. The drug acts by changing the mechanism of action of the bacteria eliminating it from the body and ...


Azatadine is an antiallergic medication, which acts by inhibiting the mechanism of action of histamine, which during an allergic reaction causes the symptoms of pain, swelling and redness. This medication is administered orally and provides greater effectiveness when combined with other ...
Ayurvedic medicine is an alternative therapy, which works with the use of herbs, massages and food for the prevention and treatment of diseases.
Azelastine is an antiallergic remedy that acts by binding to histamine receptors, decreasing the allergic response and relieving symptoms such as runny nose, redness of the eyes and itchy nose, 30 minutes after its application. Azelastine can be purchased at conventional pharmacies ...
Physical activity for pregnancy should be light and relaxing and can be performed daily, but always respecting the woman's limitations. The best physical activities for pregnancy include walking, water aerobics; swimming, yoga; exercise bike and exercise ...
Physical activity for the elderly helps to strengthen the muscles, helping to walk better, preventing diseases such as osteoporosis, depression and diabetes. The benefits of physical activity also include: Prevents and helps fight diseases such as hypertension, strokes, varicose veins, obesity, ...
Astigmatism is a problem in the eyes that makes you see very blurred objects, causing headaches and eye fatigue. If you think you may suffer from astigmatism, try our free trial! See also its causes and what treatment options are available


Bactoderm is a topical medication that has Neomycin Sulfate as its active ingredient. This medicine is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections of the skin or mucous membranes, such as inflamed pimples, wounds and abscesses. Bactoderm acts by preventing growth and ...
It serves to treat asthma and is used orally.
Bamifillin is indicated for the treatment of lung diseases, and it is recommended to take 1 tablet of 600 mg or 2 tablets of 300 mg, twice a day.
Lowering cholesterol improves sexual performance by helping to improve blood circulation contributing to increased libido and in addition the use of drugs to control cholesterol also help in the treatment of erectile dysfunction because they can facilitate erection. Beyond...


Understand what autism is and find out if the symptoms your child has can indicate. Know what to do in this situation.
Olive oil contributes to the reduction of the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood because it has properties that prevent the oxidation of cholesterol and the formation of atheroma plaques inside the arteries, in addition to having vitamin E, phenolic compounds and flavonoids that are powerful antioxidants and. ..